本帖最后由 pe782665271 于 2017-12-15 18:25 编辑GENERAL
- New item graphics
- Heroes are preselected when entering a new map
- Fixed a questlog bug in Aonir's Blade when the player did not choose any side
- Fixed a dialogue bug that would stop an intro dialogue in the final mission
- Fixed a dialogue bug that would stop an important dialogue in The Nexus
- Fixed a dialogue bug that would stop the player from completing The Golden Road
- Fixed player not being able to talk to some NPCs for Corrupted Hearts quest
- Fixed essential NPCs for the Corrupted Hearts quest not being immortal
- Fixed player not being able to turn in Fragments of the Phoenix after collecting all of them
- Fixed player not being able to talk to Undergast for the "The World Within" quest
- Fixed player being permanently uncontrollable after talking to Angar after making certain story choices
- Fixed several issues causing your companion's personal quests to become stuck
- Fixed workers having issues approaching fish resource deposits after loading a savegame
- Fixed selection frame remaining visible when casting spell while dragging
- Fixed incorrect directions being displayed when trying to turn certain pillars
- Fixed savegames in Iskander Wilds where Angar is missing
- Fixed item "Noria's Command" to now apply its bonus to all weapons
- Fixed rare bug that could lead to factions not being correctly restored after loading a game
- Fixed possible memory corrupting bug that could lead to crashed or desyncs
- Fixed players being able to travel directly from Unknown Island to Iskander Wilds (unfortunately you will have to load a savegame from the Unknown Island or before if you were affected by this bug)
- T3 Enemy RTS units damage in campaign scales properly to difficulty levels now
- Fixed an issue that would cause the game to crash immediately on startup on certain systems
- Reworked most enemy RTS heroes in campaign •重做战役中的敌军英雄
- Efficiency of Leadership Auras reduced •领导光环效率降低
- Clarity: Reduced amount of focus gained when the effect triggers. The effect can now also only trigger every 2 seconds. •减少精力恢复效果,效果现在每2秒才能触发一次。
- Avatar: Cooldown increased to 30 seconds from 15 seconds •冷却时间由15秒增加到30秒(话说阿凡达是什么鬼技能。。。。) 沒減弱很多啊.. 妈的,附加效果都给和谐了.但主角还是可以当光环王 本帖最后由 computer02 于 2017-12-15 21:26 编辑
Avatar的意思是化身, 玩家創造的角色就是=你的化身 avatar我记得是头像的意思,还有war3里山丘的天神下凡 Avatar是戒律的大招,15秒内无敌+普通攻击变AOE