搬运--Article about Oblivion Reloaded 希望对研究oblivion reloaded 的童鞋有用哈
本帖最后由 hahalooks 于 2015-1-9 13:33 编辑written by Alenet 23 December 2014 23:15:16
This article explains Oblivion.ini settings.
You can find many explanations on Internet, but they are incomplete, not accurate and often they are based on user tests on different situation/configuration, so not reliable. These options that i explain are taken by the Oblivion code reverse engineering, so they are accurate. Settings are many, but only some of them make really differences in game.
I will add them along the way, so stay up!
You will not find a setting if it is not relevant, default value is recommended, you can set it by ingame menus, i have not enough infos about it or if OR manages it.
Use reflections on eye rendering.
Recommended: 0.
Create mipmaps for face texture.
Recommended: 0 for OCO2 otherwise 1.
The grids where placing distant objects and trees. uGridDistantTreeRange must be minor or equal to uGridDistantCount. If you raise uGridDistantCount, more objects on distant are rendered. If you raise uGridDistantTreeRange more trees are rendered, but also less objects because the settings are also linked in ratio. Odd values are required otherwise Oblivion adjust them. There isn't a recommended value, they can be tuned as you want.
The near lod grid. You cannot lower the value at 3 or 1; 5 is the minimum value. Possible values are 7, 9, 11. Raising the grid, makes full lod rendering on that cells.
Recommended: 5.
uInterior Cell Buffer=18
uExterior Cell Buffer=36
These settings manage buffer for cells. They MUST be set in these way for a perfect performance:
uExterior Cell Buffer=pow(uGridsToLoad + 1, 2)
uInterior Cell Buffer=uExterior Cell Buffer / 2
In a first time, my idea was to set this values at max even if the uGridsToLoad is 5. For max we can calculate uGridsToLoad like 11, so uExterior Cell Buffer 12*12 = 144 and uInterior Cell Buffer = 72. This can be a bit better to manage the stutter, but it introduces penalties for Oblivion to manage a buffer so big. It is better to use the exposed formula.
Disable/enable the limit where you can go.
Recommended: 0.
The RAM cache to store datas, value is in bytes (default: 25MB). Raising too this value, can introduce CTD and no better performance are.
Recommended: 104857600 (100MB).
The value sets how long the blood stays on terrain. This is the "max" value if you set it by ingame menu. You can raise it and it works, but Oblivion reset it if you open the ingame video option menu.
There isn't a recommended value, it can be tuned as you want.
Use refraction shaders for particle effects. It can drain several frames and introduce stutter in old video card for example when an Oblivion gate appears. I don't recommend to use also in new video cards. There isn't an impact difference in view and disabling it, you can gain a bit the fps when a effect shader runs and lens light refraction is applied.
Recommended: 0.
This parameter is interesting. It sets the delay between an animation and the jump animation. Setting it to 0, makes you player to play jump animation immediately, but it happens also if you stumble. So your player sometimes seems to sob. But it is good to lower it to control when you (for example) come down a stair to avoid to see the player runs in air.
Recommended: 0.2500
What name says.
Recommended: 5.0000 to avoid the "moon gravity horse effect".
It sets how many trees can be cloned on distant lod. Raising it can reduce a bit the stutter and have a good visual effect.
Recommended: 10.
These value controls the lod bias for distant and middle range trees. A negative bias can have a better details, but the trees have a "flat" effect. Raising a bit (up to 0), you can obtain rounder trees and a better effect when the trees switch from distant to normal lod.
Recommended: -0.50 and 0 respectively
Manages how the grass is distributed on the ground (not the density of the grass).
Possible values are 1,2,4,8. If other values are set, Oblivion uses 2 anyway. Value 1 introduce stutter on some machine.
Recommended: 2 or 4.
To be continued...
对于一些不是很重要的设置你将找不到其设置说明的,建议使用默认设置,你可以在游戏界面里调整,对此我也没有足够的信息或者说OR可以控制这些。 Section
bFaceMipMaps=1创建脸部材质的纹理图对于使用OCO2的建议设置为0,其他的设为1 uGridDistantTreeRange=15
uGridDistantCount=25放置远景物品和树的参数,uGridDistantTreeRange必须小于等于uGridDistantCount,如果你增大uGridDistantCount的数字,一定距离里远景见到的物品更多,如果你增大uGridDistantTreeRange的数字,一定距离里远景看到的树木就更多但是其他物品就会变少,因为这些设置是互相关联的。奇怪的设定也是可以的,不然oblivion会自己调整它们,这里没有建议的设置,你可以按你需要的任何数据设置。 uGridsToLoad=5近景调用的参数,这个数据不能太低,5是最小值,可以设置为7,9,11等,提高这个值可以在地穴近景的调用上更加完全。建议设置为5 uInterior Cell Buffer=18
uExterior Cell Buffer=36这些是管理地穴缓存的设置,这个东西的设置必须按下面来设置才完美uExterior Cell Buffer=的数值为uGridsToLoad的数值+1或者+2的平方uInterior Cell Buffer=的数值为uExteriorCell Buffe的一半u起初,我是想看看这些数据在uGridsToLoad的值为5的时候的最大值的情况,比如uGridsToLoad为11的时候,uExterior Cell Buffer为12*12即144,这时uInteriorCell Buffer = 72,这样对于卡顿有明显改善,但是这样会引起oblivion调用更大的缓存,对于使用曝光公式的会更好点 bBorderRegionsEnabled=1关闭或者开启边界限制,建议设置为0 iPreloadSizeLimit=26214400缓存数据调用值,数字单位为比特(默认25MB)这个设置太高会增加CTD而且不会有什么明显改善,建议值为104857600(也就是100MB) Section
fDecalLifetime=10.0000这个数值是用于设置血液残留的时间,在游戏面板里最大可以设置为10,你可以增加这个值并且这样也是生效的,但是如果你打开oblivion的图像设置又会自动还原(所以调了之后就记得别再开游戏控制面板的图像设置了,不然又得改一遍) bUseRefractionShader=1用于阴影反射的粒子效果,对于渣显卡来说很耗能,举个例子当一个湮灭地狱门出现的时候可能你就CTD了,对于新显卡来说也不建议使用,这玩意效果不是很明显,不过关掉的话当阴影效果运行并且使用光反射的时候还可以轻微提高FPS(反正就是不建议开了,当然土豪显卡当我没说==),建议设置为0 Section
fJumpAnimDelay=0.7500这个参数很好玩,是设置动作和跳跃动作之间的延迟时间,设为0的话,玩家跳跃的时候会立即生效,但是也会很容易摔跤,估计有时候你的角色会摔的想哭,调低这个数据可以方便你控制玩家,比如当你下楼梯时可以避免出现腾空的现象(也就是说调高可以出现武当的纵云梯了00),建议设置0.2500 fHorseRunGravity=3.0000马受到的重力数值,建议设为5,避免出现月球引力现象 Section
iTreeClonesAllowed=1这个设置是远景里可以克隆的树的数量,提高这个数字可以得到好的视觉效果但是会提高能耗,建议设置为10 fLODTreeMipMapLODBias=-0.7500
iGrassDensityEvalSize=2这个数据用于管理地上草的分布样式(不是草的密集度)可以被设置为1,2,4,8,oblivon默认使用的为2,设为1的话有些机器会卡顿,建议数值为2或者4 未完待续
果然只能自杀了- -{:3_91:} 感谢搬运,对画面党来说又有得好整了 = = 乱神,我顶你啊! 表示没看懂 同看不懂啊~ 我说你好歹简单翻译一下…… 英盲路过:L nbx 发表于 2015-1-8 18:45 static/image/common/back.gif
看完了,不错,帮助很大 说实话,看见这满篇鸟语,叔就直接点了右上角的X 居然没有回复,补上 感谢搬运