游园惊梦830331 发表于 2014-12-14 09:54



GYTR_8845 发表于 2014-12-14 10:09

只有出不去 没有进不来

Gandohar 发表于 2014-12-14 10:14


wzh319 发表于 2014-12-14 10:16


jannat1 发表于 2014-12-14 10:18


炫枫 发表于 2014-12-14 10:19


rfqwts200 发表于 2014-12-14 10:26


cscsgo2002 发表于 2014-12-14 10:29


uusee1 发表于 2014-12-14 10:30

是因为他们看不懂中文 o(╯□╰)o

Emiliana 发表于 2014-12-14 10:31

本帖最后由 Emiliana 于 2014-12-14 10:35 编辑

uusee1 发表于 2014-12-14 10:30 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/static/image/common/back.gif
是因为他们看不懂中文 o(╯□╰)o


leong950 发表于 2014-12-14 10:33



illidan35 发表于 2014-12-14 10:34


封禁专用2 发表于 2014-12-14 10:37

Interesting Article i read Cant link, on a site which requires registration
"Denuvo, the widely boasted ‘uncrackable’ guardian of DRM protections, has officially survived 25 days shielding Age Inquisition from the inquisitive hands of pirates worldwide. After boasting on video showcasing their abilities to emulate and surpass Denuvo earlier in December, today 3DM announced (much to the relief of thousands of impatient kids worldwide) that they would release the heavily tested crack. 3DM’s lead cracker, Kevin yang (forum username Nebula Scattered), created a forum post on 3DM forums stating that the crack will finally be released 8PM Beijing time on 13 December 2014.
The wait was long and painful. Over the course of 2 weeks, updates on the development of the crack were few and far between. The crackers publicly sought help, where each volunteer ran a tool that collected Hardware information and uploaded it to FTP servers. Days later a small group of 100 forum users were given the opportunity to test the crack. This was ‘rubbing salt on the wound’ - Watching others post screenshots on how they could play the game for free but all you could do is wait and hit refresh on the 3DM page, or pay for the damn game. Perhaps the most astonishing fact about this beta test, was that none of the distributed cracks leaked out onto public or private sites (Cmon even JLaw’s pics were leaked).
Interestingly enough, Kevin yang also applauded the efforts made by Polish Video Games developer CD Projekt their commitment to develop and publish DRM free games. He shed light on how development efforts and financial resources spent on making games ‘uncrackable’ could be instead channeled to making the games better. Implementing secure DRM technologies and publishing unpolished games, only to release a patch weeks later hurts genuine buyers at the expense of increasing the gap between the release date and the pirated date.
Deunvo is also infamously known as SecuROM 2.0 Yes, they were the same developers behind the controversial SecuROM and they are shockingly proud of it. Denuvo responded to the 3DM’s video (upon the request of DSOGaming) by stating “they strive to be a step ahead of those who want to pirate our customers’ products.” Well of course you are one-step ahead you mop heads, nobody can crack anything that hasn't been released or leaked yet. Let me remind you most of you have a damn job because of these “people who want to pirate your customers’ products”.
And if you are happy that 3DM finally removed Denuvo and you can enjoy this game without all those nasty things Denuvo does to your SSD, hold up. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but according to speculation the 3DM doesn't remove Denuvo from your system. It actually emulates a service that tricks Denuvo into thinking Origin is running (still think you are one step ahead of the pirates, denuvo?). So Denuvo stays until the next cracker group manages to remove it (Cmon SKIDROW i believe in you), or the muppets who developed this game decided to release a removal patch."

parallellight 发表于 2014-12-14 10:38


陈人 发表于 2014-12-14 10:42


sunxuejun1118 发表于 2014-12-14 10:46

封禁专用2 发表于 2014-12-14 10:37 static/image/common/back.gif
Interesting Article i read Cant link, on a site which requires registration
"Denuvo, the widely boas ...


wso2551756 发表于 2014-12-14 10:47

leong950 发表于 2014-12-14 10:33 static/image/common/back.gif
如此高调打脸,reloded、sk ...

英国也可以,我在英国从三大马上下了无数的破解游戏了 天朝煞笔局域网

billtaco 发表于 2014-12-14 11:08

too strong~~~

游园惊梦830331 发表于 2014-12-14 11:43


Emiliana 发表于 2014-12-14 11:46


aa498614115 发表于 2014-12-14 11:49

龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
3DM has reported that it’s been able to crack the latest DRM system, Denuvo, that was used in FIFA 15, Lords of the Fallen and Dragon Age: Inquisition.
据称3DM已经破解了最新的加密系统(Denuvo)。包括已使用其加密的FIFA 15,堕落之王和龙腾世纪-审判。
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
Denuvo has been a great DRM system as it was able to protect FIFA 15 for two months and Lords of the Fallen for one whole month.
Denuvo一直是个伟大的加密系统,它能够保护了FIFA 15 两个月和堕落之王一个多月不被攻破。
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com

And since Dragon Age: Inquisition – Bioware’s highly anticipated RPG – has been released with this DRM, this particular scene group a Chinese team decided to prove that everything can – eventually – be ‘unlocked.’
As always, we do not allow links so there is really no reason at all attempting to share one – your comments will be deleted.

Denuvo reminded us of Starforce; another DRM system that took crackers a while to crack.
Some users also claimed that Denuvo was responsible for damaging their SSDs, while others claimed that Lords of the Fallen’s performance issues were due to this particular DRM system.
Before closing, we should note that the Chinese team has cracked the DRM system only. This does not mean that there is any working crack at the moment, however it opens up the road for ones.

It will be interesting to see what the team responsible for this DRM will do about this whole thing, and whether it will further enhance or tweak it in order to counter-attack the attempts of the scene groups.

龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
Let's take inventory. Has Denuvo really been a great system as said above?
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
- FIFA 15 releases uncrackable, protected from pirates. It sells about the same as FIFA 14 though. Where is the dramatic spike in sales from all the previously "lost sales" that should now be coming in? Somebody tell me, where are they?
- FIFA 15 发售时未被破解,从而免于盗版。但它的销量也只是和FIFA14差不多。哪来的扯蛋销量巅峰,那些所谓因盗版而“流失销量”在哪,谁告诉我?
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
- Lords of the Fallen releases uncrackable. With no pirates to decrease the sales, surely this must score much higher than other games which are pirated to heII and back, right? FIFA fans might just all be so loyal they've always been buying the game. But no such luck. Isn't it like 10 pirates to every 1 sold copy on PC? Wasn't that what Crytek said? WHY DOESN'T THIS SELL 10 TIMES AS MUCH AS OTHER GAMES THEN??! I just don't understand. Why aren't we seeing these "lost sales" not being lost anymore? Where's the incredible profit after shutting down the filthy pirates?
- 堕落之王发售时未被破解,没有盗版影响其销量,那肯定要比其他被盗版的游戏更能挽回销量对吧?可能你会说FIFA的粉丝都比较忠实,会去买游戏,但你就没这运气。如果就像Crytek所说的,PC每卖一个游戏就有十个是个盗版?那为什么你卖的游戏不是其他游戏的十倍多??我只是不明白,为什么我们看到那些“流失的销量”还是被流失了,那些没有盗版的惊人销量又去哪了?
- Dragon Age Inquisition releases uncrackable. Despite no pirates hurting this, it sells about as expected. It doesn't even manage to top the charts anywhere though. Games that have cracks out for them and are being pirated are still outselling this one. How on earth is this possible?
- 龙腾世纪审判发售时未被破解,没遭遇盗版损害,但它销量也就预期水平,甚至还排上各地的榜首。而那些被破解和盗版的游戏销量还比它高。这科学吗?
- Denuvo is said to introduce severe performance problems. Now that is regrettable but I guess that is something paying customers just have to live with, to have the satisfaction of knowing that no filthy pirates are playing the game which they paid for.
- Denuvo据说会造成严重的性能问题,遗憾的是我估计现在付费玩家不得不忍受这个问题,不过至少他们满意付钱玩的游戏没有恶心的盗版。
- Denuvo is said to wear out SSD much faster than regular use programs. Well, if this proves to be true, at least the developers have all that sweet dough they made from not losing so many sales to pirates. They're gonna need it to deal with all the incoming lawsuits.
- Denuvo据说会比常用程序更快磨损固态硬盘,好吧,如果这被证明是真的,没关系,开发商已经尝到没有盗版会流失销量的甜头,他们只需处理好法院的传票就行。
Okay, enough with the jokes. I'm ultimately glad this thing came around because it finally dispelled this narrative we've been hearing all these years about lost sales. This idiotic lie that if only the option of piracy is removed, suddenly they would see much higher numbers of sold units. Well, thank you Denuvo for finally proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that, this tale is simply not true.
But why isn't it the case? I think the answer is pretty obvious but I'll break down what I believe is the reason by typecasting the different kinds of pirates and pirate/consumer hybrids.
1. Poor Pirate

Pirates everything, simply doesn't have the money to be buying games, often times lives in a not so well off country, probably unemployed and barely scraping by. Can't spend money he doesn't have on uncrackable games.
1. 穷玩家
2. Punishing Pirate

Pirates to punish publishers and developers he holds a grudge against. This person only buys games from people he wants to support. They somewhat irrationally will still play and enjoy certain games from devs or publishers they hate but they won't give them money for this. EA is a popular target of this practice.
2. 怨念玩家
3. Testing Pirate

Pirates everything first, then buys it if he likes it. This person isn't actually a pirate, they just don't accept that there aren't any demos anymore so they use piracy to demo games to evaluate if the game is worth it. Won't spend money on an uncrackable game before testing it at a friends or lending it.

People will generally buy what they like when they can. DRM has no influence on that. Even if every game out there came with uncrackable DRM forever. I sincerely doubt that there would be significantly more sales. On the contrary, sales might actually go down. It would probably be great for lending services though because they would suddenly be really popular again.

1+3=Bingo. You got it tight on spot.Someone should publish it in some magazine to crush those pesky pirate haters.
Thanks for the kind words. I wasn't sure if typing all that would be worth the time.

I feel like I'm going to downvote you so I can upvote you twice ;)
It was worth the time! I've read everything and I 100% agree with you.
It's good to know that there are still intelligent people like you on the internet, I just wish more people would understand what you wrote and do something about it.

Not "more people", just the developers, publishers and such video game industry sections that should hear the voice of people and understand the reasons of piracy, cause they probably think that we are just greedy, we want to save our money for something else, so I'm saving by pirating games which I can afford anyway at any time. Not to mention how greedy is EA.
the true is that the companys cant fight pirates... but this companys are the worst...
they lie customers, BUT they cant lie about numbers.... the numbers you posted here. about sells and eveything. and we are talking about aaa tittles.
100% with you.
The truth is ALWAYS worth the time. ;)

On internet it usually isn't :p But you're still 100% right pretty much.
互联网不总是对的 :P 但你100%正确不能更多。
Never fully read a comment but yours. Keep it up!

but you understand that FIFA is a sports game?
it is logical that it is sold as bread, then bought super console, and I think it's difficult to crack.
Dragon age does not sell s**t. I'm staying in the shelves (at least here in Italy).
I know friends who are eager to crack but my other friends disappointed to have spent on that game. Why?

Sr, your post deserves a prize. I've always thought that the only thing that a company achieves using DRM is to annoy their real customers. The number of people that would be willing to pay for a game for the sole reason it cannot be pirated is almost non existent. the pirate that don't want or can't pay for a game will play something else if suc工口GAME cannot be pirated. Witcher 3 will show the world that DRM free games can sell far better than games with intrusive DRM
老兄,你的评论应该拿个奖。我一直认为那些加密程序仅仅是让他们真正的客户不爽。有多少人是因为这个游戏没有盗版才它的。如果一个游戏不能破解,玩家们不愿买或者没钱买,他们就会去玩别的。巫师3将证明就算没有加密 也能比那些用了烦人加密的游戏卖的更多。
Just look at sony.
Ps3 was pirate free for many years, they fought it and fought it and tried to keep it that way but ironicly that didnt do anything.
Yoshida has said only 4/10 sony exlusives sell.
I am sure thats not because of piracy but simply people not buying those games, if the pc piracy argument was true and x360 being hackable, ps3 would have super high sales......but they didnt.
funny thing is that Denuvo is sony's doing
i know that. I wonder if it will save ps4.

I'm the 1st type sadly...
After I pay all my bills I'm left with what would be about $200 to live with for the rest of the month.
I can't just give almost half of it for 1 game...
If I don't pirate the game, i can't play it. Simple as that. So is it really so bad that I do it? If I didn't, the companies still wouldn't get any money, so they are not actually losing anything. At least when I pirate, I can tell my friends who can afford to buy the game that it is good, and that they should get it.

Was living in the same situation for a long time. Always bought games on sales. It usually cost you 5-10 bucks for 3-4 good games in bundle. Not so much I think
I live in Africa, here, we can't buy anything online (At least in my contry)
I'd like to buy legit copies but publisher don't bother to ship their games here!
So what ? because I had the bad luck to be born in a third world country I can't enjoy games ?
Hell, they don't even list my country in their website, so as long as I have no choice i'll pirate video games

Videogames are not an entitlement. And let's be honest if the game was for sale there you'd pirate it anyway.
电子游戏并非是 一种权利,老实说吧,一个游戏上市了,你是不是到处找他的盗版?
Funny how people will rationalize theft with any "poor me" excuse.

Well if he has no intention at all of purchasing it then no sale was ever lost? I don't think you just understand you proved his point :|

If the piracy is theft then tell me how can I return that all stolen games to its owners.

My steam library is worth about $2000, but I can honestly say I've only spent about $300-400.

Well, you weren't bullshitting if this is your account. $375 for $1466. Well played. (paid*?)
lol 515 hours. I have 1900+ hours from TF2 alone :3
哈哈515个小时,我在TF2上已经花了1900+个小时了 :3

TF2 = Dead game xD
TF2= 撸到死 XD

It's funny to see people from NA/Europe protesting about game prices. Here in Brazil, the minimum wage is R$600, in our currency. A PS4 is something like R$4000, a XOne is like R$2000 and a good PC is around R$5000. Besides that, a single game costs R$200 when it releases (on steam, where it is the cheapest). So, if you consider the basic costs of living, includig food and bills, and considering you HAVE a home, so you don't pay rental, with a minimum wage you can't even buy a game. Just to know, the value of the minimum wage is just symbolic, cause you lose around R$50-80 in taxes before you receive your wage.

EU has countries with s**t life. I know cause I'm in one. Here one game costs 1/3 of the minimum wage too and we already pay 1/3 of it for electricity (one of the most expensive in whole EU even though we have one of the shi**iest life standards cause f' logic).

You aren't alone man, I make like ~800/month. I have to wait for steam sales to drop the price to $5 or lower before I can buy games :/
你并不是一个人老兄,我每个月大概才赚500刀,我不得不等到STEAM的游戏降到5刀或更低才会考虑买一个。 :/

I make about $550/month from which i pay my bills with about $400 and then need from $50-100 for food and etc. Still i have steam account with 975 games that are worth about 9500
Why can't he give his reason, it's not up to you to tell others what to say circumstances are never that simple sir.

That was not an order, just a friendly advice of an, i suppose, older (40 years old here) person.
Ha with old age comes an authoritative tone, maybe I took it the wrong way.

Bullshit. Playing a videogame is not an entitlement. Nor is it essential to survival. You act like pirating because you're Loser with a crap job is no different than people that have to steal food to survive. You don't HAVE to play videogames to survive. That's the difference.

I'm really sorry for you if you just want to "survive".

First and foremost . There are things called hobbies in this world . Is playing a guitar essential for your survival ? Offcourse not . People like to play games . And i think that you are not aware that there are some countries in world that didn't get good billing systems for buying a video game . There are also countries where some games (Dragon age Inquisition, in this case) are prohibited (India , in this case). So there is no legal way to buy a game there . The only way to play DAI in India is to get it by means of piracy .

If you were in a private beach, and you found a beautiful seashell that you really liked, would you take it? Even though it wasn't your beach? Would the owner go bankrupt if you took it? Is anyone gonna even notice? Only you would know, and no one lost anything.
I posted my reasons for pirating so that people would know that pirating, as many things in life, is not just black and white.
Does it really matter if I pirate a game or not? There are no losers here. The company didn't lose anything because of me, and I got to play a game I couldn't afford.

AGREE 100%


佳佳玩游戏 发表于 2014-12-14 11:56


hljjhb 发表于 2014-12-14 11:59

leong950 发表于 2014-12-14 10:33 static/image/common/back.gif
如此高调打脸,reloded、sk ...

国外用户是看不了中国的视频音乐网站的 因为版权问题

haorenyou 发表于 2014-12-14 12:05


leong950 发表于 2014-12-14 12:07

hljjhb 发表于 2014-12-14 11:59 static/image/common/back.gif
国外用户是看不了中国的视频音乐网站的 因为版权问题


游园惊梦830331 发表于 2014-12-14 12:11

haorenyou 发表于 2014-12-14 12:05 static/image/common/back.gif
破解第一时间其实补丁就已经被放在各大国外论坛上了,应该是有组织的行为,各国玩家赞誉不断,这个楼主不用 ...

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 3DM破解已成功,不知道外国媒体和玩家怎么说,有知道的吗?