求用电信网的朋友下载下来个网盘分流 我没说这是破解 单纯想自己当小白鼠去试试 正当防卫降版了 来着求搬运
本帖最后由 zq2295068 于 2016-2-14 15:11 编辑Just Cause 3 Crack 0.0.2
1. Drag all files from crack folder to your Just Cause 3 install directory (Back your files up first) then run the "check readme file then run me" and let it work on it's own until your reach the HUB.
2. Works with the and Repacks.
3. Close all apps that may interfere with this install proccess.
4. Make sure steam is closed.
5. Very early build expect bugs.
6. Run the "Denuvo Server Emulator" While you launch the game for it to work correctly.
7. Safemode may help start the game on some hardware configs.
8. More info will come soon and expect an update in a week or two.
9. The crack can be started using the Hub or Crack loader
帮顶 希望有用 网盘可以直接种子上传 https://yunpan.cn/cxFpmaSZkT8vn访问密码 49b1
注意,下載過程我的殺軟一直報毒 tntww 发表于 2016-2-14 16:57 static/image/common/back.gif
https://yunpan.cn/cxFpmaSZkT8vn访问密码 49b1
额,如果是病毒,那又未免太大了吧,先MARK........ 有这么好的东西,好,我先研究一下…… 好像很复杂的样子,但看这个版本号,是 0.0.2 应该是在最初级的阶段,估计是还有一段很长的路要走…… 下载完了,不明白
6. Run the "Server Emulator Twice" for it to work correctly.
这个是什么意思,没有 Server Emulator Twice 这个东西啊,难道是会生成出来的吗? 单看文件来讲,感觉应该比较靠谱,哈哈。高手们加油啊!!{:3_94:} OK非常感谢截图的玩家,终于明白
6. Run the "Server Emulator Twice" for it to work correctly.
是什么意思了,好吧,趁现在还未想睡觉,看看我能不能做个幸运的小白鼠,哈哈…… 是大神小号发的吗 你就是个笑话