rt,运行wcc_lite 的结果从来都是自己运行一会然后自动关闭,我都没机会输代码附上wcc.log(貌似是记录)
Read only mode: no
Root path: 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\'
Base path: 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\'
Data path: 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\r4data\'
Bundle path: 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bundles\'
Temp path: 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\../temp\'
CContentManager scanning for contentSource 'eContentSource_LooseFiles'
CContentManager: no cooked language files found. Defaulting to EN
CContentManager: content scanned in 0.00 sec
CContentManager: contentChunk 'content0' with 5 files
CContentManager: Total 5 files across 1 manifests
CContentManager::ScanForDlcFiles under 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\dlc\'...
ScanForDlcFiles: no dlc packs were found!
CContentManager: DLC content scanned in 0.00 sec
Save directory set to 'E:\My Documents\The Witcher 3\gamesaves\'
Decompression thread started
Found 12 engine configs in path E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\base\
Found 1 engine configs in path E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\developer\
Found 2 engine configs in path E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\
Found 2 engine configs in path E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\platform\pc\
User settings applied to config registy.
Config legacy path: 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\legacy\'
Found 8 engine configs in path E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\
Loading in-game configs from file: E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\audio.xml
Loading in-game configs from file: E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\gameplay.xml
Loading in-game configs from file: E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\hidden.xml
Loading in-game configs from file: E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\hud.xml
Loading in-game configs from file: E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\input.xml
Loading in-game configs from file: E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\localization.xml
Loading in-game configs from file: E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\postprocess.xml
Loading in-game configs from file: E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\rendering.xml
Dependency cache loaded in 0.01s, 206679 entries, 612842 deps
Dependency cache: 3.91MB, mapping: 3.15MB
Dependency mapping built in 0.03s (4.73MB)
Depot will use dependency cache
Loading priority for tag 'Boot' in contenxt 'Boot' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
Loading priority for tag 'WorldLoading' in contenxt 'WorldLoading' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
Loading priority for tag 'WorldStreaming' in contenxt 'WorldStreaming' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
Loading priority for tag 'SceneLoading' in contenxt 'SceneLoading' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
Loading priorities initialized. Current mode: Boot.
Initializing depot took 0.0 sec
Object system intiialized
Engine running with command line parameters 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\x64\wcc_lite.exe '
CShaderCacheResolver: enabling saving
Using static shader cache from 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\r4data\staticshader.cache'
[Shaders] ShaderCache 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\r4data\staticshader.cache': includes out-of-date (loaded 14626512555521526370, actual: 0)
CCollisionCacheResolver: attaching 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\r4data\collision.cache'
Loaded 638 existing entries from collision cache
Collision cache buffers: 0.09 MB Read, 0.01 MB Load
CShaderCacheResolver: attaching 'E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\r4data\shader.cache'
Waiting for content manager took 0.14 sec
Localization manager using: text=EN, speech=EN
Available text languages (18):
Available speech languages (18):
Default langauge: EN
CTaskScheduler initializing with 4 task threads
Thread Started
[Spam] Initialised
Trying to create property seeds in class CParticleEmitter - type hashmap:6,Uint32->Uint32 unknown!
Trying to create property modifierMap in class SItemTagModifier - type hashmap:6,CName->Float unknown!
Reindexed 2929 classes in 4.190ms
307 classes are accessed via pointers
["SoundFileLoader"] CSoundBanksWhileInitTask - Started processing bank names - count
["SoundFileLoader"] CSoundBanksWhileInitTask - Starting loading always loaded banks.
Resource extension 'w2w' is already used by class 'CWorld'. Trying to reuse it for class 'CGameWorld'
Class 'CGameWorld', inconclusive
["SoundFileLoader"] CSoundBanksWhileInitTask - Always loaded banks count
["SoundFileLoader"] CSoundBanksWhileInitTask - Finished processing.
[Spam] Listening for incoming connections on port 37000
Initialized service handler at port 37010
Loading scripts
Trying to load scripts from 'x64.release.redscripts'...
Loading compiled scripts:
- version: 5
- time stamp: 10/08/2015 07:33:24
- app version: BUILD_VERSION_FULL
- platform: x64
- configuration: Release
- crc: 0x0000000000000000
Found 6103 classes in RTTI
Reindexed 6104 classes in 3.938ms
RTTI data layout recalculated in 71.28ms
Reachability 0.11 ms
Collecting unreachables 0.00 ms
GC 89->88, 78 roots, 0.15 ms
Cached scripts loaded in 0.23s
Engine is using precompiled scripts from 'x64.release.redscripts'
Loaded legacy config from 'user'
Loaded legacy config from 'gameplay'
Loaded legacy config from 'explorations'
CResourceDefManager loading 1 definitions in 0.00s
Wintab for Windows 'wintab32.dll' not found
Failed to initialize tablet library
Engine not run in read-only mode, startup package will not be loaded
Loaded legacy config from 'input'
Loaded legacy config from 'input_qwerty'
User mappings file version is invalid
Default input mappings loaded.
Reloading items and definitions...
CItemManager: directory 'items\' not found!
Reloading items and definitions... done!
Error: no speed config defined in speedConfig.xml, there is probably an error in there !
There's no DLC directory in the depot. No DLCs will be mounted.
Unable to load cooked 'gameplay\gui\fonts\aldo_pc_15.w2fnt'. Make sure resource was gathered and check log for details.
[System] Load()
A message needs to be defined with this warning
Debug Information
Commandline: "E:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\x64\wcc_lite.exe"
Current Thread:
Thread ID: 65168
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x7f615c - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x159c049 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x15a7739 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x26bb88 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x282394 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1bded0e - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x70b0a4 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x709021 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x22029c - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f614f4 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)
Unable to load cooked 'gameplay\gui\fonts\arial.w2fnt'. Make sure resource was gathered and check log for details.
[Scene] 'cutscenes\pre_rendered_cutscenes\cs502_tower_ciri_walks_in_p2.usm'
[Scene] 'cutscenes\pre_rendered_cutscenes\cs502_tower_ciri_by_light.usm'
Loaded legacy config from 'community'
[SecondScreen] Manager created.
Constructing Card information for gwint
Constructing Leader Card information for gwint
Property 'chunkShadowInfo' in 'CMesh' uses unknown type. Property value will be lost.
Mesh connectivity computed in 0.00ms (34 points, 76 triangles)
Mesh clusters computed in 0.01ms (3 clusters)
Mesh COMs computed in 0.00ms
Generalized mesh radius: 1.00m (computed in 0.20ms)
Property 'chunkShadowInfo' in 'CMesh' uses unknown type. Property value will be lost.
Mesh connectivity computed in 0.00ms (34 points, 76 triangles)
Mesh clusters computed in 0.01ms (3 clusters)
Mesh COMs computed in 0.00ms
Generalized mesh radius: 1.00m (computed in 0.13ms)
Property 'chunkShadowInfo' in 'CMesh' uses unknown type. Property value will be lost.
Mesh connectivity computed in 0.00ms (34 points, 76 triangles)
Mesh clusters computed in 0.01ms (3 clusters)
Mesh COMs computed in 0.00ms
Generalized mesh radius: 1.00m (computed in 0.15ms)
analyze - Analyze game and engine data and output cook lists
splitcache - Split cache file into multiple files
reportchunks - Reports file usage and chunk distribution of a given cook database.
dumpscripts - Dump data from compiled scripts
export - Export single assets from the engine
gluefiles - Glues files into optimal files
import - Import assets into the engine
loadtest - Attempts to load all resources to check for errors.
validate - Validate resources
get_txts - Save Dialog Lines
dumpfile - Dump file content (objects)
optimizecollisioncache - Optimize (resort) collision cache
patch - Generalized commandlet for creating differential patches for specified type of content.
r4characters - Extracts a list of character templates from cook.db
unbundle - Unbundle the files
dumpcharset - Dumps the charset used in a given strings file (*.w3strings).
uncook - Uncooks resources from a given bundle set.
venc - Create USMs
WorldSceneDependencyInfoFiles - Creates the .dep files
buildcache - Build data cache from cooked assets
metadatastore - Generates a metadata.store file for the specified directory
dependencies - Build dependency cache file
exportbundles - Build final bundle lists
filever - Check file versions
cook - Cook file lists, generate cooked data and bundle files for packing
questlayoutdump - Saves quest layout for use in external QuestDebugger.
pack - Packs file from given directory into a bundle
resourceusage - Export spatial resource usage information from a given world
cooksubs - Don't ask
cooksounds - No operation
split - Split the files into content buckets
package - Packs a world directories into a single dzip for faster loading and deployment on consoles.
splitstrings - Splits strings and speech files for a given language based on JSON descriptor.
swfdump - Dump SWF stuff
swfimport - Bulk import resources preserving directory structure
resave - Resaves resources and optionally submits the changes into P4.
cookmaterials - Cooks materials
cookocclusion - Generate occlusion for given worlds
calculateRuntimeOcclusionMemory - Calculate required memory for runtime occlusion data for the level
findDuplicates - Find duplicate geometry for the level
pathlib - Generate navigation data for given world
cookstrings - Cooks strings and speech database, given a list of languages and platforms.
testcollisioncache - Test asynchrnous collision cache access
cookertest - Test of wcc
testmem - Test memory framework, streaming, GC and resource management stability
voconvert - Convert voiceover files from .wav to .ogg
Total errors: 0
Total warnings: 0
Shutting down engine
Destroying debug windows
Shutting down the red gui manager
Shutting down debug sever..
[Spam] Shut Down
Shutting down game engine
Reachability 0.11 ms
Collecting unreachables 0.00 ms
GC 327->138, 127 roots, 0.28 ms
Reachability 0.01 ms
Collecting unreachables 0.00 ms
GC 138->2, 1 roots, 0.15 ms
Saving configuration
Decompression thread finished
[SecondScreen] Manager destroyed.
Profiling not started!!!
我来消灭零回复!!!!! 同样的问题,不能输入,楼主解决了么