79424416@qq.com 发表于 2017-6-3 11:39



王人杀 发表于 2017-6-3 15:13

This patch addresses the following:
Fixed an issue with invincibility frame timing (which sometimes allowed the player to get hit more frequently at higher frame rates).
Fixed an issue with health regeneration at higher frame rates.
Fixed an issue when resetting to default on the options menu.
Fixed an issue with video cutscenes skipping early for some players.
Fixed an animation issue when sliding backwards and aiming using keyboard and mouse.
Adjusted cutscene audio volume.

The patch also adds two more command line functions:
-monitor 2 (or any number in a multi-monitor setup)

This will allow users to select which monitor to treat as the primary device, which will allow full screen exclusive to work on that display.

Patch V1.02 change notes:

Lock-on laser damage corrected for frame rate.
Lock-on laser target lock-on timing corrected for frame rate.
Fixed the sliding particle effect for frame rate.
Fixed an issue where events would occasionally fail to trigger at high frame rates (e.g. the end of Act 1 Mission 6).
Fixed animation issues when running towards the camera and firing/reloading with keyboard and mouse.
Fixed an issue where scripted events would progress at the wrong speed at higher frame rates.
Added “-audio 2” command line; enter the number of a specific audio device to force the game to use that rather than the default device (may help players with audio device issues).

cool123123 发表于 2017-6-3 15:57


风卷残翼 发表于 2017-6-3 16:15

王人杀 发表于 2017-6-3 15:13
This patch addresses the following:
Fixed an issue with invincibility frame t ...


RUNXYZ 发表于 2017-6-3 17:11

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 1、2号升级档都升级了什么啊??????????