有人吐槽3DMThe truth is that 3DM is dead since 2 years.
I see alot of humor posts and people making fun of 3DM but truth is 3DM were the first to crack denuvo ,Unstable cracks I know but still you got to give credit where credit is due....I know the piracy will be dead in two years comment was misleading but you people have got to understand that at the time barely anybody else cracked denuvo and they just thought that if denuvo technology kept getting better that they just couldnt handle it
链接在这https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/comments/6gwhrp/the_fate_of_3dm/ 英语渣,看不懂 外国人这些冷笑话实在感觉不可笑。。。。 无趣{:3_114:} 看看有啥新闻 還好我已備好氣墊在樓下 看不懂:) 歪果仁的想法真奇特
还不算冷,3dm到底怎么想的谁又知道{:3_105:} 這圖老是常出現:L 真的假的 早看过了 CPY最近破的两个游戏也是被CrackWatch的乡民狂酸.
那边的风气就是这样了. 支持一下~ 就是吐槽最近3DM不破解了呗
我昨天下午好像刚看过-。- 支持一下 看不懂
圍觀路人支持 到底是被谁吐槽了 谢谢楼主分享 路过看看
多谢分享 呵呵,,,,,,,,个人喜好~~·
管他呢~~~~~~~~~~~{:3_105:} 路过看看 不能理解笑点讲个道理