谁看到Adventure items pack 这个DLC了?
ini 里有写游戏里没出现过下的是1.2+ DLC 整合包
本帖最后由 夜雨why 于 2015-10-28 08:52 编辑
没找到,不过这个DLC就是官方修改器,完全可以用Cheat Engine 6.4再加上Tales of Zestiria修改脚本代替,而且这个可修改的东西更加丰富。
[原创] 【原创!3DM下载站/附件/网盘分流】《情热传说》v1.0-Update 1 十六项修改器 By 风灵月影 [更新 2:支持1号升级档]
如果要精细修改,需要用Cheat Engine
Cheat Engine官网下载页面:http://www.cheatengine.org/downloads.php
Cheat Engine 6.4 英文版:http://mirror2.cheatengine.org/download/d1/CheatEngine64.exe
Cheat Engine 6.4 简体中文官方汉化包:http://www.cheatengine.org/download/ch_cn.zip
Cheat Engine 6.4 繁体中文官方汉化包:http://www.cheatengine.org/download/zh_CN.rar
以下是Cheat Engine官网论坛中,《情热传说 Tales of Zestiria》的修改脚本说明,我翻译了一下。另外,我也试用了一下,感觉功能比较完善,可以迅速修改。不过需要先选中Cheat Engine中要修改的那项,再到游戏里触发相应菜单,然后再切换到Cheat Engine中进行修改。这个修改脚本应该还会更新,如果有兴趣请到以下原帖地址里查询最新的功能。
From: http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?t=584940
Niedzielan 发表于 2015-10-27 3:26 pm
Info - Gald, Meals, Playtime
基本数据 - 金币, 饮食, 已玩时间
Party Members & Stats - Also includes follower IDs - have any two followers (ever wanted 3 Soreys running around?)
团队成员与状态 - 当然也包括跟随成员的ID - 可有任意两位跟随成员 (想让3个史雷在周围跑吗?)
Items - Infinite Items, Unlock All, or just set quantity manually for any item (Consumables, Snacks, Valuables and Fashion)
道具 - 无限道具, 全道具解锁, 或者只是手动添加任意一种道具的数量 (消耗品, 食物, 稀有道具, 服饰)
Outfit - Ever wanted to run around wearing Mikleo's clothes and Rose's hair? Too bad, people will give you odd looks.
服饰 - 想要穿着米克利欧的衣服搭配罗丝的发型到处逛吗? 好糟糕, 有人要变得越来越奇怪了.
Battle Actions - Choose as many BAs as you want, modify the conditions for unlocking them, or just unlock them all!
战斗行动 - 选择想用的全部战斗选项, 修改获取条件来解锁, 或者直接解锁全部!
Support Talents - Select a talent, then set it to max level. Or freeze Preparation to 0 and make items with every step!
辅助天赋 - 选择一种天赋, 然后设置到最高等级. 或者锁定食物和药剂制做为0, 每走一步制作一个道具!
Titles - Level up your titles with no grinding needed
称号 - 无需漫长的等待, 直接提升称号等级
Equipment Editor - Customize your gear to your heart's content
装备编辑器 -随心所欲定制你的装备
Lord of the Lands Grade - Why give them items or farm mobs when you could just edit it. Set these high to unlock extra stuff in NG+
领域之主积分 - 当你仅仅只要修改一下时, 凭什么给他们道具或者不停刷小怪. 将这些级别调高, 在多周目中解锁额外的东西
NG+ Grade Shop
N周目 积分商店
Around the world:
Shop - How much you've spent determines their rank towards you.
商店 - 消费的金币数目决定了你在商店内的地位.
Super Sprint - Windstep running out? Who needs it. (don't set it too high or stuff might break)
超级冲刺 - 踏风用完了? 谁还需要. (不要设置太高,不然可能会崩溃)
Infinite Water Cloak - Makes the Water Temple a bit easier to manage
无限水幕斗篷 - 降低通过水之神殿的难度
In battle:
Unlimited Hit Points - Never take damage
无限连击点数 - 永不受伤
Unlimited Hit Points + 1-hit KO - Never take damage, kill things instantly.
无限连击点数 + 一击必杀 - 永不受伤, 迅速灭敌.
Unlimited Spirit Chain - Never run out of SC.
无限神灵连接 - 永远用不完的SC.
Select Enemy for OHKO - Select an enemy with Tab, then OHKO them.
选择敌人进行一击必杀 - Tab键选择敌人, 然后一击必杀.
Infinite BG Sets in-battle BG to 9. Does not give you the achievement.
无限BG 设置战斗中BG为9. 但无法达成成就.
Difficulty - Change difficulty (Warning: Do NOT set this to a difficulty you have not unlocked)
难度 - 改变难度 (警告: 不要设置为当前尚未解锁的难度)
Difficulty Battles - You need 300 Hard wins to unlock Insane, and 400 Insane wins to unlock Chaos. Or, now, 0.
难度战斗 - 你需要300次困难难度下的胜利来解锁疯狂难度, 并且需要400次疯狂难度下的胜利来解锁混乱难度. 或者, 在此刻, 输入0.
EXP Multiplier - Any integer multiplier, does not show in battles.
多倍经验 - 任意整数倍, 并不会在战斗中显示.
Battle Results - Change the final results. Also has an EXP multiplier and a Gald multiplier.
战斗结果 - 修改最终结果. 同样有多倍经验和多倍金币.
Grade - Change what contributes towards your Grade. Multiplier for the most-effective Grade stat: Foes Defeated at Once.
积分 - 修改积分的影响因子. 对积分加倍的最大影响因子: 迅速灭敌.
Zanzer (Unlimited HP, Unlimited SC, Unlock All Items, Equipment Editor)
TheByteSize (EXP Multiplier script, modified)
Exeter (Spreadsheet / Info)
pox911 (OHKO, Run speed)
QuotterBatt (Spreadsheet / Info)
Vortox14 (Spreadsheet / Info)
Wacky Lim Lim (Party Members, Infinite Water Cloak)
TechnoJacker (Formatted drop-down list help)
Shinzuya (Outfit)
rafaelg10 (NG+ Grade Shop)
Vortox14's Item Augmentations info spreadsheet
QuotterBatt's alternative Equipment Modifiers spreadsheet
Steam Release Version +
Steam发布版本 +
All scripts use AOB, so it should work with any version.
所有脚本使用字节数组, 所以适用于任何版本.
I feel it is best to include as many options from other comments in this post, since this is the one people will see first. I try to give credit where due, but tell me if I've forgotten you.
Tales of Zestiria.CT
Description:Updated 27/10/2015 at 21:00 GMT
Filename:Tales of Zestiria.CT
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感谢楼上,好人呀. 2L 谢谢 !修改的话 知道怎么弄 DLC不全 逼死强迫症啦~~:P 找了一个 别人整合的本体+1.27补丁+DLC http://igg-games.com/tales-of-zestiria-v1-2-7-free-download-inclu-all-dlc.html我下完测试下 本帖最后由 夜雨why 于 2015-10-28 10:16 编辑
[原创] 【全球首发!3DM下载站/网盘分流】《情热传说(Tales of Zestiria)》1号(v1.2)升级档+11个DLCs+破解补丁
夜雨why 发表于 2015-10-28 10:09 static/image/common/back.gif
[原创] 【全球首发!3DM下载站/网盘分流】《情热传说(Tales of Zestir ...
再次感谢 !!!!!!!!!!!!
本帖最后由 hihi427 于 2015-10-28 10:58 编辑
夜雨why 发表于 2015-10-28 10:09 static/image/common/back.gif
[原创] 【全球首发!3DM下载站/网盘分流】《情热传说(Tales of Zestir ...
这个连今天最新的DLC都有了 好厉害!
本帖最后由 夜雨why 于 2015-10-28 11:30 编辑
hihi427 发表于 2015-10-28 10:53 static/image/common/back.gif
这个连今天最新的DLC都有了 好厉害!