关于游戏版本1.12h 技能插槽96的在游戏设定里没有那个选项
安装了96技能mod,还装了个游戏菜单丢失修复mod,然后进游戏在选项里的游戏设定里,没有96技能的那条选项,请问这是要再安装个什么mod还是要删除什么文件来实现这个mod啊 自己给自己顶一下 试下修改此mod中的ASlotsSlotsSlotsUserCfg.ws文件,用记事本打开。照下面修改试试,注意备份function SSS_ForceSlotsCount(): int
// Set one of the following numbers after "return " statement:
// 96, 72, 60, 36, 24, 20, 16, 12 to force the mod to set this slot count after first opening of skills dialog
// default value is:
// -1 to allow mod to operate with slots count selected from options menu or remain with previously saved slot count
// example:
// return 72
return -1
function SSS_ForceUnlockAllSkillSlots(): int
// Set one of the following numbers after "return " statement:
// 0 to force the mod to lock previously unlocked skill slots and goto default unlock policy (by gaining required level for slot to unlock)
// 1 to force the mod to unlock all skill slots
// default value is:
// -1 to allow mod to operate with 'unlock skill slots' toggle option from options menu or remain with previously saved slot count
// example:
// return 1
return -1
} 这样就有效了么?
你重新下载GOG版试下,steam版用不了mod的,各种mod无效,还有一些神奇的属性数字bug superwinners 发表于 2016-4-17 23:18
function SS ...
miracle3dm 发表于 2016-4-17 23:39
你重新下载GOG版试下,steam版用不了mod的,各种mod无效,还有一些神奇的属性数字bug ...