本帖最后由 fun-boy 于 2015-9-19 06:43 编辑Grandia II Anniversary Edition - HD Mod
Grandia II Anniversary Edition
leandroeidi's - HD Mod
Current version: 0.5 (17/sep/2015)
Download link: Hosted on MediaFire
Alternative Download link: Hosted on Dropbox
My main motivation for making this mod is for the gamer and to make Grandia II, that is one of my favorite games of all times, more pleasant to play. However, if you really enjoy this mod, please consider donating to help me offset my costs and time. Even the smallest amount will be appreciated.
Paypal ID: leandroeidi@gmail.com
How to install:
1 - Make a backup of your "\data\afs" folder. This mod will overwrite many files in there and you should keep a backup to make it possible to undo everything.
2 - Copy the "data" folder inside this zip to your Grandia 2 folder. E.g.: "C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Grandia II Anniversary Edition".
Things to keep in mind:
- This is a work in progress, so lots of things are still unchanged.
- If this mod makes your game crash or cause other graphical glitches, please let me know.
- I put jpg files that show what each dds file changes, so you can choose which ones to use if you don't want to use all of them.
- All the changed textures are basically 4 times bigger (e.g.: 256x256 to 512x512) so I don't know how this changed minimum and recommended PC settings.
- I try to find fonts that closely resemble the original ones, but they're not the same.
- The main font of the game, used for many UI stuff and even speech text, is a whole different beast to tame. I don't think I have enough skills to change it, but I'll keep trying.
- I'm not an artist, so some things may look strange while other things I'll never even change, but I try my best.
Below are other people that helped with some of the assets in this mod
[*]jblackan (from the Steam forums)
[*]HP, MP, SP texts, AI icons
Some of the changes (click on each image to see them in their true size):
These images were made with version 0.4 of the mod. The newest version may have some differences.
看来以后会有民间的高清素材补丁啊 这个游戏看来还是很有怀念意义的,推荐一下
问题是。。。汉化补丁啊。。英文看着不顺眼,因为不认识它全部,老游戏重制版总是汉化补丁坑在那里, 连升级补丁也没有 老外终于放出了mod下载包了。 真不错,希望以后游戏环境更加美观~~ 2D的更好看呀. 2个地址都连不上? 同上,两个地址都打不开 楼主能不能分流一下 那个链接迅雷下不来。。。
需要翻 墙吗? {:3_106:}
確實很不錯的MOD啊~ 多谢分享 嗯。。。高清,值得下载 不用谢,坐等日语语音包。 能不能有个傻瓜包啥的,百度网盘~~~ lantsing 发表于 2015-10-28 20:40