用了 昆特牌 MOD 就是十字路旅店老板那里 进去一看 就那几张昆特牌也叫全部?
用了 昆特牌 MOD 就是十字路旅店老板那里进去一看 就那几张昆特牌也叫全部?作者说购买是有条件的,貌似是不能有昆特牌的任务,然后一周目35级,二周目67级才能买,具体我也不是很清楚,因为我去的时候也没看到出售任何牌,只能时不时的去看看了,没有卖的话应该是没满足条件 我新开档过了新手村才3级就去了 那旅店 就是去看看 结果就十来张牌 我tm还买不起 作者原文介绍:
Patch 1.21 ready
Skellige Card Deck added!
(Will probably only work if Skellige Card quest is started,needs confirmation)
This mod will "add" a new Gwint Card innkeeper salesman.He sells all Gwent Cards.For those people who wanna play with their monster,scoiatel or nilfgaard deck more than the last 3 Gwint matches ingame,or those,who have missed some cards for their complete deck or Steam/GOG reward.
To prevent gamebreaking mechanics quest cards are sold on Level 35 NG/67 NG+.
Blood and Wine Quest cards should be sold on Level 50 NG/80 NG+.
You can use the mod without Blood and Wine too
The Vendor is located in the tavern on the crossroads.If you already have some cards the game wants you to have just one time,then it could be that you don`t see all cards in his inventory.Don`t worry about that.