[转贴自M&B中文网]With Fire and Sword
有些图片你们可能看起来熟悉,因为美工就是调整了适合骑砍HDR 参数的 Tul
原帖地址: http://forums.taleworlds.net/ind ... 719.html#msg1130719
*Asthe final M&B release is nearing, it is time for us to come backtoTaleworlds forums. Yes, there was another thread about WFAS here,butit was messy, old and started by guys who are no longer active, sowecould not control it. Now we managed to get the old thread locked,sonow:
正式版即将发行,正是回归论坛的好时候。 对了,以前是有一个火与剑的老帖子,不过帖子的主人已经不在,我们无法控制。只好锁旧帖,开新贴.....
Welcome to
Action of the mod takes place in 17th century. Where today are vastUkrainian steppes, then it was a part of the Polish - LithuanianCommonwealth. It is loosely inspired by the novel by Henryk Sienkiewiczwith the sametitle. A player will meet many of the characters thatappear in the original novel, and will have the opportunity to takepart in some of the events.
故事发生在17世纪。一望无际的乌克兰大草原,曾经是波兰领土的一部分 --- 立陶宛共和国。这是亨瑞克.显凯微支(1846-1916,波兰小说家, 曾获1905年诺贝尔文学奖)的同名小说(With Fire and Sword)启发了我们来创作这个MOD......
We present you some previev screens of a pre-alpha version workingwith 0.960 of M&B. Some of the content is experimental and probablysome of it won't be included in the final release, which we areplanning to start to put together just after the final version ofM&B is out, but it should give you an idea what weare trying toaccomplish.
The mod is going to take a different approach to many aspects ofthe original game. First, a fully developed storyline will be present,while maintaining and even expanding the dynamic war engine and randomevent generation. Locations, town and village scenes have beenimproved, and became lively worlds - an aspectas important as battlesand sieges. It's somewhat less an medieval sim,more an RPG with theelements that make M&B great (combat system, epic battles, managinghuge armies and defensive structures) still present and reworked.
The dialogue system has been entirely reworked. No more big, yellow,empty windows - it's translucent,intuitive and works faster.
对话系统完全重做。 现在没有那些空洞的对话框了,半透明的场景看起来更自然和流畅。 (天哪,这是我正想做的!!)
Nextthing - custom dynamic weather effects. Different types of rain,storms with lightnings and thunder, radiation and advection fogchanging dynamically.
可变的动态天气效果。 不同种类的雨,风暴,以及电闪雷鸣,有范围可移动的雾霭....
Thriving village, and NPCs interacting with the environment.
村庄的成长, NPC与环境的互动。
Itis possible to spawn a large number of NPCs, each one can be assigned different actions behaviors on the fly.
They can work in the field,talk to eachother, fight etc..
One of the towns. (prototype, some models thanks to Gutekfiutek)
其中的一个城镇。 是不是很熟? 那就对了,这些是Gutekfiutek做的,他还在做场景替换补丁
Some more random screens:
BTW here are some screenshots from what I did this weekend. Aprototypeof intro. It is made by combining camera operations,presentations andcustom music. It produce really nice looking effectbut unfortunatelyyou cannot see it on a static screenshots. The onlything you will notice on those screens is environment I made.
稍微编辑了下 外链失效了 太BT了实在是
回复 1# 泡在海上的钢琴 的帖子
这个编辑,肯定玩上古味出来的 ...装个材质美化包应该差不多吧...城市就自己建吧... 额滴神啊 这个画面真是强悍,肯定要求也高不少,不知道百人攻城卡不卡。。。。 画面很不错 真好这个game基本就是爽啊,,,有太多别的的就不爽了。。 期待楼主能放一些大点的图! 超强..感觉就像重新做了个游戏 同楼上,为什么作者不开发个游戏算了,不过骑马与砍杀的战斗系统要借鉴过去。 好像画面要好点...不过小图也不能确定 那个雨的效果不错。。。。。。。。。。。 中世纪版的上古4... 好像很不错啊!!! 不错呀```有时间我也做一个``` 百人大战铁定卡
ding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 什么时候有得玩啊? 从哪里下载呀?不知道现在的机器玩这个还卡不卡 靠!真牛X!!! 好东西哦 非常不错 好东西哦 非常不错 好东西哦 非常不错 好东西哦 非常不错 好东西哦 非常不错 汗