本帖最后由 foretribe 于 2015-4-20 12:12 编辑问:圣骑士如何选择属性?
Favored behaviorFavored behaviorDisfavored behaviorDisfavored behavior
The Shieldbearers of St. ElcgaDiplomaticHonestAggressiveCruel
Bleak WalkersAggressiveCruelDiplomaticBenevolent
Kind WayfarersBenevolentPassionateDeceptiveCruel
Goldpact KnightsRationalStoicPassionateAggressive
Darcozzi PaladiniCleverPassionateCruelStoic
不同流派影响的是玩家圣骑士角色的扮演风格,主要是由于FAITH AND CONVICTION这个天赋。这个天赋会通过玩家在游戏流程中做出的复合相应圣骑士流派行为的选择而提供额外防御能力(Deflection, Fortitude, Reflex, Will)。楼主的表格就是各个不同圣骑士流派所推崇与反对的行为。在游戏过程中,玩家的圣骑士角色总是做出符合自身流派所推崇行为的选择,将会极大的增强圣骑士的实力,反之亦然。
举例来说,Darcozzi Paladini是Eora世界已知最古老的圣骑士流派,这一派圣骑士提倡其成员应该聪颖(Clever)而热情(Passionate),反对残忍(Cruel)与冷酷(Stoic)的行为,因此,在游戏中当玩家总是在对话选项中选择带有Clever与Passionate的选项时,玩家的选择将会影响和增加FAITH AND CONVICTION天赋的效果。这个天赋在默认情况下提供+5 Deflection, +10 Fortitude, +10 Reflex和+10 Will的防御加成,随着玩家做出越来越多聪颖而热情的行为选择,这个天赋的防御加成也会越来越多。 求前辈告知五种流派各有什么独特天赋,请可怜可怜OCDer吧 执着的香蕉 发表于 2015-4-20 22:13 static/image/common/back.gif
五種大致分成 最後一刀流 輔助流 肉盾反傷流
The Black Path – only for Bleak Walkers. When the paladin defeats an opponent, nearby enemies are Frightened
Remember Rakhan Field – only for Bleak Walkers. The paladin's Flames of Devotion does additional Corrode damage.
Inspiring Liberation – only for Darcozzi Paladini. Whenever the paladin uses Liberating Exhortation on an ally, the ally gains an Accuracy bonus.
Fires of Darcozzi Palace – only for Darcozzi Paladini. Whenever the paladin uses Flames of Devotion, he or she gains a weak form of Flame Shield.
Enduring Flames – only for Goldpact Knights. The paladin's Flames of Devotion leave behind a Burn DoT.
Bond of Duty – only for Goldpact Knights. Whenever the paladin uses Liberating Exhortation on an ally, the ally gains a large defensive bonus against Charmed, Confused, and Dominated.
Strange Mercy – only for Kind Wayfarers. When the paladin defeats an opponent, nearby allies gain Endurance.
The Sword and the Shepherd – only for Kind Wayfarers. The paladin's Flames of Devotion heals Endurance in nearby allies.
Shielding Flames – only for Shieldbearers of St. Elcga. The paladin's Flames of Devotion grants a temporary Deflection bonus to nearby allies.
Shielding Touch – only for Shieldbearers of St. Elcga. Whenever the paladin uses Lay on Hands on an ally, the ally gains a Deflection Bonus. EIchioNe 发表于 2015-4-21 02:40 static/image/common/back.gif
五種大致分成 最後一刀流 輔助流 肉盾反傷流
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