【減少小人互動延遲,卡頓, 呆站MOD】 [最新1.66版可用]轉自SrslySims 10月12更新
本帖最后由 26992880 于 2020-10-12 22:19 编辑适用版本:3DM版上最新版本 / 1.66 (星球大战-巴图之旅適用)
作者改变了游戏的模拟方法,使人物消除了 因为大量自主行为意识引起的模拟延迟
UPDATE 3-5-18: Autonomy lag should (hopefully) be fixed.
This is an update to SimmyTheSim's Simulation Lag Fix to the latest patch.
As per SimmyTheSim's description:
"This mod alters the game's simulation so that sim autonomy does not cause massive simulation lag in instances where there are many autonomy requests.
This should eliminate, or at the very least, alleviate, the following problems:
sims head bobbing, sims doing nothing for a few hours, time slowing down on Speed 3, and time going back to the past."
Differences from the old mod:
[*]The MAX_TIME_SLICE_MILLISECONDS variable is now a tunable XML in the latest version
[*]Only two Python functions are overridden.
UPDATE 06/09/17: Fixed constant exceptions bug. Please redownload.
This is an update to SimmyTheSim's Simulation Lag Fix to the latest patch.
As per SimmyTheSim's description:
"This mod alters the game's simulation so that sim autonomy does not cause massive simulation lag in instances where there are many autonomy requests.
This should eliminate, or at the very least, alleviate, the following problems:
sims head bobbing, sims doing nothing for a few hours, time slowing down on Speed 3, and time going back to the past."
Differences from the old mod:
[*]The MAX_TIME_SLICE_MILLISECONDS variable is now a tunable XML in the latest version
[*]Only two Python functions are overridden.
解壓後把Packagge和Script檔放在Mod文件夾下就可以, 必須解壓。
沙发?谢谢LZ!!:lol:lol:lol {:3_125:}先留着 等更新完 我再下 :'(下不了,先顶顶! 非常感谢!~!!先下载啦 感谢多谢分享 刚好需要呢 thank you…………{:3_110:} 666666666666666666666 小人经常蠢蠢的傻站着,下载看看,谢谢分享 这个真好:lol:lol:lol 本帖最后由 雪中痕迹 于 2017-9-11 21:53 编辑
直接不用解压扔MODS文件夹就行了吗? 本帖最后由 26992880 于 2017-9-23 18:22 编辑
雪中痕迹 发表于 2017-9-11 21:39
需要解壓, 解壓後2個文件直接放入MOD文件夾內就可以 棒棒哒,这个很实用!!! 负担多少的份上道德规范的水果梵蒂冈梵蒂冈发电公司刚收到发给是
感谢!!!!!!!! 有旧版本能用的么,新版的没兴趣不想更新啊 感谢楼主~ 哇谢谢~超实用的 感谢分享 感谢分享~~ 这个有用?我下的几个都没反应 造福全人类{:3_94:}
效果感觉有点吧,但偶尔还是会有迟钝感 点赞,顶上去! 这个是真的非常需要!!! 感覺是還好.....:'(:'( 已更新最新版本, 應該效果更明顯 最新的猫狗篇能不能用呢? AR風 发表于 2017-11-14 11:44