qinfengalex 发表于 2015-8-24 10:35

v0.150820A 更新项目 (机翻勿喷 明白意思就好)

本帖最后由 qinfengalex 于 2015-8-24 10:36 编辑

- Now patches can be developed.——现在补丁可以开发。- Statistics menu: Fan Statistics added.-统计菜单:粉丝统计补充道。- If employees need an item, you can now click on the item to buy it directly.——如果员工需要一个项目,你现在可以直接点击物品购买它。- Contract work can now be deleted.——合同工作现在可以被删除。- You can now click on the contract icons to open a menu.——你现在可以点击合同图标打开一个菜单。- \"Automatic research\"-Button: You can now select what you want to research.-研究“自动”按钮:你可以选择你想要研究什么。- A message will appear and you will immediately receive the money as soon as your engine has been licensed.——会显示一条消息,你会马上收到钱只要你的引擎已经授权。- Revenue share of own engines can be disabled in the options.——收入分享自己的引擎可以被禁用的选项。- More tooltips added.——更多的工具提示补充道。- Different languages have been updated.——不同的语言已经更新。- Balance: Now it is more difficult to develop top-games.——平衡:现在是更难发展热门游戏。- Bug removed: There were crashes in the menu \"All Financial Statements\".——错误删除:有崩溃的“财务报表”菜单。- Bug removed: Some menus could not be closed with \"ESC\".——错误删除:一些菜单无法与“ESC”被关闭。- Bug removed: Exploit removed (selling of own engines).——错误删除:利用删除(出售自己的引擎)。- Various minor bugs fixed.——各种小bug修复。

gz6112sv2 发表于 2015-8-24 16:45


100000000000000 发表于 2015-8-24 17:29

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