更新地址首发2.2高压升级档450M 终于修复老款AMDCPU没有SSE 4.1的闪退问题!PC版最低配置下调!1.7高压版337M+眼罩补丁 性能补丁已发布!
本帖最后由 agonix 于 2016-6-16 01:34 编辑6/16 官方回应,暂时没有修复支持INTEL CPU的计划。。。继续默哀吧
可禁用V-sync,可使用G-Sync or FreeSync
取消SSE4.2, SSE4.1, SSSE3限制!!!再老的CPU都可以使用了!因此最低配置大大降低!!不过官方说效率低别怪我~升级电脑去~~~最新测试,AMD CPU可以运行,INTEL CPU依然无法运行,很多人向官方反应了,官方暂时还没有回应。。。。INTEL CPU同胞们默哀一会儿。。。还好最近有屁股跟深海可以撸。。。。。
1. It is recommended to delete your game from a Start Menu before updating!推荐先在开始菜单卸载游戏
2. Run Update.exe (Install it into the game folder itself (the one that contains QuantumBreak.exe)运行Update.exe安装到游戏QuantumBreak.exe目录下
3. Activate the game via QuantumScrof.exe that should already be inside your game folder OR use the Old Activation Method (google it!)运行QuantumScrof.exe激活,或使用之前的激活方式
Made by Samael. Enjoy!
Changelog: Windows 10 Title Update 3 -Support for disabling V-sync which will allow users to take advantage of G-Sync or FreeSync -Fixed an issue wit工口GAME controllers not working correctly on some configurations -General fixes -In response to requests from fans, we have removed SSE4.2, SSE4.1, SSSE3 limitation, which will enable “Quantum Break” on Windows 10 to run on unsupported, below minimum spec hardware. However, Quantum Break is not designed to run on older or unsupported hardware, and we strongly encourage you ensure your PC meets the necessary system requirements before purchasing or playing “Quantum Break” on Windows 10
5/4 FitGirl如期放出高压1.7更新档https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackStatus/comments/4huewa/quantum_break_patch_to_v1700_fitgirl_patch/
https://kat.cr/quantum-break-patch-to-v1-7-0-0-fitgirl-patch-t12540489.htmlDescription:This patch will upgrade your v1.6.0.0 version of the game to the latest v1.7.0.0WARNING!升级前把"MD5"文件夹和"Check your v1.6.0.0 installation.bat"移动到游戏目录,运行"Check your v1.6.0.0 installation.bat"Before applying the patch, copy "MD5" folder and "Check your v1.6.0.0 installation.bat" from torrent folder to your game folder, then run "Check your v1.6.0.0 installation.bat" to see if your copy of the game can be patched.如果收到错误关于多语言文件,不用担心。但是如果是其他错误,请重新安装纯净版1.6,否则会破坏游戏文件If after verification you have errors on language files you don't need - just ignore those errors.You can easily install the patch. But if you have errors NOT on language files - DO NOT INSTALL THE PATCH, you will ruin the game.在开始菜单里卸载,或使用命令行卸载1.6,运行升级补丁,再重新注册License deactivation/reactivation - Easy wayBEFORE applying the patch Search for Quantum Break in your Windows search Press right mouse button on Quantum Break and select "Uninstall" AFTER you applied the patch, run "QuantumScrof" from game folder to reactivate the license on updated gameLicense deactivation/reactivation - Manual wayRemoving license1) Open Windows PowerShell ISE with admin rights (UAC) - not just Powershell!2) Run: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted3) Click Yes for all4) Run: Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.QuantumBreak_1.6.0.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe5) Close Powershell ISETHEN PATCH THE GAMEReactivating license1) Open Windows PowerShell ISE with admin rights (UAC) - not just Powershell!2) Run: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted3) Click Yes for all4) Run: cd "C:\Path\to\Quantum Break" (ex: cd "D:\Games\Quantum Break\")5) Run: Add-AppxPackage -Register AppxManifest.xml6) Use Windows search for Quantum Break and play.Patch Features经过网友测试,本高压更新后与官方更新的1.7版完全一致,更新后大小依旧大约60GBased on inspectah (from cs.rin.ru forums) patch (24.8 GB) 100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 24.8 GB to 337 MB) Patching takes 20~60 minutes (depending on your SSD/HDD speed) After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything was patched properly HDD space after installation: the same as version v1.6.0.0 (~60 GB during patching) Patch repack by FitGirlProblems during installation?If you experience errors (Xdelta or Unarc ones) during installation, try the following things:Make sure your Windows username doesn't contain non-latin symbols. Use only latin characters & numbers Re-hash torrent (in Utorrent point to the game entry, stop download/upload, then click right mouse button, then click "Force Re-check") Disable antivirus (INCLUDING Windows Defender), it can delete installation files or cracks on-the-fly Set UAC to a minimum level, otherwise some parts of the installer won't run due to restricted rights Make sure you have at least as two times more virtual memory, than actual, physical RAM Make sure you have enough space on target drive & on C: drive (or whatever system drive you have) Try install the game NOT to C: (system) drive OR specifically to C: drive (Windows rights system is a tricky thing) Check your Windows folder (and below) for unarc.dll - if this file exists, delete it Reboot in Safe Mode and install the game
5/3 著名打包雷锋FitGirlLV 预告明天会放出340M的1.7更新档,今天要先发GTA V的新打包
5/2 更新1.7,地址:
You need to have the clean gamefiles of for the patch to work, no files deleted (like languages).You need to have around 70 GB of free space for patching.First remove old "license" of the game:1.) Open Windows PowerShell ISE with admin rights (UAC) - not just Powershell!2.) Run: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted3.) Click Yes for all4.) Run: Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.QuantumBreak1.6.0.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe5.) Close Powershell ISEHow to update from version to Open patch_quantum_break_1.6.0.0- Select game install directory(Microsoft.QuantumBreak1.6.0.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe) and click Start.It takes very long time (around 1 hour on SSD) to patch and the patcher looks like it´s frozen, but it´s not (look at task manager).3.) When finished rename directory to Microsoft.QuantumBreak1.7.0.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe4.) Open Windows PowerShell ISE with admin rights (UAC) - not just Powershell!5.) Run: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted6.) Click Yes for all7.) Run: cd "C:\Path\to\Microsoft.QuantumBreak1.7.0.0_x648wekyb3d8bbwe" (ex: cd "D:\Games\QuantumBreak\Microsoft.QuantumBreak_1.7.0.0_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe")8.) Run: Add-AppxPackage -Register AppxManifest.xml9.) Use Windows search for Quantum Break and play.
4/30 更新1.7,但貌似依然没修复CPU问题...更新内容如下
- Added additional graphics options 增加图像选项
- Added Quit Button to Main Menu 退出菜单
- Alt+Enter now toggles full screen mode 全屏切换
- Fixed rare instances of cloud saves failing and causing loss of progress
- Fix for a rare bug that accidentally wiped progress after completing the game
- Fixed aspect ratio and full screen scaling for non 16:9 resolutions
- Fixed resolution selection when transitioning from windowed to fullscreen mode
- Fixed frame timing not matching the refresh rate
- General Performance Improvements
- Unlock descriptions for Will Diary 1 and Will Diary 2 are no longer reversed
- Fixed Jacks subtitles not showing in some cinematics
- Fixed various keyboard input issues
- Fixed in-game TV screen images which were sometimes grainy
- Fixed circular progress bar alpha in the junction stats screen
- Fixed options menu items being clickable even if they're cropped
- Fixed 1 px gaps sometimes visible in the PC keyboard key callout backgrounds
- Fixed rendering issues in the menus
- Fixed video playback not always ending if the video was synced to audio
- Fixed issue in renderer when initializing participating media
- Fixed missing line in Portuguese audio in an Act 5 cinematic
- Act 2 Part 1: Fixed Nick pathing issues
- Act 2 Part 3: Added collision on time machine corridor to prevent players accidentally falling to their death
- Act 5: Fixed last subtitle going by too quickly to read
4/14 官方刚刚放出声明,证实 “老款CPU没有SSE 4.1的会闪退” PC版性能低下等问题,正在紧张制作更新性能补丁中!!请大家耐心等待!!!我的Q6600终于有救啦~~~
intel cpu的可以暂时试试当初修复鸟姐合金装备-幻痛的那个补丁(AMD据说也可以):https://m.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/2c65vb/found_a_solution_for_the_ovrservice_x64exe_has/
Quantum Break status update
Today, 09:36 AM
The entire development team at Remedy Entertainment and Microsoft Studios want to thank all our fans for the success that Quantum Break has experienced since it launched last week on April 5. We have spent the last four years working on Quantum Break – the ultimate Remedy Entertainment game as we call it – and to see how warmly it has been received by gamers worldwide has been exhilarating and incredibly rewarding.
We are aware that some players are facing issues with the Windows 10 version of Quantum Break and some extent on Xbox One. We want to let you know that we are working diligently with Microsoft Studios on addressing all the feedback; below are the things we know about today that are being worked on.
We want to thank our fans again for all their continued support for Remedy and apologize for any problems you have faced playing Quantum Break. We are paying close attention to forums and the discussion online about Quantum Break and are doing our best to solve the issues you are experiencing.
Windows 10 Issues & Solutions
Stuttering Frame-Rate / Frame Pacing
There was a major rounding error introduced into our refresh rate predictions on shipping. A solution to this issue is already being worked on; we expect it to be resolved in a Quantum Break Title Update launching in the near future.
Windows 10 Performance Issues
Remedy is looking into how to improve the overall performance of the game. Part of that is working closely with AMD and NVIDIA to address issues and improve the gameplay experience.
Sometimes, after a longer play session, the game can end up to a state where the video memory becomes fragmented, and an important asset gets moved to system memory, which slows the rendering performance significantly. This problem is very rare and Remedy will continue to investigate and improve the video memory behavior in future updates.
If you experience this issue, exiting and restarting Quantum Break will resolve this issue for now. This is one way to identify if you have encountered this issue or if it’s another potential problem.
Graphics Drivers:
We recommend, for AMD Radeon GPU’s, AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.4.1
We recommend, for NVIDIA GPU’s, 362.00 from NVIDIA.
Keep in mind, these drivers might have an impact on other software on your computer.
Windows 10 Frame Rate Locked?
In May, Microsoft will be enabling the ability for developers to disable v-sync and adding support for G-Sync and Freesync monitors. This means that UWP games running in full screen, borderless windowed mode will have all of the performance advantages of traditional full screen exclusive mode.
No Option to Quit from Main Menu
We hear you! By popular demand, we are adding an exit option to the main menu in an upcoming title update. For now, similar to all Windows 10 apps, you will need to use Alt-F4 or move the mouse cursor to top right corner of the window to the see the X icon, which you can click to exit the game.
Crashing on Launch
We have been able to repro at least one reason for a rare crash on launch– with some SIMD instructions that require SSE4.1. We are working on fixing that in a future title update, and will fix any other issues we find as they are reported.
Image Quality
We are working on giving users more control to turn on and off features like film grain. We love the artistic choice for our game, but we also want to give PC gamers more choice and this will come in a future update.
Does Quantum Break support SLI or other multi-GPU solutions?
Quantum Break on Windows 10 unfortunately doesn’t support DirectX12 multi-GPU rendering. Due to the engine architecture, the work needed to support multiple GPUs would have been significant and out of scope for Remedy for Quantum Break.
Render technique and resolution on Windows 10
The Windows 10 version of Quantum Break uses the same reconstruction method as on Xbox One. If your resolution is set to 1080p, the game temporally reconstructs the image (except UI) from four 720p buffers rendered with 4xMSAA, just like on Xbox One. Engine assigns input geometry samples from 4xMSAA rendering into shaded clusters in order to maximize covered geometry while keeping the performance on acceptable level by reducing expensive shaded samples. When you change the resolution, the buffers used to construct the image are always 2/3rds of the set resolution, i.e. in 2560x1440 they would be 1706x960.
Download Issues
We are aware some users are having issues downloading the game from the Windows Store. There are some known bugs with the way the progress bar is rendered. Microsoft is standing by to help anyone who has issues downloading and the Windows 10 Anniversary Update this summer will massively improve the overall experience for these kinds of big games.
General Issues & Solutions (Xbox One and Windows 10)
Light Flare / Blinking Lights
This is a known issue. A permanent fix is being introduced in the next Title Update in the near future. For now, the problem can be resolved by exiting and re-launching the game.
Film Grain
This is an artistic choice from Remedy Entertainment. We wanted a cinematic look for our game and “film grain” is part of that look. Depending on the brand of TV you use or if your Xbox One is connected to a monitor, the film grain can look very different. Always use “Game Mode” on your television if such a feature exists. Make sure you adjust your sharpness setting down on your monitor or TV as well as the brightness setting in Quantum Break.”
Ambient Subtitles
While atmosphere is an important part of Quantum Break, we decided to not include subtitles for ambient sound (e.g.– in-game radio broadcasts) to ensure those subtitles did not conflict or overlap with the subtitles for actual character dialogue.
No Dialogue on Xbox One
If your game is missing dialogue, this is probably because you are listening in stereo, but the Xbox One is set to play back surround 5.1 or 7.1.
To solve this on Xbox One:
[*]Scroll left from Home to open the guide
[*]Select Settings
[*]Select All Settings
[*]Select Display & Sound
[*]Select Audio output
[*]Set the output to Stereo
Cloud Save Issue on Windows 10 and Xbox One
Cloud save issues with the Windows 10 version of Quantum Break have been resolved with the March update (Windows 10 Version 10586.164, 64-bit only). To avoid any issues, please switch Microsoft accounts before signing in to the Xbox app and/or check Windows Update to ensure that you are using the latest version of Windows 10.
We are aware of this issue on Xbox One and are working to address it in a future update. To avoid any issues, please quit the game before turning off your console.
{:3_111:}{:3_111:} fatezeroart 发表于 2016-4-14 01:10
这奇葩的游戏我是真服了,声明上这么说“The Windows 10 version of Quantum Break uses the same reconstr ...
1.7版卡在100%.... 求助 我爱李思萌 发表于 2016-7-25 22:21
安装update之后,打开游戏目录里的Q开头的文件夹里Q开头的文件,说不是有效32位程序,我系统是64位 求救
我爱李思萌 发表于 2016-7-25 22:12
激活Q开头的文件,打开之后说不是有效的win32应用程序怎么回事,我是win64的 ...
安装update之后,打开游戏目录里的Q开头的文件夹里Q开头的文件,说不是有效32位程序,我系统是64位 求救
激活Q开头的文件,打开之后说不是有效的win32应用程序怎么回事,我是win64的 我还是没有找到1.6的更新 agonix 发表于 2016-6-22 23:01
夏之天狼星 发表于 2016-6-22 22:27
支持一个。 裤子里有条虫 发表于 2016-6-16 10:59
安装1.7 在安装2.2出来一个出口英文的
agonix 发表于 2016-6-16 00:57
安装1.7 在安装2.2出来一个出口英文的 裤子里有条虫 发表于 2016-6-15 23:29
JackGreen 发表于 2016-6-15 21:47
intel cpu的可以暂时试试当初修复鸟姐合金装备-幻痛的那个补丁(AMD据说也可以):https://m.reddit.com/r/ ...
AMD CPU升到2.2就可以用了,intel就只能默哀了
凶首是我 发表于 2016-6-15 13:27
不是卡的问题,而是官方没有修复支持intel i系列以前的CPU,所以还是无法运行 安装不上 agonix 发表于 2016-6-14 13:17
intel cpu继续阵亡中。。。。。
凶首是我 发表于 2016-6-13 09:43
intel cpu继续阵亡中。。。。。
ohgeezer 发表于 2016-6-12 22:40
省錢的做法可以加大虛擬內存到32G也可改善卡頓的 ...
凶首是我 发表于 2016-6-12 21:43
谢了,升级成功,但是越卡了...... 用的n卡自动优化
ohgeezer 发表于 2016-6-12 16:26
谢了,升级成功,但是越卡了...... 用的n卡自动优化
本帖最后由 ohgeezer 于 2016-6-12 16:33 编辑
zero的碎头盔 发表于 2016-6-12 14:57
你这个种子里的东西比我下载的不是一个东西。。。等等 楼主发的是什么来着。。
你自己不也發現到exe檔沒變嗎? 升級主要就是改exe檔..不然是升爽的嗎..:lol)
要下载哪个啊,200m和400m:L ohgeezer 发表于 2016-6-12 14:36
你这个种子里的东西比我下载的不是一个东西。。。等等 楼主发的是什么来着。。
zero的碎头盔 发表于 2016-6-12 12:22
这个是没变化的 反正可以用。。。
本帖最后由 zero的碎头盔 于 2016-6-12 12:23 编辑
softpal 发表于 2016-6-12 12:19
这个是没变化的 反正可以用。。。
zero的碎头盔 发表于 2016-6-12 12:15
你这么一说 我发现了这次更新没更新QuantumBreak.exe的主程序。。版本号没变,打开一开居然有效{ ...
softpal 发表于 2016-6-12 11:55
你这么一说 我发现了这次更新没更新QuantumBreak.exe的主程序{:3_91:}。。版本号没变,打开一开居然有效{:3_94:}。。。。谢谢了{:3_118:}