A mother's Plea 任务,要我返回去Aufra,在哪里,求大神解决!
A mother's Plea任务的第三部,杀完那些猴子一样的怪之后,回地图下面找NPC说话,然后要我返回去Aufra,不知道在哪里! :L不就是你接任务的那个妹子..... 官方流程攻略:1. Once you arrive in Gilded Vale, go to the first house, Aufra's House, on the left-hand side and enter it.
来到Gilded Vale,进入Aufra的家。
2. Speak to the woman, Aufra, and offer to help her and she'll give you some gold.
3. Leave the house and travel south to Magran's Fork and south again to Anslög's Compass.
离开屋子,往南走到 Magran's Fork,再往南来到 Anslög's Compass。
4. Once in Anslög's Compass head south-west eliminating any Xaurip you see.
来到Anslög's Compass往西南方向走,消灭所有的Xaurip(就是你说的猴子)。
5. When you reach the ocean go east and speak with Ranga and ask for the potion.
6. She'll ask you to kill all the Xaurip in Anslög's Compass. Aside from the Xaurip you would've encountered by walking towards Ranga, there is also a Xaurip encampment in the north-east.她请你杀掉 Anslög's Compass 之内所有的 Xaurip。除了你在前往 Ranga 的路途中遇到的 Xaurip,东北面还有一个 Xaurip 营地。
7. After eliminating the Xaurip return to Ranga and she'll send you on another errand to the cave slightly above her.
消灭所有的 Xaurip 后回到 Ranga 那儿 ,她会给你另一个任务,让你去她上方的一个洞穴。
8. Enter the cave and kill all the creatures and loot them.
9. Return to Ranga and get the potion, she'll tell you the potion doesn't actually do anything.
回到 Ranga 那儿,得到药剂,她告诉你这个药剂并没什么卵用。
10. Return to Aufra and give her the potion
回到 Aufra那儿,给她药剂。
Aufra就是那个一开始问你要药剂的孕妇,在Gilded Vale——第一个村子。
_moonshadow_ 发表于 2015-3-31 20:56 static/image/common/back.gif
1. Once you arrive in Gilded Vale, go to the first house, Aufra's House, on the left ...
大哥你那攻略那弄的? 我英盲呀
bing12341988 发表于 2015-3-31 23:29 static/image/common/back.gif
大哥你那攻略那弄的? 我英盲呀
aufra 不就是你一开始接这个任务的那个人吗??