RTRTThis is a short overview of the changes in the new version (1.8).
There is free content for all players included, as well as the FRONTIERS DLC which can be unlocked.
You can find a more detailed version here.
New Free Features (for everyone)
[*]Starting Sectors
From now on you can choose the Wildwater Bay as a starting sector for new corporations.
[*]20 New Corporation Titles
Instead of 21 there are now 41 unique corporation titles you can reach up until Corporation Level 300. Their order and unlocking points have been changed accordingly.
New Features of the FRONTIERS DLC
[*]Starting Sectors
DLC owners can now choose any temperate sectors as a start sector. In addition to the previous version, you can start in Wildwater Bay or in one of the two new DLC temperate sectors as well.
[*]New Sector: Madrigal Islands
The Madrigal Islands allow you to settle many different islets in the temperate region and to complete an abandoned spaceport prototype.
[*]New Sector: Greentide Archipelago
The Greentide Archipelago needs you to plan ahead for numerous small islands in order to restore a mysterious sealed off facility. It is located in the temperate region.
[*]New Sector: Savik Province
The Savik Province is a large continental plate located in the middle of the arctic. Slumbering geysers can be harnessed for their heat or for energy generation.
[*]Military Invasions
The Orbital Watch strikes back! Call your fleet to your sectors and protect your cities from enemy invasions.
Regain a lost technology and upgrade your Investors' estates with Synthetics to revolutionize your workforce.
[*]New Ornamentals
3 new ornamentals are available: Corporate Holograph, Holographic Sculpture, Solar System Model.
[*]New Corporation Logos
When creating a new corporation players can now choose from 4 additional logos.
[*]New Achievements
16 additional achievements are waiting for you.
Interface Changes (for everyone)
[*]Corporation Creation
Reworked the Sector Selection in the Corporation Creation
[*]Settings Menu
Added additional difficulty options to advanced settings
Interface Changes: FRONTIERS DLC
[*]Strategy Map
[*]Added the new sectors to Strategy Map
[*]Enemy Invasions are now displayed in the Assignment List and on the Strategy Map
[*]Sector UI
[*]Call Fleet Button added to sector UI
[*]Special Actions (Invasions) and Fleet Overview are now available in regular sectors
[*]Residence UI
Updated residence and promotion menus to include Synthetics
Balancing Changes (for everyone)
This update introduces many pervasive and extensive balancing changes! While a corporation update is possible for all save files, it is possible that your economy will not recover. You can decide if you want to update an existing corporation, but keep in mind that the challenge can be quite tough. Use the difficulty settings to set up the challenge level you like. All changes apply to all corporations once updated.
[*]Revenue & Satisfaction
Revenue is now linked to your employees’ satisfaction. You can adjust the intensity when updating your corporation, including leaving it off.
[*]Workforce/Goods Consumption & Satisfaction
Provided Workforce and Goods Consumption are connected with your employees’ satisfaction. The impact level can be adjusted in the new difficulty settings.
[*]Stock Market
The Share Effect of the stock market can be customized as well to increase the challenge.
They now require construction materials instead of rare materials (upgraded/new corporations).
[*]New difficulty options
New options were added for the frequency and difficulty of invasion.
[*]Rebalanced several military vehicles
[*]Turtle / Glacier / Flare / Monsoon: Increased Damage per Hit at all upgrade levels
[*]Turtle / Glacier: Increased missile reload time at all upgrade levels
[*]Flare / Monsoon: Increased missile reload time at lower upgrade levels
[*]Flare / Monsoon: Decreased missile reload time at higher upgrade levels
[*]Enemy: Charger and Bombarder: Increased Damage per Hit
[*]Enemy: Bombarder: Increased missile reload time
[*]Enemy: Eradicator and elite units drop less fuel and fewer special actions
Achievement points were adapted to accommodate more achievements in total.
Improvements & Fixes (for everyone)
[*]Fixed a bug that caused upgraded Spaceports behave like Level 1 Spaceports
[*]Upgrading the Spaceport via Promotion Mode does not show hitboxes anymore
[*]Ornaments now draw smaller crowds
[*]Building several ornamentals at once no longer creates empty spaces in between
[*]User Interface (UI)
[*]Object Menus of modules now display all Sector Trait effects
[*]Fixed the empty info tip that appears when hovering above the scrollbar in the Buildings Quick View
[*]Fixed the offset in the background of the trade route overview warning
[*]Selecting a Drainage Pump now triggers the correct character notifications
[*]Sam Beaumont does not hint at building relocation if the relocation mode was disabled
[*]Escort Missions
Attaching and detaching ships in escort missions now show the correct cursor
[*]Strategy Map
Fixed the sector icons offset on the Strategy Map
Fixed several localization issues
Your Anno Team
本帖最后由 talentefifa 于 2016-10-5 13:06 编辑
好几天没玩anno了,今天看见更新了dlc 刚刚买了,进游戏有dlc生效了。你是不是买了steam库里显示有没有啊 ,不行重启steam
talentefifa 发表于 2016-10-5 12:13
好几天没玩anno了,今天看见更新了dlc 刚刚买了,进游戏有dlc生效了。你是不是买了steam库里显示有没有啊...
草...卸载了重装就可以了! 有些什么东西啊,当初黄金版的介绍第一项就是说包含完整游戏么,结果又要单独买。育婊又刷新下限了 为什么UPLAY版的现实DLC售罄…… 1234tk 发表于 2016-10-5 18:26
有些什么东西啊,当初黄金版的介绍第一项就是说包含完整游戏么,结果又要单独买。育婊又刷新下限了 ...
现在这个是独立DLC,,我玩了一下 就多了几张地图 建筑.还有就是可以召唤攻击船只到你每个地图里面!!其实也就是任务!一堆敌舰围着你的岛,.然后你就叫你的舰队来打爆24个敌舰就完成任务了!
本帖最后由 1234tk 于 2016-10-7 11:18 编辑
‘Y-1nG_。 发表于 2016-10-6 19:06
现在这个是独立DLC,,我玩了一下 就多了 ...