《古墓丽影:崛起(Rise of the Tomb Raider)》伪破解补丁+DLC解锁工具[REVOLT][需要有正版玩家共享游戏给你的账号才能用]
WARNING: This is not full crack, but semi-working one! Read the notes below!First case: You can use this crack if you have the game family shared from somone. The crack overrides the "kick" time when someone else is playing the same shared library. Follow these instructions:
1. Start your family shared game at least once in online mode!
2. Put the crack in your game folder!
3. Start Steam in offline mode!
4. Start the game from the executable file and enjoy the game and its DLCs!
Second case: You have the legit game, but you didn't purchase season pass or any DLCs. Put the crack into your game folder, get the DLC pack and enjoy all DLCs!
**** Hidden Message *****
友情提示:一个正版玩家最多可以同时共享给5个人,但是这个正版玩家的账号可能会有封号风险,请自行抉择是否要使用此工具。 到时候号被BAN了。。。 分享啊啊啊啊
感觉很牛逼的样子 看看怎么样
還是沒什麼用呢 :o:o:o:o:o 啥情况啊,其他正版玩家的账号是前提吗@@?
绕过denuvo了 666666666666666666666666666
dddddddddddd 正版用的话可以解DLC吗?虽然不是很敢用。,。。。 难道破解不了了吗???{:3_107:} 感觉并没有什么用 得找个人共享账号啊 eeeeeeeeeee 这
還是沒什麼用呢 看看是什么东西 多谢分享, 不知道这个有什么用处
wagragasfdgasfdg 有点不相信
看看是什么东西 回复看看是神马东东!!... 看看是什么东西 支持一下!
破不破无所谓了 感谢分享!