本帖最后由 tccwang 于 2016-2-3 15:38 编辑今天上REDDIT有國外破解組公開宣布'崛起'已被破解 而且有送出BETA檔案給部分玩家測試
國內需翻牆才看的到 希望是真的啊 他們有說近期會公布下載 破解進度如下
Game works.
Few issues such as random crashing upon launch, during menu.
Connecting to internet will crash the game.
Private test – closed for now. We will be sending files randomly to users who showed interest.
真的吗? 不知道啊 也要等檔案流出測試後 才能確定 jasdhjsakdhsjahdskajdhj 求lz头像出处! 这段影像好熟悉啊,当初龙腾被破解的时候也是先放出了一段视频.不过作者也说了不想被请喝茶,不知道什么时候能放破解啊 我去看了~底下的评论挺有趣的~ 外国人刷存在感而已,当真你就输了,破解最靠谱的还是国内 PC极限画质,不再折腾画面了 还好没买豪华版,期待破解,下一个是正当防卫3,还是老外给力.
huajiaqing 发表于 2016-2-3 17:00 static/image/common/back.gif
我擦下面最后一句话是说不久就会轮到正当3??????????真的假的?????????? redspirit1999 发表于 2016-2-3 17:13 static/image/common/back.gif
我擦下面最后一句话是说不久就会轮到正当3??????????真的假的?????????? ...
huajiaqing 发表于 2016-2-3 17:00 static/image/common/back.gif
卧槽,什么情况,难道能破,那我春节又能省一笔了 连破解组名字都没有 太假 不管怎么样,破解家族是一家啊。不管老外还是3DM。给所有破解团队给个赞,有你们才有现在的游戏文化。 怎么说呢,有一定可信度,但是别抱太大希望,因为老外大多都是不信的觉得是在耍猴。其实我前几天就想说这件事,无奈大号登不上去,小号没发帖权限。 干死DENUVO!!!!!!!!!! 阿弥陀佛 my proof of the crack from skidrow fans about the game:rise of the tomb raider self.CrackStatus
Submitted 14小時前 * by karlob08
hi again i posted the video before and a screenshot and a lot of people thought i was fake or should i say that the crack is so i am here for one last time to show you that everything i said about the crack and things about it is legit here is my video to back up what i said:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCkgMionPmY&feature=youtu.be
if you choose to believe me good for you,if not your problem i really don"t care that much any longer
and i know that i did show my facebook before uploading it but that is not a problem really that much
follow their page for more info when the crack is available so that you can go ahead and download it https://www.facebook.com/国外著名山寨假冒S组网站/
edit:if they do not respond to me or update their facebook status by tommorow for like 10-12 hours from now on then i will share the crack with everyone
good night people see you tommorow with a chance that you wil get the crack and play the game
expect to see the crack today
when and if i share this please people if it turns out it needs activation then i am sorry because i did not know that and i swear on my life my game was not activated i did not have the time to launch the game because steam kept disconnecting me out so just so you know 炒作的而已,最後還是要看3DM了,沒有就是差不多下坡了 本帖最后由 PB大亨 于 2016-2-3 18:36 编辑
45分钟前说2小时后发布破解。然而我只是一个不明真相的吃瓜群众。 linshiyu11 发表于 2016-2-3 15:42 static/image/common/back.gif
楼主这个标题起的也是叼的一逼 支持下,希望真的能破! 是真的当然好 时间就能决定真假:) mark,希望能破啊 哦哦那就拭目以待 希望真的能破!