就是突然会卡住 顿住 严重影响游戏体验 不知道为什么 全程非常流程,你的电脑该换了 本帖最后由 夜雨why 于 2015-11-25 10:49 编辑
[*]在Nvidia控制面板里,将垂直同步调整为Adaptive(half refresh rate),中文可能是适应(半刷新率)。因为没有中文系统参照,所以可能这里翻译的不准确,但意思应该差不多。我在这里的设置是use the 3D application setting,中文应该是使用3D应用程序设置,所以也可以试试这个设置是否可行。
[*]You can try switching to Windowed mode by going into the Graphics settings from the title screen and setting Fullscreen to Off. Windowed mode often gives worse performance, but it may help with the stuttering. If it doesn't help, then don't forget to switch back to fullscreen.
[*]Something that might also help with stuttering is setting Vsync to Adaptive (half refresh rate) in the Nvidia control panel.
[*]If those don't help, you can try using the TZT.exe tool near the bottom of this post if you have an Nvidia GPU as it will try to set a few video settings which have been proven to eliminate the stuttering in many cases:http://steamcommunity.com/app/351970/discussions/0/490123727975443236/
[*]If you still have severe stuttering after this, it can't hurt to try a good old fashioned reboot.
[*]Otherwise, wait for a patch which may help improve some stuttering.
可能是显示器刷新不同步的原因,这游戏配置要求几乎忽略不计,想必很难找到达不到配置的电脑了 ......我也是 换个输入法可破= =
shift+alt可破= =