国外玩家制作的一款FM2016任意球战术补丁。 包括3个进攻和3个防守的任意球战术。3个任意球防守战术:
1 Post Guard, 4 men in the PA, 4 men in the wall and 1 Forward.
1 Post Guard, 4 men in the PA, 3 men in the wall and 2 Forwards.
2 Post Guards, 4 men in the PA, 3 men in the wall and 1 Forward.
Cross middle PA free kick, 5 players forward, 2 Disrupters of the wall, 2 stay back if needed, 1 stay back.
Mix type Free kicks, 5 players forward, 2 Disrupters of the wall, 2 stay back if needed, 1 stay back.
Near Post Free Kick, 5 players forward, 2 Disrupters of the wall, 2 stay back if needed, 1 stay back.============使用说明:
1、下载解压,把战术文件放到:我的文档\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\tactics里
2、进入游戏:'tactics' > click 'Set Pieces' > 'Free Kicks'
迅雷快传: FM啊我还觉得我进错区了{:3_92:} FM 的贴 咋跑着来了 {:3_92:} 果斷支持。