Hey dude. I've been screwing around with Left 4 Dead all week and I think I have an answer for ya. NOTE: YOU DON'T NEED TO USE THE CRACKED ENGINE.DLL OR ANY OTHER CRACKED NONSENSE; ACTUALLY, USE THE ORIGINAL DLL IF YOU CAN. This is what you have to do to play Left 4 Dead on LAN without STEAM:
你不需要使用破解过的ENGINE.DLL 或者其他任何破解补丁,事实上,原版的一样可以,下面是准备工作
Have the computer that's going to run the listen server (the most powerful PC you got) run this batch command (either through .bat file or windows shortcut):
hl2.exe -game left4dead -console -novid +sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 +z_difficulty Impossible +map l4d_hospital01_apartment
首先下载解压下面的附件放到left 4 dead目录下,并为其创建一个快捷方式,在目标里面加入 -game left4dead -console -novid +sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 +z_difficulty Impossible +map l4d_hospital01_apartment(注意先空一格,例如"F:Program FilesSteamsteamappsCommonleft 4 deadhl2.exe" -game left4dead -console)
And I'll actually explain the extra switches (sweet deal!). -console activates the console. Press the tidle (~) key to bring it up during the game to switch maps and stuff. -novid skips the intro video. +sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 makes sure you're able to connect to games via console command "connect xx.xx.xx.xx". +z_difficulty Impossible selects Expert difficulty. Other options instead of Impossible are Easy, Normal, and Hard. +map l4d_hospital01_apartment selects the first level of the game. Look in your maps folder to see the different levels you can pick. These end in .bsp
让我来解释一下:-console为激活控制台,在游戏中按"`"调出可以切换地图 -novid 为跳过开头影片 +sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 确认你能通过用"connect xx.xx.xx.xx"命令连接到服务器(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx为你的局域网IP) +z_difficulty 游戏难度选择,分别为Easy, Normal, Hard.
+map l4d_hospital01_apartment 选择地图,建其他图要到maps文件夹下找到对应的地图名字,它们以.bsp结尾
Here's a link to a PDF for all the Left 4 Dead console commands so you can customize at will:
The most important I think is: changelevel MAPNAME
最重要的我认为是: changelevel MAPNAME 这个命令
so you can change the level during the game. YAY!
The other computers on the LAN should run this batch/shortcut:
hl2.exe -game left4dead -console -novid
其他局域网的电脑的快捷方式为目标栏里加-game left4dead -console -novid
After Left 4 Dead loads, the console will pop up and they should enter this at the prompt:
connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
进入游戏后控制台会自动开启,键入以下命令connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx为主机局域网IP)
The xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx being the ip address of the computer that is running the server.
EXAMPLE: connect
That should work for ya. At least it did for me. I believe you could also apply this method to playing internet games using Hamachi, and without STEAM or cracked files/engine.
http://www.namipan.com/d/hl2.rar/aaea300329acb5b4953fa3340167e1f2073817ae4e970000 正想试下如何局域网。就出来。真爽 太卡啦。。。。。 我要试试看 有免steam最好,因為這樣就不用換來換去了,直接區網玩最好 看着有点头晕。。。。 到底能不能用呀,总之谢谢LZ先~!
下午有空找我那几个哥们试试. 召唤小白。。。 so you can change the level during the game.
不是更换难度么? 正需要~~ 到底有幾個人成功~?
成功的人可不可以重新說明一次(有圖更佳) thx!!!!!!!!!!!! 我已经测试好了,绝对能用,而且一点都不卡.
选难度:z_difficulty Impossible,把Impossible 改成easy,normal,hard即可,当然达人也可以就用Impossible.
再次感谢楼主提供方法,感谢~!膜拜,膜拜,再膜拜ing... 好是好 可就是积分不够下载不了啊 我也差分分,只能干瞪眼。 要不要启动 st 啊? 谁能发个具体的教程啊 最好附截图 还没用,不过看到大家都说可以,那当然也要膜拜一下啦
我们学校太可恶了,竟然把VLAN的端口封了 先试一下再说... 这个就是用控制台命令的方法吧。。。。有什么补丁什么的可以免除这些操作直接用的么 谢楼主了。。 好东西.拿完走人.........! 楼主 ,我是947M版本
求解 好东西啊
谢楼主了 本来想跟朋友一起连局域的,可朋友手里无此游戏.现在好了呵呵. 好东西啊,正想看看怎么局域网 不够积分。。。。。。。。。 正需要~~ 顶一个。。。回公司试 多谢分享~~要仔细研究下了 多谢楼主的无私分享