本帖最后由 MAIzhentao 于 2015-1-15 11:59 编辑Top 6 Things You Need to Know About Outdoor Retreat
The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat is here, complete with a new destination filled with new gameplay possibilities, new objects, activities and a whole new skill. No matter how you play the game, this game pack will have something exciting for you!
《模拟人生4:露天度假》已出,有新的目的地【Granite Falls】,其中包含新玩法,新物品,新活动以及一个全新技能。不管你咋玩,这个游戏包都将带给你全新的体验!
1. Wander into an All-New Destination: Your Sims can now make an escape from their everyday lives into the pine-filled air of Granite Falls. They can venture deep into the woods to discover new surprises, including dangerous and wondrous herbs, and new species of insects.Let’s just hope that your Sims aren’t squeamish about creepy crawlers.
1.探索全新目的地:你的市民现在可以从他们的日常生活跑去到Granite Falls,那里空气清新无污染。他们可以深入到树林中冒险,惊喜连连,包括危险奇异的草药还有昆虫新种。但愿你的模拟市民不讨厌这些可怕的爬虫。
2. Set Up The Perfect Camp: No camping trip is complete without the proper supplies. Your Sims will be able to purchase a tent and outfit themselves in new hiking gear. For the less adventurous Sims, they can still camp out in the comfort of their backyard.
3. Enjoy Unique Outdoor Activities: Lay back for a night of stargazing and let your Sims’ imagination run wild! Join a game of horseshoes and take a hike in the national park or try to find the hermit rumored to live in the deepest parts of the forest.
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已整理 这个包破解了吗 超想玩 看看先:lol 先看看!!!!!!!!!!!!
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