NVIDIA 372.90 WHQL 【显卡驱动】
Game Ready Drivers provide the best possible gaming experience for all major new releases, including Virtual Reality games. Prior to a new title launching, our driver team is working up until the last minute to ensure every performance tweak and bug fix is included for the best gameplay on day-1.Game Ready
Provides the optimal experience for Forza Horizon 3
GeForce 10 Series:NVIDIA TITAN X (Pascal), GeForce GTX 1080, GeForce GTX 1070, GeForce GTX 1060
GeForce 900 Series:GeForce GTX TITAN X, GeForce GTX 980 Ti, GeForce GTX 980, GeForce GTX 970, GeForce GTX 960, GeForce GTX 950
GeForce 700 Series:GeForce GTX TITAN Z, GeForce GTX TITAN Black, GeForce GTX TITAN, GeForce GTX 780 Ti, GeForce GTX 780, GeForce GTX 770, GeForce GTX 760, GeForce GTX 760 Ti (OEM), GeForce GTX 750 Ti, GeForce GTX 750, GeForce GTX 745, GeForce GT 740, GeForce GT 730, GeForce GT 720, GeForce GT 710, GeForce GT 705
GeForce 600 Series:GeForce GTX 690, GeForce GTX 680, GeForce GTX 670, GeForce GTX 660 Ti, GeForce GTX 660, GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST, GeForce GTX 650 Ti, GeForce GTX 650, GeForce GTX 645, GeForce GT 645, GeForce GT 640, GeForce GT 635, GeForce GT 630, GeForce GT 620, GeForce GT 610, GeForce 605
GeForce 500 Series:GeForce GTX 590, GeForce GTX 580, GeForce GTX 570, GeForce GTX 560 Ti, GeForce GTX 560 SE, GeForce GTX 560, GeForce GTX 555, GeForce GTX 550 Ti, GeForce GT 545, GeForce GT 530, GeForce GT 520, GeForce 510
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操作系统:Windows 10 64-bit
语言:Chinese (Simplified)
文件大小:339.44 MB
操作系统:Windows 10 32-bit
语言:Chinese (Simplified)
文件大小:269.3 MB
版本372.90 - WHQL
发行日期Wed Sep 21, 2016
操作系统Windows 7 64-bit
Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 8 64-bit
语言Chinese (Simplified)
文件大小334.84 MB
版本372.90 - WHQL
发行日期Wed Sep 21, 2016
操作系统Windows 7 32-bit
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Windows 8 32-bit
语言Chinese (Simplified)
文件大小267.47 MB
http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/372.90/372.90-notebook-win10-64bit-international-whql.exe 谢谢提醒。:) 是不是1060没有支持XP的驱动了? 这个显卡驱动好用不,谁安装上了,说说怎么样。 good999 发表于 2016-9-23 07:06
good999 发表于 2016-9-23 09:48
xp win7早该扔了,现在是2016年了,2017也快了
前些天,我重新装过一次win7sp1 ,结果发现无法 ...
{:3_149:} 比尔盖茨下跪求你了?
喜闻乐见的咕咕鸡每次都倍ADA同学打脸{:3_170:} good999 发表于 2016-9-23 09:48
xp win7早该扔了,现在是2016年了,2017也快了
前些天,我重新装过一次win7sp1 ,结果发现无法 ...
已经不能用那个在线更新现在微软都定期发布离线整合更新包了我怎么发现你这个人 怎么什么东西都不知道呢昨天居然还说第七代CPU不支持win7 不能装win7了
7代Lkby Lake的Core M的本本出来好多天了,网上一大把酷睿M装win7装XP的直播贴我就不发了,免得咕咕鸡又跟我卯上了{:3_43:} {:3_90:}路过~~~~~~ good999 发表于 2016-9-24 15:38
我说过7代cpu不能用win7 了么?只要你愿意装xp 98都可以啊,觉得 ...
行行行,我怕你得了,不支持就是不支持,酷睿M用核显在XP下玩3D游戏,经过测试酷睿M核显在win7下能调用底层API图型接口包括Vulkan opengl AMD Mantle dx11{:3_170:}{:3_170:}{:3_170:}