Football Manager 09 正式版镜像下载(完美破解版,证实可用)
<span style="color: Red;">转自FMCM证实可玩,安装的时候先解压,用Daemon Tools载入镜像,选择电话激活,不要选择Stream平台的激活
接着打上910补丁(已附),该版本已包含910的破解补丁,下载包里面有破解文件,下好了解压缩以后就有一个叫fm91_t1.exe的文件,装好游戏和910补丁以后,把这个文件丢去fm的文件夹里面运行一下就可以破解了!(Vista用户右击该文件,选择以 管 理 员 身份运行)
P.S. 目前可能还存在不能度假等问题,期待破解小组能为我们做出更完美的Crack-patch
原帖:</span><a style="color: Red;" href="" target="_blank"></a>
Football Manager 2009 features a vast array of all new features including,
for the first time ever, a full 3D view of the world famous Football
Manager match engine.
Football Manager 2009 (abbreviated to Football Manager 09 or FM09) is a
football manager simulation video game. It was released on PC, Mac and
Playstation Portable on 14 November 2008.
Some of the new features and box art for the game were announced via a
series of videos on 3 September 2008, other new features have been released
via a series of podcasts and online blogs.
Sports Interactive studio director Miles Jacobson stated that it was likely
that the game would make its debut on DVD: it's looking likely that the game
will need a DVD drive this year. Nothing confirmed as yet, but we were very
close to using the full CD size last year, multiple CDs is not an option
unfortunately, and I am 95% sure at this stage that we'll be too big for a CD.
The main new feature to the game is the 3D match engine. This can now be
watched fullscreen, with a widescreen option available. Other features
include being able to play as a female or male manager, improvements to
the interaction between the manager and his assistant manager, improved
mid-match team talks and tactics, training players to have preferred moves
and transfer rumours. The player rating will have a decimal point, eg. 6.8
or 8.3 instead of 7 or 8. There will also be press conferences, where you can
build up a rapport with the journalists, and the finance and transfer systems
have been completely reworked. The game is set to feature more players than
ever before, with over 350,000 in the database at the time of the game's
announcement. Many of the new features were tested using a Football Manager
Live beta. The PC version has a skin similar to the one used in Football
Manager 2008.
The handheld version will include a 2D match engine for the first time,
and the game will be shipped with two skins; a light and a dark alternative.
There were errors on the release of the game, Steam causing many people
aggrivation and pain. The effects on the franchise have been numerous, with
Steam at the heart of the problem. Due to high traffic levels, many people
were unable to activate the game, which had to be so via a product code
which was sent via the SI Games website, which was unavailable.
Compounding the problems with activation &amp; installation, all lines of
communication with technical support have been in meltdown on launch day.
The official website of Sports Interactive has been crippled with disgruntled
users desperate to find out how to play the game. The only printed customer
services telephone number has been permanently engaged or ringing out.
An official petition to boycott the Football Manager series has been created
with over 12,000 signatures gathered by 3:30pm (GMT) on launch day. The nature
of the unrest has fell in line with similar issues with recently released
Command &amp; Conquer 3.
* OS: Windows XP or Vista
* Processor: XP: 1.4GHz or Faster / Vista: 2.0GHz or Faster
* Supported Processors: Intel Pentium 4, Intel Core, AMD Athlon
* Memory: XP: 512MB RAM / Vista: 1.0GB RAM
* Hard Drive Space: 2GB
* DVD-Drive: 4x Speed
* Video Card: 128MB *Supported Chipsets (see below)
* Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
* Directx: Version 9.0c (included)
* LAN: TCP/IP compliant
* Input: Keyboard, Mouse
*Supported Chipsets – Nvidia FX 5900 Ultra or greater; ATI Radeon 9800 or
greater; Intel 82915G/82910GL or greater.
Earlier cards may only display 2D Match Viewer Mode and are not supported.
Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
3.Apply crack
4.Play<br><br><font face="Tahoma"><br></font> 证实可玩,安装的时候选择电话激活,不要选择Stream平台的激活
该版本已包含910的破解补丁 多谢楼主 终于有真的了 原帖由 红蓝violin 于 2008-11-15 9:25:00 发表
FMCM红蓝大大来亲口证明了 ..............................
谢谢啊,不过很慢,真的谢谢 顶啊 前排支持~~~~~~欢呼 ddddddddddddddddddddddddd 能不能3dm放种啊? 版主来点评分 哈哈 下好了解压缩以后就有一个叫fm91_t1的文件 装好游戏和910补丁以后,把这个文件丢去fm的文件夹里面运行一下就完美破解了! 原帖由 红蓝violin 于 2008-11-15 9:58:00 发表下好了解压缩以后就有一个叫fm91_t1的文件 装好游戏和910补丁以后,把这个文件丢去fm的文件夹里面运行一下就完美破解了!
谢谢红蓝提醒 我把这条也写上去啊 证实可玩,安装的时候先解压,用Daemon Tools载入镜像,选择电话激活,不要选择Stream平台的激活
接着打上910补丁(已附),该版本已包含910的破解补丁,下载包里面有破解文件,下好了解压缩以后就有一个叫fm91_t1.exe的文件,装好游戏和910补丁以后,把这个文件丢去fm的文件夹里面运行一下就完美破解了! LZ的字体很漂亮 顶啊 AA 等了n久了 hao man a. 支持啊!能玩就是福! 既然是镜像版,还是红蓝推荐的,我就玩了,
顺便道个歉,今天早上学校有选修课,以至于没能给大家送上第一时间资源,我这个版主失职了 原帖由 xiaosbwanyouxi 于 2008-11-15 11:01:00 发表
版主也是人啊 也要忙自己的事啊
不过 周六有课 还是选修........ 你们学校太个性了 周六还有选修?莫非你修双学位
回复 19# kennyhades 的帖子
fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 原帖由 xiaosbwanyouxi 于 2008-11-15 11:11:00 发表我还选到过星期天的过,还是到别的学校去上的校际选修,那个泪奔啊,好课都让别人弄走了。。。
回来FM09嘛.............!@#¥%……&*() DINGA DING DINGDING - -积分不够。。。 速度好慢。。。。。。 终于出来了 辛苦了 终于出了啊,支持一下 更新过了 LZ可以修改下 thx..................... 从不度假的人下载ing...