转自http://www.hitmanforum.com/Silent Assassin requirements
The following is a list of all the conditions necessary for earning a Silent Assassin rating. The bold terms may not mean exactly what you expect and are explained in detail in further sections.
No non-accidental deaths other than targets.
No non-target NPCs were wounded while alive.
No bodies found.
No covers blown.
No witnesses left alive.
You are not caught on camera.
No weapons were found on you during any searches.
You exit the mission wearing your suit.
You exit the mission with all custom weapons you started the mission with (by either carrying them with you or storing them in an ICA crate).
These are all of the conditions required. Anything done in a mission that does not violate these conditions has no effect on the Silent Assassin rating.
NPC and dog deaths
There are three types of NPC deaths: accidental deaths, non-accidental deaths, and NPC to NPC deaths.
A non-accidental death is any NPC death caused by you using one of the following.
Any gun or melee weapon.
A mine explosion (this means the explosion itself killed the NPC).
There may also be mission-specific causes of NPC deaths not listed here that count as non-accidental deaths, for example killing an NPC with the garbage truck compactor in A New Life counts as a non-accidental death.
Any other NPC death caused by you is an accidental death.
NPC to NPC deaths are NPC deaths caused by other NPCs.
A dog death, no matter how it was caused, counts as neither an accidental nor a non-accidental death. Dog deaths are ignored just like NPC to NPC deaths.
In the end of mission statistics, the number of accidental deaths is shown as "accidents" and the number of non-accidental deaths is shown as "total kills." The number of NPC to NPC deaths is not shown.
Important notes:
If you first kill an NPC via a non-accidental method then try to make it look like an accident (by throwing the dead body off a balcony, dragging it into a pool, etc.) this is still a non-accidental death.
Bodies found
The types of bodies found that count for the requirements in the first section are any unconscious NPC body, dead NPC body of a non-accidental death, or dead NPC body of an NPC to NPC death that has been found by an NPC during play.
In the end of mission statistics, the number of dead NPC bodies found, except those of accidental deaths, is shown as "bodies found." The number of unconscious NPC bodies found is not shown.
Covers blown
While continuously wearing a disguise other than your suit, if you have worn this disguise while not being seen by any NPCs and an NPC now sees you while your tension meter is at its maximum, then the cover of your disguise is blown. You cannot blow the cover of the same disguise more than once.
In the end of mission statistics, the number of covers you have blown is shown as "covers blown."
Important notes
Your suit cannot be blown as a cover.
A witness is any NPC or dog satisfying at least one of the following.
Has seen you with an item/weapon drawn or picking up an item/weapon that does not correspond to your disguise.
Has seen you manipulating an unconscious or dead body (dragging, throwing over a balcony, etc.).
Has seen you attack someone while unarmed (pushing, headbutting, etc.).
Has seen you picking a lock.
Has blown one of your covers.
These are all of the events that create a witness. Nothing else will create a witness.
In the end of mission statistics, the number of witnesses is shown as "witnesses."
CCTV cameras
If you are recorded by a CCTV camera and do not steal the CCTV video tape before finishing the mission, then you are caught on camera.
In the end of mission statistics, it is shown if you were caught on camera or not as "caught on camera." 简单译主要部分:
4、没有“covers blown”。这个怎么说呢,大概的意思就是你换衣乔装后,如果引起他人的重度怀疑,使紧张度长时间处于高(红色);即使并未被最终识破遭攻击,也会影响SA的达成。速度躲开使紧张度降低则没事。
9、退出任务时带走开始时带来的所有武器(可以存放在ICA武器箱中) 。
这些是所有必需的条件。 我到想知道别的称号的要求...... 我也想知道别的称号...别的称号好阿..我觉得最酷的就是暴力变态精神病杀人狂.哈哈 pro难度相对真实很多,包括地图上出现的人物.....包括敌人得ai...
实在佩服在pro难度玩出sa得达人 以前不知道这么多限制,其实按上面要求的注意一下,PRO下达到SA完全可以。
我除了最后一关混战还有第一个训练关外,全部在PRO下达到SA。感觉只有密西西比船上那关NPC太多要算好时间较麻烦外,其他都比较容易。 Berserker(狂战士):10的闹事度(NOISE)和5的暴力度
Serial Killer(连环杀人狂):屠地图,只用近战武器,别被任何人发现,受伤多点 。。。。支持LZ很全 原来有中文翻译我看1楼的英文都疯了
回复 5# wuzhenyu007 的帖子