I have been informed that patch for Mount & Blade 1.003 should beavailable in three-four days. It is named 1.010 and module system willbe released in the same momentThisinformation is brought to you by business representative of M&Bpublisher in Poland - CD Project (what is in contact with Armagan).
原帖地址 http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,49073.0.html
回复 1# 小小西瓜 的帖子
哈,,,馋涎欲滴啊,呵 that would be great~!!! 期待啊 不知道更新什么了 Thisinformation is brought to you by business representative of M&Bpublisher in Poland - CD Project (what is in contact with Armagan).什么意思?CD Projeckt好像是搞巫师的那个公司