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上午4:21PATCH 05.02.2017
Community Announcements - Community Manager (Andy B)
Attention, exiles! A new patch has been released!
Please be sure to restart your clients and Community Servers to make sure they are up-to-date!
Network usage optimizations
Server Performance optimizations
Server memory usage optimizations
Upgraded from sqlite 3.9.2 to 3.16.2
Players with high strength should now be able to knock out NPCs with the truncheon instead of killing them.
The Cutlass and Falcata should not be able to damage T1 buildings anymore.
Players should now be able to join password protected games from Steam Server List.
Fixed steam://connect/ip handling - Steam connect works now so that sites such as www.topconanservers.com should work properly now.
Fixed an issue in the Land Claim system that could allow players to build too close to other players. This may result in some lost building pieces if they overlap into land that had already been claimed by another player.
We have had some issues with the game state getting corrupt on servers in certain cases. We have made the interactions with the game database more robust, and added regular checks for its integrity during runtime. We have also fixed some cases where this would happen, but are still investigating if there are other potential occurrences.
As counter measures to the system, and since already corrupted databases will not be automatically recoverable we have implemented a recovery system:
On server startup, if the game encounters a corrupted Database it will attempt to recover to the last database backup that is not corrupted. This will make the status of the game be reverted to a previous working world state, which may result in loss of progression. To help with this, the game will now creating database backups much more often.
These are temporary measures while we keep working to eliminate the database corruption altogether.
Thanks for your patience while we work through this, and a special thanks to all of you who have been actively helping us diagnose and debug these issues.
-The Conan Exiles Team
P.S: We apologize for the confusion earlier today; we ran into a last-minute issue with this patch and had to hold off until the issue was fixed. Thanks again, everybody!
2月5日Conan Exiles war on lag continues
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - contact@rockpapershotgun.com (Alice O'Connor)
Morning glory.
Conan Exiles developers Funcom have temporarily shut down the game’s official multiplayer servers while they switch to a new host. The majority of servers for the early access survival sandbox game are unofficial player-run ones, mind, but perhaps you’re a good little warchild who sticks to the playground and never jumps the fence to play in the woods. This switch is part of Funcom’s battle against online lag, which was one of our John’s complaints after he played but far from the only one. Funcom have also released a flurry of patches aimed at tackling lag in other ways. …
2月5日A quick statement on patches
Community Announcements - Community Manager (Jens Erik)
As most of you know, we’ve long been an MMO company, our instinct has always been to patch during “Off Peak” when the least amount of players are online so we inconvenience the least amount of people.
In our rush to get fixes out to you we never really stopped to think about the fact that for Exiles we have thousands of unofficial servers (Over 9000 now) that actually require their Server Admins to get them updated. That’s our bad.
So while urgently critical fixes will still go out ASAP, we will try to be better about the timing of less critical patches going forward. Of course that means we'll be patching when more of you are online, and we know that no matter when we patch, it will be at a bad time for someone.
Thanks joining us on this adventure. Keep talking and we’ll keep listening.
-The Conan Exiles Team
上午3:08PATCH 04.02.2017
Community Announcements - Community Manager (Andy B)
A new patch has been released!
Please restart your clients and Community Servers to make sure they receive the latest update to the game.
Optimized network traffic which should help with performance
Server crash fix
Server hang fix
Made saving and loading of game state more robust
Added additional troubleshooting information to the server logs
Sacrificed a chicken on the Altar of Set
上午3:08PATCH 03.02.2017
Community Announcements - Community Manager (Andy B)
A new patch has been released!
Please restart your clients and Community Servers to make sure they receive the latest update to the game.
Fixed a server crash that resulted when players entered specific areas of the game.
Players should now receive an informative dialogue box when failing to connect to the game.
Added a fix to address the main menu becoming unresponsive when entering an incorrect password on the server browser
The password dialogue will now have focus when opened
Admins will now be able to scroll the player list properly...sorry about that!
2月4日Update on Official Servers
Community Announcements - Community Manager (Andy B)
Greetings, Exiles!
These first few days of Early Access has been an absolute whirlwind!
It’s been incredible watching so many of you join us on this Early Access adventure. We would never have imagined that so many of you would be joining us so soon, and while we certainly knew that Conan Exiles had the potential to become very popular, the initial popularity is more than we anticipated.
A pleasant surprise, for sure, but as you all know it has also uncovered some unforeseen issues that we are now working very hard to resolve. We have already released several patches and the entire team is working on getting the next one ready. We remain one hundred percent committed to the Early Access model and that means listening to the community and making sure we improve the game constantly. Right now we are focusing on the most pressing issues like rubberbanding, disconnects, and other server related issues, and as soon as we have that under control we can start looking closer at gameplay improvements as well as new content and features (check out the What’s Next for Conan Exiles page for a glimpse of what we’re planning to do).
Right now there are nearly 7700 servers online running Conan Exiles. About 7500 of these are privately run servers, while 200 are official servers hosted by PingPerfect (source: http://topconanservers.com/)
Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming demand for servers and our needs for administrating them, our official partner has been unable to deliver the level of quality and service we require. Because of this we have mutually agreed to end the partnership. We are in the process of finding new partners with the ideal hardware we can move the existing game databases to. However, due to the high demand for Conan Exiles servers, many hosting companies are simply out of the hardware that we need and as such this process might take a few days.
In the meantime, we thank you for your patience and encourage you to play on any of the thousands of unofficial servers that are out there. Many are home to thriving and very welcoming communities. We sincerely apologize to everyone who has played and made progress on the official servers, but we think it is better to deal with this problem now rather than later.
As a result of this we have also had to remove the 25% Lifetime Discount offer from the Barbarian Edition. The provider assures us that those who have already purchased the Barbarian Edition will have their discount honored, but the discount will not be included in future purchases. The provider is currently out of stock, but hope to have new servers available soon. We know this is a problem with many other providers as well: the demand has simply been too overwhelming.
Lastly we just want to thank you for sticking with us through these initial teething problems. Early Access means that there will be issues, especially in the early days, but it also means that we as developers have to take responsibility to sort those issues out as soon as possible. We look forward to working closely with you, the players, in the months ahead.
Please feel free to join us in the discussion on the Steam forum and the Conan Exiles subreddit.
Best regards,
The Conan Exiles Team
PS: We would also like to add that we're keeping the game databases (characters, buildings, progression, etc) from the old servers and our plan is to re-implement them when the new servers roll out.
2月3日PATCH 02.02.2017a
Community Announcements - Community Manager (Andy B)
A new patch has been released!
Please restart your clients and Community Servers to make sure they receive the latest update to the game.
You will now be able to click through on screen popup messages
It will no longer be possible to destroy Sandstone buildings with Stone or Iron Weapons. Steel weapons will still be able to destroy them.
It will no longer be possible to destroy Stonebrick buildings with Iron or steel weapons. It will require explosives to destroy them
Weapons found in chests will not be able to hurt Sandstone buildings.
Projectiles (Arrows) will no longer do damage to buildings of any type.
We have added a “Player List” GUI to the admin panel. Admins will be able to use this to get a list of all the players currently connected to their server. From this list they will be able to ban unwelcome players from their server.
2月2日PATCH 02.02.2017
Community Announcements - Community Manager (Jens Erik)
Please restart your clients and Community Servers to make sure they receive the latest update to the game.
Removed network congestion from big buildings, reducing lag
Disabled random NPC taunts during combat
Fixed an issue with some players getting stuck after character creation
Fixed a bug where loading screens disappear (showing main menu or the world)
Fixed incorrect settings on port values for servers, making it less likely you will be disconnected when entering a new server
Added a “Show full servers” checkbox to the server window
Introduced a possible fix for building pieces not loading properly
Graphics driver check on startup, encouraging you to update if needed
Several other minor tweaks and improvements
Fixed thralls resetting on server restart. The issue occured if people picked up then placed their thralls again. They weren't being saved.
We thank you for your patience as we continue to improve and update Conan Exiles.
2月2日Update from the developers – day #2
Community Announcements - Community Manager (Jens Erik)
The patch is now live!
Greetings, Exiles!
First of all, we just want to thank everyone that has joined us on this amazing Early Access adventure – and there are a lot of you!
We’re on the second day of that adventure and we’ve already seen more than 40,000 concurrent players. We’ve been the Steam global top seller since we launched and also one of the most popular games on Twitch. This initial interest is incredibly humbling and we are very, very thankful.
As you already know, the magnitude of this initial traffic has also uncovered some issues that we are working hard on resolving. Yesterday we put out two patches and the team is working hard on cranking out the next one.
One of our main priorities right now is reducing server lag. There is no singular issue that is causing this, but a set of issues we need to resolve. During pre-launch testing we saw different performance profiles than now. Many variables are different, from hardware powering the servers to player behavior in game to server uptime. We are currently working hard to resolve the issues and get back to the performance we were observing pre-launch.
In the meantime, we wanted to share with you ahead of time some of the fixes that will be in the next patch that is currently going through QA:
Removing network congestion from big buildings, reducing lag
Disable random NPC taunts during combat
Fixing an issue with some players getting stuck after character creation
Adding a GUI to the server settings allowing server admins to ban players
Fixing a bug where loading screens disappear (showing main menu or the world)
Fixing incorrect settings on port values for servers, making it less likely you will be disconnected when entering a new server
Adding a “Show full servers” checkbox to the server window
Introduce a possible fix for building pieces not loading properly
Graphics driver check on startup, encouraging you to update if needed
Several other minor tweaks and improvements
Remember you can find the latest patch notes on the forum:
You can also head over to our tech support/bug report forum if you need help:
We continue to monitor all channels including the Steam forums and the Conan Exiles subreddit, and even though we might not comment on everything, we are there and we are making notes. We will of course also jump in and be part of the conversation as much as possible.
The Conan Exiles team 求个翻译吧 本帖最后由 543130849 于 2017-2-6 18:00 编辑
从sqlite 3.9.2升级到3.16.2
固定的蒸汽://连接/ IP处理 - 蒸汽连接现在工作,所以网站,如www.topconanservers.com现在应该能正常工作。
- 柯南流亡队
P.S:对于今天早些时候的困惑,我们深表歉意;我们遇到了这个补丁的最后一分钟问题,不得不搁置,直到问题修复。再次感谢,大家! 543130849 发表于 2017-2-6 17:57
我就说为啥我总是用奴隶棒把敌人打死....因为我修改了,属性爆炸,总是敲死各种女野人,搞得我直接没玩了 本帖最后由 parallellight 于 2017-2-6 18:21 编辑
Players with high strength should now be able to knock out NPCs with the truncheon instead of killing them.
chen139886 发表于 2017-2-6 18:15
我就说为啥我总是用奴隶棒把敌人打死....因为我修改了,属性爆炸,总是敲死各种女野人,搞得我直接没玩了 ...
用木棒就不会打死奴隶除非他晕了 你又打一下就死了
543130849 发表于 2017-2-6 18:23
用木棒就不会打死奴隶除非他晕了 你又打一下就死了
这是我发的帖子,可以去看。帮帮 利用修复:你不能再跳上爆炸罐顶-而不是没有后果…
利用修复:你不能再重复收获自己的身体 图形材料和纹理进行重新计算在这个版本,这将导致在一个大的下载大小(~ 14gb)。对此不便,我们表示歉意。 服务器现在应该启动更快
新增能力设置开始时间,结束时间和特定的日子,当球员可能会损坏其他球员拥有的建筑物 6666666666666666