从外网扒回来的 画质增强补丁
本帖最后由 hihi427 于 2015-10-28 17:48 编辑http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/168077-tales-of-zestiria/72718747 出处
Hey everyone, i made a reshade preset that I think looks pretty cool (But of course everyone has their own preference.) I know i already posted a sweetfx preset i made earlier but i feel like i improved on that one!
I feel it makes the lighting look nicer by adding light ambient lighting,HDR and bloom, makes the colors pop much more than the vanilla game and it also adds more detail to the textures via a sharpening effect.
Get the files here:https://www.dropbox.com/s/lqhsntgvwhmtquw/ProfessorBAGs%20Reshade%20For%20Zestiria.zip?dl=0
Here are some comparison screenshots, just slide your mouse on the picture from left to right to compare vanilla to the reshaded game:
Go here for a couple more screenshots: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/4606/
1. IGNORE THE "DOWNLOAD PRESET" BUTTON ON THE SWEETFX WEBSITE, JUST DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING FROM HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lqhsntgvwhmtquw/ProfessorBAGs%20Reshade%20For%20Zestiria.zip?dl=0
2. Extract ALL of the contents of "ProfessorBAGs Reshade For Zestiria.zip" to your games directory. (same place were "Tales Of Zestiria.exe" is located)
And that's all! Just hit Scroll Lock to toggle the effect on and off!
EDIT: Turn OFF (make the 1 a 0) ambient lighting in the GemFX.settings withing the "reshade" Folder to make the characters skins a little bit less pale
Leave a comment below if you enjoy the look of the preset, i'd really appreciate some feedback and would like to know how it works for you.
And if you want, hit the "download preset: button on the full profile page: https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/4606/ so i can know how many people have downloaded it and make my Epeen bigger.
Thanks有时间再回来翻译 大概看下吧 效果图在https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/4606/左右划动鼠标 查看区别
https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/game/1138/ 作者网站有各种Tales of Zestiria的画质补丁
本帖最后由 夜雨why 于 2015-10-29 01:55 编辑
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[分享] 画面设置技巧──低配笔记本流畅运行《情热传说》 这个帖子的22楼。
支持下。。。。。。。。。。。。 战国无双4-2板块里有不少低配画质补丁 感谢分享,流畅太多。 戏中,玩家将为守卫小国加利亚而战。游戏设定在19世纪30年代的欧罗巴(Europe)——虚构的大陆——大战时期。玩家将跟随维尔金的第七小队反抗帝国的入侵。原本只存在于传说中的古老种族——“女武神”——的出现扭转了战局,联邦似乎看见了胜利的曙光。 看不懂