本帖最后由 zyzerg 于 2015-7-30 19:55 编辑CE至高神终于出手咯~ http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?t=579989
这里下载CE6.4 http://cheatengine.org/downloads.php
又有高人作出可改舰船的新脚本~http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?t=579989&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60&sid=20c1c3004ab8e7bcfcc9491fa6b33636 134楼有下~http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=4643583&pid=131633758
- Quick Harvest;(快速采集资源) your resource collector will be filled up the moment is starts collecting (taking only 1 resource from the asteroid Wink ) - see bEnableQuickHarvest.
- Resource Drop Rate Mod;(卸载资源速率) allows you to mod the speed at which you dump resources from resource collectors - see bEnableResDropRateMod and fResDropRateMod.
- Free building and research;(免费建造和研发) no resources will be consumed while building ships or researching technologies - see bEnableFreeBldAndRsrch.
- Infinite asteroid refill;(小行星资源无限) any asteroids on the map will be kept full while this is active (you can let yourself and the AI mine indefinitely with this) - see bEnableInfiniteAsteroidRefill.
- Instant Build;(快速建造) any ship construction will be completed at the next update - see bEnableInstantBuild.
- Instant Research;(快速研发) any research will be completed at the next update - see bEnableInstantResearch.
- Unit Cap Mod;(人口上限调节) allows you to mod all unit caps (except those that are limited to 1); see bEnableUnitCapMod and fUnitCapMod. Note: there is no player check on this one(!).
- Weapon Damage Mod;(武器伤害调节) scales the damage output of player weapons. See bEnableWeaponDamageMod and fWeaponDamageMod.
- Non-Player Damage Mod;(非玩家武器伤害调节,盟友和敌人) scales the damage output of non-player weapons. "non-player" = allies and enemies! See bEnableNonPlayerWeaponDamageMod and fNonPlayerWeaponDamageMod.
- Weapon Accuracy Mod;(武器命中调节) scales the accuracy of player weapons (except beam weapons). See bEnableWeaponAccuracyMod and fWeaponAccuracyMod.
- Non-Player Weapon Accuracy Mod(非玩家武器命中调节) scales the accuracy of non-player weapons (except beam weapons). "non-player" = allies and enemies! See bEnableNonPlayerWeaponAccuracyMod and fNonPlayerWeaponAccuracyMod.
- God mode;(无敌模式) as name suggests - see bEnableGodMode. For ships - we will see how it works for the rest as we move on...
- Instant Capture;(瞬间捕获) instantly capture non-player ships - see bEnableInstantCapture. Tested with the frigate in the tutorial mission, might work for others, too. Note: non-player implies both ally and enemy so if your ally is loosing ships rapidly to the enemy, turn this off.
- Sensor Range Mod;(视野范围调节) scales the sensor ranges (both prm and sec) of player units. See bEnableSensorRangeMod and fSensorRangeMod. Note: when you set too high ranges, you will start seeing anomalies in the sensor manager.
- Speed Mod;(速度调节) scales the thruster, engine and rotation maximums of player units. See bEnableSpeedMod and fSpeedMod. Note: 10x seems fine, did not try higher values.
作者更新了 Up4 修复了无人机护卫舰无敌模式的bug 小跟新 39楼有下~ http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=4643583&pid=130223630
热心依旧的朋友在46楼发布了Up4的汉化,只要998~只要998~咦..?为什么少呐~? http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=4643583&pid=130246340
真~!热心依旧的朋友在53楼更新了Up4“芝麻开门”新汉化译本~~全场7.5折~全场7.5折~~ http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=4643583&pid=130366176
天使样的朋友在92楼发布了简洁方便的新型号修改器~买一赠多~买一赠多~~~~ http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=4643583&pid=130435716
作者更新了Up5 添加修改视野和速度的功能,117楼有下http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=4643583&pid=130760572
老朋友在114楼分享了Up5的汉化~~~你值得拥有~~~http://bbs.3dmgame.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=4643583&pid=130748528 打不开
能吧..这个站不爬墙能进的说.. 嘘~~别支声~~~ 这个居然有无敌,家园2的战役终于可以爽了,以前都打得好辛苦,节奏快敌人强,整个战役都是手忙脚乱应接不暇的 这个不错,可惜蹩脚的机器翻译,谁的e文好能给翻译一下呢。 无与伦比~~~ 不会用的说 你要先下个CE6.4,运行游戏后打开,加载游戏进程,在加载 .CT,然后就是根据选项修改咯~~ 要6.4啊 哎 好东西~~~留个脚印
CE论坛也还没人搞定人口限制这个问题 家园1重制版舰队无敌亲测有效!这下爽翻了!不用造太多单位,反正也打不死…… 保存。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 第三关冷冻盘也可以无敌,全救回来了…… 奇怪我咋用不了 再次更新啦~~ 我晕 又更新 这速度 扛扛滴 更新撒啦 给个说明呗 奇怪。。昨天还有效。。。今天就失效了。。。 不错的东西··好像人口MOD用了AI就SB了全制造轰炸机 即使不修改,开最高人口,1代两个阵营也是除了轰炸啥也不造,主要是人口上限太高,2代两个还好点,你开最低人口看看,啥都有了..... 试用了一下无敌效果,发现有些单位还是会掉血啊,怎么回事呢?
{:3_125:}求达人脚本汉化翻译一下,不胜感激!!! 2代两族升了科技就会无敌不满血... 为什么我无效:( 楼主我为什么没有看到那么多修改选项呢啊,我点开CE脚本,就出来4个修改选项,我直接下载的最新版本呀
把复选框选上就出现其他项了 tianshies 发表于 2015-3-2 10:25 static/image/common/back.gif
点击头两个前面的方框就有修改项了~ 3Q,这个还真没注意!!呵呵!感谢!! zyzerg 发表于 2015-3-2 11:58 static/image/common/back.gif
请问是不是不支持汉化呀我用了无效呀你有打汉化吗 我用的深度空间的那个汉化