battle brothers更新了
战争哥们昨晚大更新,求大神破解版 更了啥?我一直想养肥了再宰还不够肥啊!!!! 等汉化了再玩 汉化,这游戏不需要特别的汉化差不多也能玩,不知道新版本怎么样 等破解!!!!!! 破解已經出來了。823.67MB Changelog
Changed roaming enemy parties to start out weaker in the early game.
Changed contract rewards to be slightly higher.
Changed contracts to appear sooner after starting a new campaign.
Changed contracts to appear slightly more often.
Changed employers to be slightly less enraged when the player cancels contracts despite receiving advance payment already.
Changed second tutorial battle to have one less opponent on Even difficulty.
Changed hotkey to show/hide tracking to 'Tab', hotkey for camping to 'T' and opening the character screen back to 'C'.
Changed the way sounds and music are loaded in order to eliminate some potential crashes for people. This may introduce minor lag as music changes, but with the crashes gone we now can take the time to look for the best solution.
Fixed potential crash when loading an autosave right before combat.
Fixed game not saving correctly in rare cases when destroying a location that has a party roaming around it.
Fixed tutorial battle not triggering correctly because of Hoggart's hair.
Fixed bug potentially having the player start out with large amounts of money.
Fixed battles starting with the player being ambushed when they shouldn't.
Fixed issue with contract payment not scaling properly to contract difficulty.
Fixed 'Tab' key making the UI glitch and not accept keyboard input correctly sometimes.
Fixed the player starting on tiny islands in rare cases with no way to get off.
Fixed bandits having a leader hostile to them in a twist of the 'Drive away bandits' contract.
Fixed player choice in twist of the 'Investigate Cemetery' contract not being registered correctly.
Fixed player choice in twist of the 'Armed Courier' contract not being registered correctly.
Fixed issue with 'Investigate Cemetery' contracts being issued on small islands with no space to spawn the cemetery.
Fixed issue with player's wardogs not properly attacking militia and noble house troops.
Fixed people joining the player via events even when the roster is already at full capacity.
Fixed several text errors. mmll888 发表于 2016-3-2 18:22
跪求大神分享 独角兽佣兵 发表于 2016-3-2 18:27 static/image/common/back.gif
本帖最后由 櫻庭十六夜 于 2016-3-3 20:59 编辑
独角兽佣兵 发表于 2016-3-3 16:44 static/image/common/back.gif
櫻庭十六夜 发表于 2016-3-3 20:52 static/image/common/back.gif
櫻庭十六夜 发表于 2016-3-3 20:52
非常感谢 非常感谢 說實話更新的都是一些可有可無的東西 最關鍵的武器品種依然是那麼多 技能什麼的也沒有調整 又更新了,现在是0.6.0.11,制作组太坏了,故意的 感觉这款游戏有点像骑砍的回合制版,自由度很高,也是佣兵类游戏,大爱还没下载好,来了0.6.0.10,还没下载好,来了0.6.0.11 = 。=
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2D11E5E5DE7C5868CE6EC0779D7DF431211CB4C0&dn=battle+brothers+0+6+0+11& 又更新了,哎,非常感谢各位大神
Changed prices for fast travel via ship to be lower. Changed kennels and barbers to be slightly more prevalent and guaranteed to exist on every map. Requires starting a new campaign to take effect. Changed spawning of contract-related locations and parties to better account for the ocean. Changed tooltips of crowns and provisions to show daily amount required also when having none left. Fixed relations decaying much faster than intended. Fixed enemies from contracts being added ontop of existing garrisons in some cases for more opposition than intended. Looking at you, goblin ambushes. Fixed potential crash with 'Raze Location' contract. Fixed potential exploit with resurrected undead for 'Patrol' contract. Fixed cosmetic issue with world generation. Fixed percentage condition of shields not being displayed ontop of their icon. Fixed wrong icons for named flails. Fixed various text errors.
这么好的游戏,几个月来头一次大更新,居然没汉化~~!! 非常感谢还没下载好,来了0.6.0.10,还没下载好,来了0.6.0.11,没下载,来了0.6.0.12 = 。= 月光伊伊 发表于 2016-3-6 21:21还没下载好,来了0.6.0.10,还没下载好,来了0.6.0.11,没下载,来了0.6.0.12 = 。 ...
233333,我也是 多谢分享啦!~!! v0.6.0.13
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:071D98A08B442DF1A6B56782D53C12F90086C242&dn=battle+brothers+v0+6+0+13& mmll888 发表于 2016-3-8 07:38
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:071D98A08B442DF1A6B56782D53C12F90086C242&dn=battle+brothers+v0+6+0+13 ...
大神真是大好人那,更新的实在太及时了。ORZ又来了。。。 感谢大神!!!!