转自完全实况使用方法:运行本程序,选择pes2009.exe ,然后选择视角,时间,最后save。
Demo tweak for PES2009 PC DEMO October 1, 2008
Version 1.0.
Run demoTweak2009.exe, select your game executable, then you will be able
to alter two settings:
1. Camera angle
You can select a value from the drop-down list (0-9), or you can enter
any number you want between 0 and 2^32-1. The bigger the value, the more
camera turns when following the ball, as opposed to rolling alongside the
pitch. This helps to achieve nice "TV-broadcasting"-type views.
2. Match time
You can select a value from the drop-down list, or you can enter any number
you want between 5 and 255.
When done making changes, press "Save" button, then close demoTweak2009.
Now start the game as usual. When you get to the setting screens, the menu
will still say "5 min.", but don't believe that :) When the match starts,
you will notice that the clock runs slower, and the match will take
whatever number of minutes you specified with the demoTweak2009.
好东西啊~ 支持一下~~~ 支持...................好东西啊 好东西,就等这个了 这个太好了 5分钟实在是太短暂了 好东西 啊!谢谢分享! 好东西啊~ 谢谢~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 支持......... 好东西下来试试 确实非常需要啊! 好东西啊~支持~~~~ 非常需要这个 但是积分不够。。。 非常感谢,好东西收下了~ 好东西,就等他了!!! 谢谢啊,为什么还要积分啊 dsaczxcxzccxcccccccccccccccc dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好 好东西啊好东西啊!