本帖最后由 游客hj 于 2017-7-13 17:00 编辑已经设置成Use game Battle portrait auto-generation,头像还是不会跟着变身变化,只会显示第一次变身的超1头像,是还要设置什么吗?
會用內定xxx.emb 圖像
bxxxxx 13 設定0-2 戰鬥自動變身顯示照片才有效
你可以參考我的 黑悟空10段x2m 最後一個項目 hci
跟我的10段變身技能x2m的倒數第2個項目變身底下bxxxxx 13
hc1的 stat1設定 要跟 bxxxx13 設定一樣的值
他才會拉出 emb insdx 圖像
Behaviour 13: like other behaviours, it is a value between 0 and 21. This field controls the portrait change in character that have emb (non-auto battle portrait) and the transformation changes defined in hci. If you use a value of 0, and your character had an hci entry defined for SSJ state, the skill will make the game to use the emb index associated to the SSJ. A value of 1 for SSJ2 image, avalue of 2 for SSJ3 image.
The HCI tab is... well, is to define the images used in the battle portrait, according to the character trasnformation (that includes the villanious thing). In a mod with no hci, the game seems to just pick the first image of the battle potrait for all states.
Let's talk about the number of entries first. Unlike other sections, here you'll usually have several (even a lot) entries even for single-slots mods. There are no upper limit to the number of entries (lower limit is 1 if hci enabled, for 0 just disable hci). (however, the creator will automatically remove duplicates when saving, this is, entries that have the 4-values identical between each other).
Costume index: this is the costume index of your character to which this entry will be applied. A -1 value can be used as "all costumes".
State 1: this is ...erm the "state of the character". (transformation, etc)
Known states:
-1: This is normal state (or ir probably means "no special state"). A note about this state: the game entries usually have the "-1" entry to the end. It is possible that the order matters, since the -1 is probably used like a wildcard, so I suggest you to move the entries with state1 = -1 to the end.
0: Super Saiyan
1: Super Saiyan 2
2: Super Saiyan 3
7: "KY1"
8: "KY1" SSJ1
9: "KY1" SSJ2 (probably, not checked)
10: "KY1" SSJ3 (probably, not checked)
15: "GK1"
16: "GK1" SSJ1
17: "GK1" SSJ2
18: "GK1" SSJ3
State 2: wtf is state2... Ah, Komodo told me, it is related with GK2/KY2. You should probably take a look at the entries of those chars with supervillanous modes. Usually -1 for everyone else... or 0... or whatever.
Emb index: this is the index in the emb that is applied. You can use the "Get from battle portrait" to graphically get the value from your currently set battle portrait.
And if you haven't understood a thing about HCI, which can happen due to that shitty explanation I posted, the best thing is to learn from original chars.
For that I suggest to go to the Files tab, and set the Battle portrait of an original char. Then go to HCI tab and use the "Get entries" button with the same character. That will replace all current HCI entries with that of that character. Now look at emb index, and use the "Get from battle portrait" button to know which image is applied to a specific state1 or state2 (Tip: if you hover the mouse over an image, you will see the index of that image).
sy031653 发表于 2017-7-13 08:30
明白了,还得制作emb 求樓主分享MOD 沉默系金 发表于 2017-7-13 22:55
pan.baidu.com/s/1qYVtGXQ ,那个“潘”的文件里