前几天丧尸围城4豪华版入了正,这个配置问题让我很无语,按理说配置不低了,可玩着玩着老爆CPU,通常是这样一开始进游戏就算是顶配运行也不会卡,通常玩了几个任务开始卡顿,一开始不理解后来发现CPU满了,降到最低特效都不行,又找不到优化补丁,早知道就不买了,实在无奈只能来求助。 本帖最后由 王人杀 于 2017-5-7 16:21 编辑丧尸围城4对CPU要求很高,I5 100%满载,I7不清楚;个人配置:I5 4590,RX 480 8G非公版,核心频率1340,16G DDR3 1600内存,室外场景35-50帧之间,驱动版本16.12.2正式版;特效设置如下:
Capcom Vancouver 4月11日上午6:57
Dead Rising 4 - Changelog
Released: April 10th, 2017
Frank Rising: new game mode, story content and character mechanics as part of Season’s Pass and sold separately
Bug Fixes
Audio: fixed an issue that could cause audio to stop playing after multiple checkpoint reloads
Audio: addressed an issue with Frank’s dialogue audio not playing for some players after dying and reloading a checkpoint
Audio: corrected some character audio not being audible during gameplay
Audio: survivors wearing masks now have their audio muffled
DLC: fixed an graphical issue with the low violence version of the Valentine’s DLC
Gameplay: fixed issue with multiple stealth kills in rapid succession
Gameplay: fixed issue with Old Town Firehall
Game Saves: addressed an issue that could render the game unresponsive after deleting multiple game saves
Online: fixed issues related to multiplayer matchmaking
Stability: fixed geographic specific crashes that some users were experiencing
Stability: fixed a low occurrence crash related to extended time spent in vehicles
UI: improved UI design
修复BUG和增加运行剧情DLC Frank Rising 需要的文件;个人在3月13号在STEAM网页版:182元预购的普通版,4月14号38元购买剧情DLC;你下载游戏加加,看帧数等等。
那你倒是给出配置来看看啊,我这amd8350+RX488都能1080P全最高了 I7-4790K的CPU有问题吗?