請查阅steam battle brothers 4月21日 文章 whats next里面文中
What About Translations?
After careful evaluation and talking with other developers, we’ve come to the conclusion that supporting additional languages for Battle Brothers is not something that we can do. As much as we understand that people want to play the game in their native language, at the end of the day we’ll have to make financially sound decisions if we want to keep developing Battle Brothers, and at some point a new game.
是啊,虽然是好游戏,但是制作者毕竟实力不足,还得等三大妈,,,, 现在官方带着钱跑路了 以后都没有更新了 我花了88买的正版 现在好后悔 好后悔:'( 官方带着钱跑路