CLF3 发表于 2015-1-26 08:25


(1)艾什顿发射井控制站(Lonesome Road):In the north corner of Launch Deck level 3 of Silo wreckage just past a hard locked safe.
(2)布鲁尔的啤酒私售店:In the cellar all the way in the back room with the sign, on a table with the chem kit to your left.
(3)“一线生机”营地:In the Command Center, in the Southeast corner, on the desk (must be stolen).
(4)行政套房(Dead Money):On a bookshelf in Vera's room, which is found in the Executive suites area of the Sierra Madre Casino.
(5)太阳神一号基地:Reward for distributing power through the network during That Lucky Old Sun.
(6)尼普顿大厅:On the desk in Mayor Joseph B. Steyn's office on the top floor.
(7)REPCONN公司总部:Located on the ground floor through the door next to the radioactive barrel display. There is another door behind the counter you must pick (hard difficulty), the book is located on a shelf past the door.
(8)Y-0研究中心(Old World Blues):In a corner of the canyon south of the Y-0 building, between two xander root plants by the hand of a skeleton.

(1)探照灯营地:In the east church, down in the gecko-filled basement, on the floor at the foot of some metal shelves.
(2)清泉镇:In the Goodsprings home inhabited by Trudy and Sunny Smiles, East from the schoolhouse, on a bookshelf. (Must be stolen unless the Run Goodsprings Run quest has been completed).
(3)NCR佃户农场:On some papers, by the corner desk inside the Sharecropper barracks near the four water towers in the northeast corner of the fenced in area. (Must be stolen)
(4)考祖梅转换站(Dead Money):In the eastern most room of the switching station there is a huge machine on the south side of the room. The book is located on the catwalk that runs around the machine. Its the only portion of catwalk in this room that you have to jump to.
(5)日长石塔(Lonesome Road):On a bookshelf facing the wall (hidden from view) on the S/E landing up one flight of stairs from the ground floor interior entrance. Can be exposed by placing/throwing explosives onto the bookshelf, underneath the filing cabinet.
(6)3号避难所:Living Quarters, right after you come down the stairs from the recreation area. Through the 50 Lock/Security door. Turn right on the 2nd shelf.
(7)X-13研究中心(Old World Blues):On the floor, opposite the door in the room where the chest plate for the stealth suit Mk II is.
(8)X-13测试中心(Old World Blues):In the reward safe upon completion of all the Stealth Suit tests.

(1)掩埋的建筑(Lonesome Road):Just after exiting the Cave of the Abaddon, in the south corner under a nightstand, in the room with the bed and the exit to The Divide
(2)追随者藏身所:On the beside table shelf, by the bed on the right, in the second room
(3)太阳神一号基地:Upstairs in the main building, lying on a bed in the same room with the east terminal password. (Head to the right from main entrance, through the pool room, and right up the stairs.)
(4)梅斯基特山火山口:Inside Hell's Motel, below the globe with a hat, on the table with the radio and repair kit
(5)诺瓦克镇:In the middle of the queen-sized bed, inside Ranger Andy's bungalow (must be stolen)
(6)别墅诊所(Dead Money):In the Villa Clinic basement, in a tool cabinet next to some fire extinguishers

(1)希望镇导弹基地简易地堡(Lonesome Road):When walking into the room with the first missile, the book is located to the left of the stairs, in some rubble
(2)内利斯空军基地:Inside Loyal's house, on the long counter next to the ruined terminal (must be stolen)
(3)废弃的钢铁兄弟会地堡(Dead Money):On the metal sill, opposite the reloading bench, in the area with the office. Though the location exists without the add-on, it is sealed by a keyless lock. Note: If the game is unpatched, the door is unlocked, and you will be able to enter and get the bo
(4)考祖梅转换站(Dead Money):Puesta del Sol switching station in the south center of the map on the upper level next to the terminal that shuts off power to the protected speakers. It is very difficult, but possible, to reach without Christine and disarm the trip wire before your col
(5)斯罗恩镇:In the worker barracks, on the top shelf to your left as you enter (must be stolen)
(6)南内华达风力农场:In the shack, on the table with the clipboard and scrap metal

(1)坍塌的天桥隧道(Lonesome Road):Just south of the exit to The High Road, behind some sandbags, the book is in a crate hiding underneath a teddy bear.
(2)莫哈维前哨站:It is inside the Mojave Outpost barracks, on the bottom shelf, in the middle, below the bar counter. It must be stolen, but can be bought if caught.
(3)内利斯空军基地:It is among the books on the shelf, above the grenade rifle, inside Pearl's Barracks (must be stolen).
(4)游骑兵哨所-F:It is on the table next to Comm Officer Lenk.
(5)居住区(Dead Money):It is stuck underneath the bed in the same room where you first meet Dean Domino. The book is only obtainable by using explosives and dropping throwing spears to force the book out.
(6)斯罗恩镇工人的营房:It is inside the worker barracks on the back left shelf under a first aid box. (Must be stolen).

(1)食人者约翰逊的洞穴:On the mattress near the radio, close to the fire (must be stolen)
(2)棉花丛湾:Inside Aurelius of Phoenix's office on the upper floor of the HQ, inside the nightstand next to the bed (must be stolen)
(3)隐藏的储藏洞:Requires 50 Lockpicking to enter. Resting on one of the large metal crates, in the cave, sometimes behind the metal crates.
(4)希望镇女性营房(Lonesome Road):At the back of the barracks on a small table under a ruined book
(5)雅各布斯镇:Lying in front of the oven, in the first bungalow to the east as you head towards the lodge
(6)别墅警务所(Dead Money):Inside the Police Station basement, on the floor in the room in the northwest corner in front of the filing cabinets

(1)大萨尔办公室:In Big Sal's office, up the stairs from the main level of Brimstone. It is on the first low bookshelf on the left as you walk in (must be stolen).
(2)希望镇军火库(Lonesome Road):Underneath the desk in North-East corner, with a bed that can be slept on
(3)内华达高速公路巡逻站:On the desk without the computer in the entrance open-plan office room, nearest the door leading to the cells
(4)劳尔的小屋:Inside the shack, in the wooden crate next to the door
(5)塞拉马雷德赌场(Dead Money):Go to the second floor and jump on to the support beams. From there, jump down into the cashier's caged area. The book is on the floor behind the cashier's desk.
(6)34号避难所:On the small metal table between the sofas by the pool table, in the armory common room. (No need to unlock armory etc. through overseer office)
(1)布鲁克斯荒野牧场:On an open locker shelf, in the upstairs room with the chessboard (must be stolen).
(2)天蓝机器人公司:On the floor among the office desks.
(3)幸运吉米矿洞:Inside the Lucky Jim Mine house, on the bottom shelf below a varmint rifle.
(4)NCR惩戒所:Second floor of the NCR CF administration, on a desk (must be stolen).
(5)塞拉马雷德赌场(Dead Money):The Tampico, on a shelf, opposite the holotape projector.
(6)第三大道市政大楼(Lonesome Road):In the eastern most corner underneath a physician's desk (may have fallen off building after detonating warhead).

(1)隐秘山谷地堡:In the white plastic bin by the desk in Schuler's office; bunker L1, west of the central hub corridor junction (must be stolen)
(2)希望镇导弹基地总部(Lonesome Road):Located in the first room, on the wooden shelf directly on the right after you enter the place, hidden underneath a burned book
(3)核试验场小屋:Inside the irradiated shack on the small table opposite to the exit
(4)REPCONN公司总部:1st Floor, past the 100 Lock/Security door on top of the safe. (Or sneak up to the 3rd floor and get the key from the suitcase next to the skeleton). The room can also be accessed through a hole in the floor of a room on the west side of the 2nd floor (Mu
(5)REPCONN公司总部:2nd Floor, turn left, first door; on the desk with the lit computer
(6)塞拉马雷德赌场避难所(Dead Money):Right before you enter the vault door turn around and jump down to the pipes below the walkway, there is a duffle bag with the book inside. The only way back is to go east from the bag and jump on the valved pipe then back to main platform.

(1)自豪渔夫的小屋:On the bedside table, inside the shack.
(2)尼普顿公路休息站:Inside the store, lying on the wooden shelf on the left when you enter, close to the counter.
(3)上好佳赌场:Inside the Presidential suite in the Tops casino. Inside the Pool Room, on the tiny table in the corner.
(4)11号避难所:Inside the living quarters, in female dorm #1, by the fallen dresser near a small sign on the ceiling that says "Ladies".
(5)别墅(Dead Money):Behind the fountain where you start the Dead Money add-on.
(6)废水处理厂(Lonesome Road):In the north-east corner of the third room, behind a set of tipped-over lockers.

(1)联合科技公司办公室:In the largest room (west), on the floor in front of the Nuka-Cola machine
(2)瓶盖伪造者的棚屋:On the suitcase by the bed, in the small back cellar room
(3)烙印者守卫前哨(Lonesome Road):Located through a cellar door on the eastern wall of the building, downstairs on a table near some gore on the north-west wall
(4)普瑞姆镇野牛史提夫酒店:Inside the Bison Steve Hotel, on the floor of the gift shop, behind the counter
(5)沙里达酒店南部(Dead Money):In a building opposite the door to Salida del Sol House, on a book shelf
(6)22号避难所:In the lab room (up the stairs from the elevator) in Pest Control, on the table with the bubbling vials

(1)苦泉娱乐区:Inside the office shack to the west, on the desk in the smaller of the two rooms
(2)希望镇导弹基地(Lonesome Road):Inside the Hopeville men's barracks, in the toilets underneath an upturned box
(3)塞拉马雷德赌场(Dead Money):In the casino floor area, 3rd floor office room to south east with the auto doc, on top of a tool cabinet in room's northeast corner
(4)银峰矿井:Inside the shack, behind the two small tables, on the ground in an open locker, right of the entrance
(5)乌鸦之巢(Lonesome Road):In a box between the duffle bag and metal box; (replaced by 2 skill magazines in the patch
(6)寻宝者巢穴:Inside the caves, in the subterranean den structure, in the large barracks room, on the floor in the far right corner
(7)狼角牧场:Inside the farmhouse, partially under the fridge without a door

(1)孤狼电台:Inside the radio trailer, near the mattress.
(2)马修斯畜牧农场:Top balcony of the northern barn, near the barrel crate.
(3)梅斯基特山营地遗址:Inside the western tent, behind the bedding and toolbox.(May glitch into the ground)
(4)拾荒者的平台:Among the books under the fallen metal bookshelf, on the northern platform section.
(5)废物处理站(Lonesome Road):In the middle of the fallen radioactive barrels, behind a skeleton draped over one of the barrels, between two lead-lined metal boxes.

(1)天使洞(Honest Hearts):To the right of Joshua Graham.
(2)古拉奇洞穴(Honest Hearts):In the Survivalist's room.
(3)落石洞(Honest Hearts):In the same room as the Compliance Regulator.
(4)石骨洞(Honest Hearts):In the same room as the Desert Ranger combat armor.

zkangjian 发表于 2015-1-26 14:50

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