【城市美化】钻石城大修~~~~~!Diamond City Overhaul ~~!!!标题要长
本帖最后由 VIP玩家 于 2015-12-7 23:04 编辑Diamond City Overhaul by sgtpectoralismajorN网原址:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4784/?tab=4&&navtag=http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/ajax/comments/?mod_id=4784&page=1&sort=DESC&pid=0&thread_id=3509195&pUp=1作者原话:Diamond City Overhaul: Rusty Revolution
This modification is an overhaul of the default Diamond city textures.
Concentrating primarily on alterations to the corrugated rusty iron sheets that make up a majority of internal components. (at a loose count 40 textures in total)
All textures for Diamond City have been changed to some degree.
Slight detail added to default textures, such as subtle rust flaking and discoloration, alterations to rust color, more detailed wooden sheets on walls, slight changes to cinder blocks to add further detail.
The changes can also be seen on the Cities exterior, with alterations being made to the main entrance including the gate system and surrounding metallic sheets, as well as other areas such as the numerous metallic shutters.
The overall effect brings a richer color palette to Diamond city. The subtle alterations, detail and color bring about a noticeable amount of change while maintaining the Developers intended feel of the City.原话翻译:钻石城大修:锈铁大改此修改是一个修改原版游戏默认的钻石城锈铁纹理。
整体效果给钻石城带来了更丰富色调。微妙的变化,细节和颜色带来了明显的变化,同时保持游戏原来的城市感觉。视频展示: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ECz93tCW8I
睡前一发,还是沙发{:3_41:} {:3_149:}顶起 卧槽。这样弄一下感觉游戏画面的B格一下提升了不少啊! 我怎么看不出修了哪里 看起来好像更加破旧了 WSguanyu 发表于 2015-12-7 23:23 static/image/common/back.gif
没啥变化啊。 只是把一堆破铜烂铁搭起的建筑搞的高大上了些 不过这个不知道掉帧如何 坐等小白鼠 还是一个垃圾堆。。。。。。。。。。。。。 然并卵啊···· 是大锈吧.... =( 我只想屋子能夠做商店買賣 我要做垃圾商店 并没有什么意义 加深了颜色?? 感覺上似乎變得更...:L 支持一下好mod
{:3_118:}感觉就是颜色不一样了哇。。。还是垃圾堆 就是颜色不一样了 恩恩,应该是大锈才对。。。 支持环境MOD. 期待像老滚一样,未来可以改变添加更多城市元素. 钻石城最后能成为你控制的聚落吗?能建设东西吗?
打了这个mod看起来好像在玩XX之地。。 看起来更旧了= =。 然 并 卵 颜色更鲜艳了。 好好好好好 这截图水平 好鲜艳……这会不会跟废土风格有点不搭……