[附魔] 一直见人说看不到想附魔的武器和防具的代码,却没见什麽人回覆, 我在这说个简单的方法吧~
方法其实大家都知, 是把武器或防具掉在地上, 看它的"ref ID"再输入以下命令
refID.amod 附魔代码
但很多人的问题是掉地上后怎麽样按都看不到它的ref ID ...
其实很简单, 只要你按键抓起你想改的武器或防具, 然后进入控制台, 打以下命令
你就可以看到它的ID了, 都是ff开始的, 多数是ff00xxxx
ff00xxxx.amod 1e73bd
下面是附魔代码, 武器我只有英文版, 看不懂的自己再百度一下吧
Assassin's Does 50% more damage against humans. 001e6846
Automatic Automatic fire mode. (Laser Musket only) 000a4739
Berserker's Does more damage the lower the player character's Armor Resistance. (Up to 200% at 0 resistance) 001ef5d7
Bloodied Does more damage the lower the users health is. 001ec036
Cavalier's Reduces damage by 15% while blocking or sprinting. 001f57e2
Crippling 50% more limb damage. 001e6d6b
Enraging Critical hits cause target to frenzy. 001f6ad4
Explosive Bullets explode on impact doing 15 points area-of-effect damage. 001e73bd
Exterminator's Does 50% more damage against Mirelurks and bugs. 001f81eb
Freezing Does 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits. 001f5479
Furious Increased damage after each consecutive hit on the same target. 001ef481
Ghoul slayer's Does 50% more damage against ghouls. 001e6847
Hunter's Does 50% more damage against animals. 001e6845
Incendiary Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage. 001e7173
Instigating Does double damage if the target is at full health. 001f04b8
Irradiated Does 50 points additional radiation damage. 001cc469
Junkie's Does increased amounts of damage the more withdrawal effects the Sole Survivor is suffering. 001eb99a
Kneecapper 20% chance to cripple the target's leg. 001f1048
Lucky Weapon Critical shots do double damage and the critical meter fills 15% faster. 001cc2a6
Medic's Heals target instead of hurting them. 001f109c
Mutant slayer's Does 50% more damage against Super Mutants. 001e6848
Never Ending Sets ammo capacity equal to the amount one is carrying. 001cc2ac
Nimble Provides 75% faster movement while aiming. 001ebabd
Nocturnal Does increasing amounts of damage as the night grows longer and less damage during the day. 001e8174
Penetrating Ignores 30% of the target's damage and energy resistance. 001f4426
Plasma infused Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo. 001f9b4d
Poisoner's Target is poisoned for 10 seconds. 001f31b9
Powerful / Mighty Provides 25% more damage. 001cc2ab
Quickdraw Costs 25% fewer Action Points. 001f1026
Rapid 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload. 001ec56d
Relentless Refills Action Points on a critical hit. 001ed37e
Sentinel's Take 15% less damage while standing and not moving. 001f5995
Staggering Chance to stagger on hit. 001e81ab
Stalker's If not yet in combat, increases V.A.T.S. accuracy but costs more AP. 001f04bd
Troubleshooter's Does 50% more damage against robots. 001f81ec
Two shot Fires an additional projectile. Decrease in accuracy. 001cc2ad
VATS enhanced Improved V.A.T.S. hit chance, 25% less Action Point cost. 001cc2aa
VATS enhanced 40% less Action Point cost. 002056f0
Violent Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil. 001f7b8a
Wounding Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage. 001e7c20
001F1DF9 杂技 跳楼伤害减少50%
001F1E0C 无坚不摧 四倍的耐用
001F1DF3 刺客 受到人类伤害减少15%
001F8165 内部衬垫 血量低的时候防御增加(最多+35)
001F579D 骑士 格挡或冲刺状态下减少15%的伤害
001F4D18 变色龙 潜行下静止不动时隐身{可迭加进行小幅移动}
001CF57C 狡猾 敏捷+1,感知+1
001F3A49 决斗 攻击有10%几率缴械对手武器{不确定是否需要近战}
001F81EB 驱虫剂 受到变种蟹和昆虫伤害减少15%
001CF57F 强化 力量+1,耐力+1
00093BBD 自由落体 无坠落伤害
001F1DEE 尸鬼杀手 受到尸鬼伤害减少15%
001F3072 草药师 +25毒抗性
001F1DEB 猎人 减少来自动物的伤害15%
001F1E0B 轻量化 防具重量降低
001CF57E 幸运 运气+2
001F2D3D 殉道者 血量低于20%进入子弹时间
001F1DF4 超变杀手 受到超变的伤害减少15%
001F7A75 充电 提高AP回复速度
001F1E47 惩罚 近战伤害反弹10%给攻击者
001F3CA9 撬锁 增加撬锁时最佳开锁点的范围
001F5995 哨兵 站立不动时降低15%的伤害输出{貌似是这样翻译的?}
001CF57D 骗子 魅力+1,智力+1
001F1C2F 运动员 移动速度提高15%
001F57E4 泰坦 站立不动减少15%的伤害
001F81EC 机器人杀手 受到机器人的伤害减少15%
001F1D62 VATS增强 VAST消耗减少10%
{:3_124:}{:3_124:}{:3_124:} 除了医疗和无坠落伤害的都见过了,目前73级。。 lovebird111 发表于 2016-2-2 19:27 static/image/common/back.gif
我有医疗胖子 ... {:3_92:}
要得到ref id最簡單了,直接鼠標點就行,要這麼麻煩麼……
擼主你這麼多年來玩B社遊戲一直搞的這麼麻煩麼…… rnlm 发表于 2016-2-2 20:21 static/image/common/back.gif
要得到ref id最簡單了,直接鼠標點就行,要這麼麻煩麼……
擼主你這麼多年來玩B社遊戲一直搞的這麼麻煩麼… ...
... ...
自己試試, 10次有3次点到你就應該去買彩票 ... 难过夾派 ...
springfield1971 发表于 2016-2-2 20:27 static/image/common/back.gif
... ...
springfield1971 发表于 2016-2-2 20:45 static/image/common/back.gif
你见识少我不会怪你 ...
楼主说的情况属实,确实多数时候点不出正确的物品代码 只能点原版的物品吗?我点MOD物品 最后所有玩意都是一个ID- -!萌新表示 呆逼了 防具传奇效果是复制粘贴老帖的吧。很多效果都弄错了 其实关键是不少人现在都用那个附魔工作台MOD来实现了。尤其是之前有个版本的是只花一个瓶盖,基本上就能任意附魔。 问题是抓起武器是什么意思? lovebird111 发表于 2016-2-2 19:27
按键抓起武器是什么意思 lingzheng1234 发表于 2016-2-2 22:43