速度挺快,就是别再更新出一堆bug 反正这几天就别玩了,玩一个档废一个档! 同楼上,150多回合3-4个小时经常白打了……我重打了n次方舟任务了……Preview
[*]Fixed: Map Sharing correction (evaluation)
[*]Fixed: handling of rare resources
[*]Fixed: loop in AI behavior when idle
[*]Fixed: allocation of influence
[*]Fixed all costs of diplomatic terms for AI
[*]Fixed: Tweaked transitions duration so AI asks for map sharing less often and can ask for peace more often
[*]Fixed: Shipdesign costs for AI
[*]Improved AI colonization behavior
[*]Increased AI aggressiveness
[*]Better evaluation of trade agreement terms
[*]The technology helper is now active only for human players.
[*]Fixed an issue where political events of global, Academy and Academy - Finale quests had missing GUI elements.
[*]Fixed a broken save issue due to migrations (reported here[www.games2gether.com])
[*]More nebulae and stellar winds in Galaxy Spiral 8
We also made a lot of improvements on the multiplayer. Several desync causes have been fixed, especially on these topics:
[*]Vision Visibility
[*]Fog of war
[*]Fleet movements
[*]Systems revealed by quests
[*]VisionSharing & MapSharing (diplomacy term)
大家把 学院任务关闭 就不会卡死了 德国小子于大人 发表于 2017-5-27 21:35
大家把 学院任务关闭 就不会卡死了
huuh82 发表于 2017-5-28 12:42
德国小子于大人 发表于 2017-5-29 01:41
最大的问题是 高回合不能结束回合 舰队比AI 攻击力强的时候 逃跑的让你抓狂 毫无游戏体验!其他还好! 不知道1.06怎么样