《刺客信条:枭雄》公布 PC 版硬件需求规格
Ubisoft 近日公布《刺客信条:枭雄》PC 版最低与建议系统配备需求信息。 《刺客信条》系列新作《刺客信条:枭雄》故事背景设定在工业革命极盛时期的伦敦,玩家将扮演双胞胎姊弟档刺客雅各布.弗莱和伊薇.弗莱。为解放伦敦而战的雅各布和伊薇,在这段充满刺激、阴谋以及残酷战斗的冒险中阐释了集团式犯罪组织的诞生。 官方于今日正式公布《刺客信条:枭雄》PC 版硬件最低配备需求与建议配备需求,以及游戏展示影片,供玩家参考: 最低配备需求:• Supported OS:Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10(64bit versions)• Processor:Intel Core i5 2400s @ 2.5 GHz or AMD FX 6350 @ 3.9 GHz• RAM:6GB or more for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10• Video Card:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon R9 270 (2GB VRAM with ShaderModel 5.0)• DirectX:DirectX June 2010 Redistributable• Sound:DirectX compatible sound card with latest drivers 建议配备需求:• Supported OS:Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit versions only)• Processor:Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.5 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz• RAM:8GB• Video Card:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (4GB) or the newer GTX 970 (4GB) or AMDRadeon R9 280X (3GB) or better• DirectX:DirectX June 2010 Redistributable• Sound:DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with latest drivers• Hard Drive:50 GB available space 开发成员提醒,当玩家以全 HD 画质进行游戏时,至少需要 3GB VRAM 显示适配器。 NVIDIA专属呈现: • TXAA:NVIDIA algorithm for Temporal Anti-Aliasing. Works only on NVIDIAhardware• HBAO+:NVIDIA algorithm for Ambient Occlusion. Works on both NVIDIA and AMDhardware• PCSS:NVIDIA algorithm for Soft Shadows. Works on both NVIDIA and AMDhardware• GeForce Experience:Player with GFE can have adjusted graphics options for smootherperformance experience• G-Sync Support:Support of special monitor with NVIDIA G-Sync chip 超高配备需求:• MSAA:Multisample Anti-Aliasing. Standard anti-aliasing technology, whichwill be PC-specific. Comment: Mandatory for implementation in order to have TXAAon top of it• Multi-Monitor Support:AMD Eyefinity / NVIDIA Surround. Will support 3:1 configuration of monitors• Multi-GPU:AMD CrossFire / NVIDIA SLI. Performance will scale if two (or more)videocards are installed• Customize Controls:Customize the game controls for Mouse & Keyboard input• Controller Support:Supports Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PS4 controllers• Auto-Switch:Will switch all in-game UI (feedbacks and etc.) based on last activeinput between Mouse & Keyboard feedback, Xbox One feedback and PS4feedback. PC《刺客信条:枭雄》即将于 19 日上市。吓cry............ 高出推荐配置一点。不过这游戏画面没大革命好开发商都自己承认了简化了很多特效和人物模型。所以配置要求这么低。虽然讨厌这种画面不升反降的续作,不过刺客还是非常想玩。这种3A大作什么都可以省就是不能省画面。 其实要求不低,请注意3G显存,就是说家里的2G显存卡加8G内存,还是会卡。要么升级16G内存,要么换成4G显存卡。 搞得现在GTX760 4G显存,要好过GTX770 2G显存。无语 看来650全低还是能玩的。。。 电脑低玩不起{:3_91:} 不错,支持一下。 gtx770 2G,16G内存能满帧么? 看了推荐配置应该无压力,双11刚刚换的970 期待发售 不玩不买,让他大暴死,硬件上和软件商合起来搞玩家,因为玩家有钱不在乎:L 动不动就要4G显存啊。。。NNDX。。。骗钱啊。。。 biochc 发表于 2015-11-21 22:01 static/image/common/back.gif
adsl1986 发表于 2015-11-21 22:23 static/image/common/back.gif
biochc 发表于 2015-11-21 22:50 static/image/common/back.gif
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