heniry 发表于 2017-5-17 14:09

1.2 更新补丁内容 及 机翻



- 添加Steam Cloud支持 - 进度和已保存的数据保存在用户存储中
- 增加了矿山镇和村庄的POI完成奖励

- 修复了可能导致保存文件损坏的问题
- 修复崩溃的工作经理:原子计数器下溢
- 在派对克拉瑟尔任务期间修复了崩溃
- 尝试打开主菜单后修复崩溃
- 修改视频设置时发生的固定冻结

- 固定的动画故障与扫射霰弹枪

- 固定由本地灯投射的阴影
- 固定灯上的隐形物体
- 固定绿色通道翻转ddna纹理在地形上
- 修复了几个建筑物和物体的不正确碰撞
- 几个对象LOD和设置调整
- 几个极端的导航改进
- 增加了新的玻璃代理

- 修复了在使命期间可能导致玩家跌倒几何的问题(Quarry Coup,Winery,Lydia DLC)
- 修正了玩家可以卡在水平几何之间(在村庄地图上,在Dam地图Safehouse)
- 修复了村庄和水坝地图上几个地方的冗余极限导航

- 修复Herstal Voelpe准直器解锁
- 固定KT-R扩展盒解锁
- 固定ES25消音器解锁
- 固定ES25 Bipod解锁
- 扫射霰弹枪增加弹药
- 从侧臂转移到次级武器类别的脱落霰弹枪

- 修复了“对接笔记本电脑”动作的不一致按钮图标
- 在地图菜单中修正POI的错误图例图标
- Minimap可读性修复

- 通过改变AI生成规则,修复了POI中重生AI的攻击
- 固定问题使得球员无法用CCTV标记23S士兵
- 下午改进的skydome
- 酒店区域隧道固定照明
- 固定在教堂附近的极端导航,天线区域和大坝转移隧道
- 修复了灯泡在灯塔中被毁坏的灯具的问题
- 在切断任务期间,玩家现在可以在AC系统下进行

- 在乡村地平线上调整亮度
- 固定不正确的动画挂在石墙上的几个地方
- 修正了玩家可以卡在躺着的轮胎在燃烧新娘我的任务区域
- 固定不规则的斧头收集的大小
- 在楼梯模型上修复破碎的振动线条
- 在阿瓦斯家庭使命区的毁坏的教会的几何形状的固定孔
- 在Lydia的Kozori酒店房间固定浮动物体

- 垃圾场POI上的狼不再在游戏开始时产生
- 固定错误旋转的垃圾箱,导致动画故障时隐藏
- 几个性能修复
- POI上的固定布
- 固定在几个前哨的AI产卵距离
- 轻微的图形调整
- 在“屠夫”POI旁边的道路上方固定浮动钩

- 今天的遗迹:固定在使命期间响起的教堂钟声
- Awas Family:固定利用,允许玩家在加载上一个检查点后跳过“Exfiltrate”目标
- 采石场:当玩家杀死Roux夫人时,固定不正确的提示显示
- 桥:固定任务AI区域在任务完成或中止时产生
- 屠宰场:玩家在任务期间对囚犯说话时,修正了错误的任务标记
- 屠宰场:在屠宰场任务中修复了罕见的任务目标
- 黑寡妇:固定死亡23S反复检测播放器
- 获得红色:确定Lydia和Raquel VOs在逃离复合体时重叠
- 清除:固定不一致地使用SFX进行任务目标
- 燃烧桥II:在侦察模式下固定计算机突出显示
- 松散结束二:固定问题,导致询问不提供会议地点
- 松散结束II:通过屋顶进入军械库时的固定物镜更新
- 松散结束III:固定任务解锁通知
- 松散结束III:固定的任务目标问题导致“杀死目标”的目标失败,当球员渗透任务区域
- 松散结束IV:固定双倍完成目标弹出
- 松散结束IV:固定问题,导致询问不提供科巴身体的位置
- 松散结束V:固定错误任务解锁通知
- 鸦片战争I:连续重新加载检查点时固定不一致的产卵点
- 鸦片战争I:修复室内灯

- 当玩家在任务区域内使用无人机时,修正了触发限制区警告消息的问题
- 修正了不是以杀害受害者的方式结束的讯问

本地化 - 全部
- 向武器缓存添加KT-R消音器描述
- 清除所有POI后显示的固定提示说明
- 修正了Raquel在主要对话中的名字

本地化 - PL
- 改进的命名约定
- 修正了几个语法问题

- 上面没有列出许多其他改进和调整

Dear Players,

Thank you for the constant feedback and support you’ve provided us! We’ve made strides in improving the game in recent weeks and we’re dedicated to supporting the game further in the upcoming months in order to provide you with the best possible sniping experience. Here are the patchnotes for the current patch:

- Added Steam Cloud support - progress and savedata are kept in user storage now
- Added POI completion reward for Mining Town and Village

- Fixed an issue that could cause the save files to become corrupted
- Fixed crash 'job manager:Atomic counter underflow'
- Fixed crash during Party Crasher mission
- Fixed crash after attempt to open main menu
- Fixed freeze that occurred while changing the video settings

- Fixed animation bugs with Sawn-off Shotgun

- Fixed Shadows cast by local lights
- Fixed invisible objects on lamps
- Fixed green channel flip in ddna textures on terrain
- Fixed incorrect collision on several building and objects
- Several objects LOD’s and settings tweaks
- Several extreme navigation improvements
- Added new proxy for glass

- Fixed the issue that could cause the player to fall through level geometry during the mission (Quarry Coup, Winery, Lydia DLC)
- Fixed that player can get stuck between level geometry (on Village map, in Dam map Safehouse)
- Fixed redundant extreme navigation on several places on Village and Dam maps

- Fixed Herstal Voelpe Collimator unlock
- Fixed KT-R extended magazine unlock
- Fixed ES25 Silencer unlock
- Fixed ES25 Bipod unlock
- Increased ammunition for Sawn-off Shotgun
- Moved Sawn-off Shotgun from sidearm to secondary weapon category

- Fixed inconsistent button icon for “docking laptop” action
- Fixed wrong legend icon for POI’s in map menu
- Minimap readability fixes

Mining Town
- Fixed exploit of respawning AI at POI by changing AI spawn rule
- Fixed issue that made player unable to tag 23S soldiers by using CCTV
- Improved skydome in the afternoon
- Fixed lighting in tunnels in Hotel area
- Fixed extreme navigation near the church, antenna area and dam transfer tunnel
- Fixed issue of destroyed lamps casting light in the safehouse
- Player is now able to go under AC system during Cut Off mission

- Tweaked light brightness on village horizon
- Fixed incorrect animation for hanging on stone wall in several places
- Fixed that player can get stuck on lying tires at Burning Brides I mission area
- Fixed improper size of the axe head collectible
- Fixed broken shimmy lines on stairs model
- Fixed holes in geometry of destroyed church in the Awas Family mission area
- Fixed floating object in Lydia’s hotel room in Kozori

- Wolves on junkyard POI no longer spawn on game start
- Fixed wrong rotation of trash container that causes animation glitches when hiding
- Several performance fixes
- Fixed cloths on POI
- Fixed AI spawn distance in several outposts
- Minor graphical tweaks
- Fixed floating hooks above the road next to the “Butcher” POI

- Remains of the Day: Fixed church bells that were ringing during mission
- Awas Family: fixed exploit that allowed player to skip “Exfiltrate” objective after loading last checkpoint
- Quarry Coup: fixed incorrect hint display when player kills Madame Roux
- Bridge: Fixed mission AI zone de-spawn on mission completion or abort
- Slaughterhouse: Fixed misplaced mission marker when player speaks to prisoners during the mission
- Slaughterhouse: Fixed rare bugged mission objective in Slaughterhouse mission
- Black Widow: fixed that dead 23S retries detecting player repeatedly
- Get the Red: fixed that Lydia and Raquel VOs overlap while they escape the complex
- Clear Out: fixed inconsistent use of SFX for mission objective
- Burning Bridges II: fixed computer highlight in scout mode
- Loose Ends II: fixed issue which caused the interrogations not providing meeting location
- Loose Ends II: fixed objective update when entering armory through the roof
- Loose Ends III: fixed mission unlock notification
- Loose Ends III: fixed mission objective issue that caused “kill the target” objective to fail when player exfiltrated mission area
- Loose Ends IV: fixed doubled completion objective pop-up
- Loose Ends IV: fixed issue which caused the interrogations not providing location of Koba’s Body
- Loose Ends V: fixed wrong mission unlock notification
- Opium Wars I: fixed inconsistent spawn point when continuously reloading checkpoint
- Opium Wars I: fixes on interior lights

Lydia DLC
- Fixed issue that triggered restricted zone warning message when player uses drone within mission area
- Fixed issue with interrogation that doesn’t end with killing the victim

Localization - ALL
- Added KT-R silencer description to weapon cache
- Fixed hint description that is displayed after clearing all POIs
- Fixed Raquel’s name in main dialogues

Localization - PL
- Improved naming convention
- Fixed several grammar issues

- Numerous other improvements and tweaks not listed above

Dios丨 发表于 2017-5-17 16:45


dapao08 发表于 2017-5-17 17:59

和1.01一样还是卡顿。。。。。火车站那里玩了5、6次因980Ti GPU温度83卡顿过不去,现在70。。。。。。。。不过已经解决。。。。

井中望月 发表于 2017-5-17 18:09

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查看完整版本: 1.2 更新补丁内容 及 机翻