本帖最后由 VIP玩家 于 2015-12-3 19:42 编辑N网原址:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout ... 4108&preview=&pUp=1
宁一个单肩包:N网原址http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout ... =0&id=4194&gid=1151
作者原话:Wearable Postman Shoulder Bag Retextures
Three retextures of the bag included in Eferas' great mod 'Wearable Postman Shoulder Bag or Backpack.' One is identical to the original but removes the 'U.S Mail' logo, another recolours it brown and the last recolours it black.
Download Eferas' mod first, then override their textures with the ones included in one of my files.
If you have any requests for retextures please feel free to ask.
Thank you and please enjoy! 楼主英语水平有限 请自行脑补~~~~
作者没给出获得方式应该就是工作台了 分流:三种颜色 有爱自取 楼主本人还是比较喜欢单肩的,双肩感觉笨重1.黑色 http://yun.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1950685654&uk=2670098457 2.棕色 http://yun.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1953718495&uk=26700984573.素色http://yun.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1957556561&uk=2670098457回复下又不会生猴子~~~~~~~~~~
第三个:蜘蛛侠背包 N网原址:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4079/?
作者原话:A re-texture of the Wearable Postman Shoulder Bag by Eferas I made for myself.
Uses artwork I created of Spider-Gwen.
This mod requires you use the Wearable Postman Shoulder Bag Mod to work. This Mod replaces the Postman texture but shouldn't affect the actual Postman default Postman attire.
Other Mods by me
Cool Art on Vanilla Clothing
Steevin's Piper OutfitCool and Sexy Clutter
这个很不错! 看起來像郵差{:3_94:} 因为它隐藏了你的屁股{:3_54:} 原来NV的邮差是这样外形的~~~~~~~~{:3_94:} 234123231231231 这个很不错! 你的体重增加了30{:3_100:} 感谢分享~ 机翻笑尿了 体重30 不能穿胸甲 这代价有点大{:3_119:} hahah有爱啊 开门 联邦快递 帅!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 米国人~
更像拾荒的了。。。。。 求代码{:3_99:} 这是POSTMAN的影迷啊。我也挺喜欢。
看起來像郵差 他 这个还是用破烂的邮差服 的破背包做的。。
......支持一个! 支持了,啥时候能有背枪的mod啊 快递小哥? 捡破烂有地方放了 邮差的即时感 不错谢谢分享 感谢分享 hasebe 发表于 2015-12-3 07:53 static/image/common/back.gif