再也不敢用f5f8了! 我从来没用过 也不知道 它是怎么一个保存法SL大法随时随地都能保存? BETA版已经取消了SL功能了- - 即时存储确实会产生bug 沒事呀 而且而且跳出去在進來也是在原地 我是steam正版 sl功能還在呀 carry0833 发表于 2017-5-24 12:41
我是steam正版 sl功能還在呀
The Surge - Update 52956 (P4) 33449 (SVN)
Bug Fixes
Mapping the dodge button to Circle will no longer cause the player to dodge every time the player "backs out" of the game menu.
Possible crash when leaving New Game+ at the beginning and starting a new game.
Gameplay blocker if the player does not collect the Security Exo-Rig after destroying the case. This will also fix broken saves.
Various AR elements should no longer appear in the wrong locations.
Counter attacks on drone enemies are no longer interrupted when using a Single-rigged weapon.
Closed door in Resolve Biolabs now opens correctly. This will also fix broken saves.
Using an implant that is on cooldown in the same moment an enemy is finished will no longer cause a repeating error message .
Fixed issues where armor items were unable to be equipped in New Game+.
Hobbs no longer asks for help after the player has helped him.
Player can no longer get stuck at certain stairs in the tunnels of Resolve Biolabs.
Player can no longer target the upper part of PAX while PAX is standing up.
Sorting items by 'Newest' now works properly.
Removed Quicksave/Quickload bindings.
Improvements & Tweaks
Improved behavior of the Security Guard.
The music in Ops will no longer play after the player has died and respawned.
Improved behavior of the Black Cerberus when his attacks are blocked.
Elevator positions have been adjusted to avoid waiting for an elevator after dying.
Proximity Sensor no longer emits a beeping sound when an enemy is locked.
Character is now invulnerable for a short time after a finishing move is finished.
Increased the duration of the stamina buff triggered when collecting enough Tech Scrap to be worth a level up.
Reduced the stamina cost for continually blocking.
Increased the time for the continual block stamina cost to begin.
pan50 发表于 2017-5-24 13:42
謝謝 晚點轉到beta版試試~
不能用f5f8的話我覺得我可能會開修改器( ̄∇ ̄)