本帖最后由 gamizuo 于 2015-2-28 10:59 编辑UNOFFICIAL statement on the map size from Colossal First of all we apologize for this unbelievable mess in communication and misleading information that you have received on the modding of the map size. Like we have stated in the Reddit AMA and here on the forums, the map size in Cities: Skylines is 9 tiles which we know you can run with the supported hardware.
However after realizing the extent of this miscommunication and modders' expectations we sat down with the team and discussed the map size further this morning. As we are not comfortable in growing the map size due to multiple issues it will cause there is not and will not be any official support for opening all 25 tiles.
But Cities: Skylines is all about modding and player control. Therefore we will hand an olive branch and open the code so that increasing the map size to a maximum of 25 tiles is possible through the modding API at launch. This is something the team wants to do against all reason so this is not official support.
The modders who wish to increase the map size realize that they do it solely at their own risk and will not expect any support from Colossal Order with the multiple issues this may cause. We at Colossal Order will do no testing what so ever regarding the increased map size.
On behalf of the Colossal dev team,
ps. Let's move on to waiting for the game to release? Under 2 weeks to March 10th! We are super excited to hear what you think of the game!
连结: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?838813-UNOFFICIAL-statement-on-the-map-size-from-Colossal
玩家可透过modding API将区块数拓展到25个,但不是官方支援的,而且modder必须自己承担一切风险。
25块全解锁且人口百万以上,目测需要顶配才能玩的转吧。。。 25的话不知道我渣渣760能不能玩 我想也许15就已经是极限了吧? 25的话需要多好的配置才能玩呢? 顶配能玩吗?我想知道 daxiao3881890 发表于 2015-2-28 18:50 static/image/common/back.gif
我觉得25全解锁实在太疯狂了,又不是超级电脑,,后期一发展,迟早得烧显卡和cpu 我准备换电脑 大家说说 需要大概什么配置的主机才带的动 我想除了工作站LEVEL的電腦之外應該一般的家庭電腦應該都玩不起=.=
有Twitch主播用中等配置电脑一边直播一边玩 目前已经30万人口无卡顿 所以说,还是有风险