懂中文的老外还是少吧。今天吃饭碰上个路人说宿菲菲好漂亮啊,我一听立马急了跑过去就是一巴掌,说你他妈说的不是废话吗! 并没有,看注册时间就明白了 应该有的 就好像我们用R租破解一样 很简单 百度翻译 懂中文的老外可以发布一套“3DM论坛破解游戏下载教程”,于是就有老外混了233333 なんだかわかんないけど、一緒に盛り上がろう I'm coming from Singapore and I have been supporting 3dm for quite some time now, I think this website is very great :) Thanks for the fast crack and everything that you guys done for us who can't afford to buy every games on the market.