升级3号后人的脸色全变的发青,白种人像丧尸一样,吓人啊 是怎么回事啊,就我一个么?
本帖最后由 pm327232 于 2014-12-12 21:04 编辑升级后人的脸色全变的发青,白种人像丧尸一样,吓人啊
脸超级红。。。也是醉了 我的也是,3号补丁叫做“我和僵尸有个约会”。 没图你说个贾斯汀比伯 superallen0514 发表于 2014-12-12 15:48 static/image/common/back.gif
看看这颜色对吗? jy26755 发表于 2014-12-12 09:19 static/image/common/back.gif
wd897227165 发表于 2014-12-11 22:01 static/image/common/back.gif
重新調整一下設置,或是直接到C:\Users\UsersName\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\NBA 2K15
改VideoSettings.cfg這個檔,調整細節可以參考資料夾中的VideoSettingsHelp 挺好!! stephenyang8250 发表于 2014-12-13 10:52 static/image/common/back.gif
重新調整一下設置,或是直接到C:\Users\UsersName\AppDa ...
谢谢,去试试看 怎么改呀, 我第一次装这个补丁 stephenyang8250 发表于 2014-12-13 10:52 static/image/common/back.gif
重新調整一下設置,或是直接到C:\Users\UsersName\AppDa ...
WIDTH, HEIGHT (螢幕長寬,用來調整解析度)
Display resolution.
It is recommended to choose a display resolution with the same aspect ratio as your monitor.
The resolutions allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.
For monitors with a 16:9 aspect ratio the recommended display resolution is:
1920 x 1080 for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.
1280 x 720 for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.
or the closest matching 16:9 resolution.
For monitors with a 16:10 aspect ratio the recommended display resolution is:
1920 x 1200 for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.
1280 x 800 for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.
or the closest matching 16:10 resolution.
Monitor refresh rate. This game was designed for REFRESHRATE=60.
The refresh rates allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.
For the best experience, please use REFRESHRATE=60, VSYNC=1 and BUFFERCOUNT=3.
Please use lower performance settings if 60 FPS cannot be maintained.
If 60 FPS still cannot be maintained, please use VSYNC=0 and BUFFERCOUNT=1.
Number of queued display buffers.
For the best experience, please use REFRESHRATE=60, VSYNC=1 and BUFFERCOUNT=3.
Please use lower performance settings if 60 FPS cannot be maintained.
If 60 FPS still cannot be maintained, please use VSYNC=0 and BUFFERCOUNT=1.
BUFFERCOUNT=1- Single buffering. Recommended when VSYNC=0
BUFFERCOUNT=2- Double buffering.
BUFFERCOUNT=3- Triple buffering. Recommended when VSYNC=1
VSYNC (垂直同步)
Vertical refresh synchronization control.
VSYNC=0- Do not synchronize to the REFRESHRATE.
VSYNC=1- Synchronize frame rate to REFRESHRATE.
VSYNC=2- Synchronize frame rate to half the REFRESHRATE.
VSYNC=3 or higher- Not recommended.
DYNAMIC_VSYNC (垂直同步動態控制)
Control for dynamic VSYNC. Only valid when VSYNC=1
DYNAMIC_VSYNC=0- Always use the specified VSYNC. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.
DYNAMIC_VSYNC=1- Dynamically switch from VSYNC=1 to VSYNC=2 in non-interactive game cameras. Recommended for systems that run 60 FPS while playing the game, but cannot maintain 60 FPS in non-interactive parts.
LETTERBOX (文字解析度??不知道怎麼翻)
Aspect ratio control. This game was designed for 16:9 aspect ratio.
LETTERBOX=0- Assume 16:9 aspect ratio. No aspect ratio correction will be applied.
LETTERBOX=1- Maintain 16:9 aspect ratio. The remainder of the display will be black.
Number of seconds of mouse idle time before the cursor is hidden.
WINDOWMODE=0- Full-screen. Recommended for performance.
WINDOWMODE=1- Windowed.
WINDOWMODE=2- Full-screen Windowed. Recommended for responsive change of window focus (e.g. "Alt-Tab").
WINDOW_X, WINDOW_Y (視窗模式的大小)
Position of window when WINDOWMODE=1.
A window positioned outside the valid region for any monitor will be placed in center of the selected monitor.
MSAA (就MSAA這要怎麼翻......=.=,抗鋸齒設定)
Hardware accelerated multi-sample anti-aliasing level control.
MSAA=0 or 1- No multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for low-end graphics cards or systems with less than 1 GB of VRAM.
MSAA=2 - 2 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing.
MSAA=4 - 4 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for systems with 1 GB of VRAM or more.
MSAA=8 - 8 levels of multi-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for high-end graphics cards with 3 GB of VRAM or more.
Driver specific multi-sample anti-aliasing quality level setting.
The definition of a quality level is up to each hardware vendor to define. No facility is provided to us by Direct3D to help discover this information.
For more info, see "ID3D11Device::CheckMultisampleQualityLevels" http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff476499%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
For NVidia cards this option usually controls FMAA or CSAA. See http://www.geforce.com/hardware/technology/mfaa/technology
For AMD/ATI cards this option usually controls EQAA. See http://developer.amd.com/wordpress/media/2012/10/EQAA%2520Modes%2520for%2520AMD%2520HD%25206900%2520Series%2520Cards.pdf
As of 2014/10/22 the NVidia 900 series drivers have yet to add support for FMAA.
SUPERSAMPLE (超級採樣??是這樣翻嗎?個人建議用0-1,最高不要超過2)
Super-sample anti-aliasing levels. Can be combined with MSAA for higher anti-aliasing than provided in hardware.
SUPERSAMPLE=0 or 1 - No super-sample anti-aliasing. Recommended for systems with less than 4 GB of VRAM.
SUPERSAMPLE=2 - Render with double the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 4 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
SUPERSAMPLE=3 - Render with triple the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 9 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
SUPERSAMPLE=4 - Render with quadruple the WIDTH and HEIGHT resolution. Will take 16 times as much VRAM for render buffers!
SUPERSAMPLE=5 or higher- Not recommended. May cause driver crash and/or stalling.
MONITOR (外接螢幕設定)
Which display monitor to use. Use MONITOR=0 for the main monitor.
The resolutions allowed may vary depending on which monitor you select.
Maximum number of texture anisotropic sampling levels allowed.
MAXANISOTROPY=1 - Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
MAXANISOTROPY=16- Recommended for high-end and mid-range graphics cards.
Texture resolution detail level control.
Use of high or medium resolution textures may increase load time,
and can cause large stalls when using a setting higher than recommended.
TEXTURELOD=0- High resolution. Recommended for systems with 3 GB or more of VRAM.
TEXTURELOD=1- Medium resolution. Recommended for systems with 2 GB or more of VRAM.
TEXTURELOD=2- Low resolution. Recommended for systems with less than 2 GB of VRAM.
Player mesh resolution detail level and cloth simulation control.
PLAYERLOD=0- Cloth simulation enabled. Recommended for CPUs with 4 or more cores.
PLAYERLOD=0- High resolution mesh detail. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.
PLAYERLOD=1- Medium resolution mesh detail. Recommended for mid-range graphics cards.
PLAYERLOD=2- Low resolution mesh detail. Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
CROWDLOD (觀眾解析度)
Crowd mesh resolution detail level.
CROWDLOD=0- High resolution mesh detail. Recommended for high-end graphics cards.
CROWDLOD=1- Medium resolution mesh detail. Recommended for mid-range graphics cards.
CROWDLOD=2- Low resolution mesh detail. Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
CROWDLOD=3- No crowd.
Shader detail control.
SHADERLOD=0- High detail shaders. Recommended for high-end and mid-range graphics cards.
SHADERLOD=1- Low detail shaders. Recommended for low-end graphics cards.
HAIRLOD (頭髮解析度)
Hair shader detail control.
HAIRLOD=0- High detail hair shader. Only allowed when SHADERLOD=1.
HAIRLOD=1- Low detail hair shader. Use fast hair shader in gameplay cameras.
Master control for all special effects.
EFFECTLOD=0- Allow special effects. Recommended for high-end and mid-range graphics cards. Shader model 4.1 or higher is required.
EFFECTLOD=1- Disable all special effects. Recommended for low-end graphics cards. Shader model 4.0 or higher is required.
Color correction effect control.
COLOR_CORRECTION=0- Disable color correction. Also disabled when EFFECTLOD=1.
COLOR_CORRECTION=1- Allow color correction. Only allowed when EFFECTLOD=0.
DEPTH_OF_FIELD (球場深度??不知道是甚麼)
Depth-of-field effect control.
DEPTH_OF_FIELD=0- Disable depth-of-field. Also disabled when EFFECTLOD=1.
DEPTH_OF_FIELD=1- Allow depth-of-field. Only allowed when EFFECTLOD=0.
Screen-space ambient-occlusion effect control.
SSAO=0- Disable screen-space ambient-occlusion. Also disabled when EFFECTLOD=1.
SSAO=1- Allow screen-space ambient-occlusion. Only allowed when EFFECTLOD=0.
Bloom effect control.
BLOOM=0- Disable bloom effect. Also disabled when EFFECTLOD=1.
BLOOM=1- Allow bloom effect. Only allowed when EFFECTLOD=0.
Volumetric effect control.
VOLUMETRIC_EFFECTS=0- Disable volumetric effect. Also disabled when EFFECTLOD=1.
VOLUMETRIC_EFFECTS=1- Allow volumetric effect. Only allowed when EFFECTLOD=0.
Floor reflections control.
REFLECTIONS=0 - Disable floor reflections.
REFLECTIONS=1 - Enable floor reflections.
VIBRATION (手把震動效果)
XInput controller vibration control.
Only 'XInput' (XBOX 360 compatible) controllers support vibration. 'DInput' controllers do not.
On newer Logitech Rumblepad 2 controllers (those with X,Y,A,B buttons) there is a small button to switch from 'D' to 'X'. Only the 'X' setting will allow vibration.
For those using the DS3 tool for PS3 controllers, you need to select Xbox 360 controller emulation to allow vibration.
VIBRATION=0.0- No vibration.
VIBRATION=0.5- Weak vibration.
VIBRATION=1.0- Normal vibration.
VIBRATION=1.5- Above normal vibration.
VIBRATION=2.0- High vibration.
VIBRATION=3.0- Intense vibration.
Process priority control. This can also be set in the windows task manager.
ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=0- Normal priority.
ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY=1- Above normal priority. Recommended for all systems.
Control for internal D3D driver threading.
D3D_INTERNAL_THREADING_OPTIMIZATIONS=0- Disallow multi-threaded graphics driver.
D3D_INTERNAL_THREADING_OPTIMIZATIONS=1- Allow multi-threaded graphics driver. Recommended for all systems.
Texture format conversion control.
For more info, see "Format Conversion Using Direct3D 10.1" http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb694531%28v=vs.85%29.aspx#Differences
FAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_CONVERSION=0- Use CPU for texture transfer after block compression. Recommended for driver stability. May cause stuttering on loading screens. Shader model 4.0 or higher is required.
FAST_TEXTURE_FORMAT_CONVERSION=1- Use GPU for texture transfer after block compression. This is known to cause driver crash on some older graphics cards. Shader model 4.1 or higher is required.
Control for dynamic environment maps.
DYNAMIC_ENVIRONMENT_MAP=0- Disable dynamic environment maps. Recommended for Intel integrated and older GPUs. Shader model 4.0 or higher is required.
DYNAMIC_ENVIRONMENT_MAP=1- Enable dynamic environment maps. Recommended for newer AMD and NVIDIA GPUs. Shader model 4.1 or higher is required. Has been known to cause artifacts on older graphics cards.
Shader creation control
JIT_SHADER_CREATE=0- Create shaders on file load. May cause stuttering on loading screens.
JIT_SHADER_CREATE=1- Create shaders on first draw. May improve load time at the cost of in-game stuttering.
Which graphics adapter to use on systems with more than one graphics card.
Only graphics cards connected to a monitor are recognized.
However this does not prevent the use of SLI. For SLI settings please refer to your graphics card control panel.
stephenyang8250 发表于 2014-12-15 10:12 static/image/common/back.gif
我英文不好,就不翻譯了,自 ...
melochen 发表于 2014-12-15 12:15 static/image/common/back.gif