白羽黑甲 发表于 2021-1-6 22:37

太棒了楼主 为你点赞

kskksj“dmdjdkx 发表于 2021-1-15 20:35


ammlee 发表于 2021-1-24 00:01


liuge3 发表于 2021-1-25 15:05


realdrizzt 发表于 2021-2-2 17:21


wangkailuixi 发表于 2021-2-6 11:15


pengdifa 发表于 2021-2-11 01:02


金山网 发表于 2021-2-11 10:29


-ぢ熾天使々 发表于 2021-2-11 14:37


Runemorzie 发表于 2021-2-14 09:49


xhshoho 发表于 2021-2-27 13:27

Yellow, this mod needs a different strategy compared to base game. Population is king in GoldenAge, so you need to focus on food (and housing). Magnus as leader in your capital is a must to start, until about population 20-25 (+100% growth is HUGE). I tend to lag behind AI in science/culture until I can get to Medieval Faires civic, which is also about the time I switch capital to Pingala. Your main focus in early game is growth, don't let your growth slow down, ever - especially make sure you have enough housing. Be aware that Appeal has a huge affect on housing, too.

Also, don't worry about the straight numbers too much - there is a "slow down" mechanic, for instance if AI is in Classic Era but researching Medieval Era techs, those techs will cost extra, slowing down their progress. Sometimes AI gets a crazy good start location, they can be really strong early on, but you can catch up.

If you want a strong science civ to try, I recommend:
1. Seondeok, strong Campus (Seowon) bonus and also good growth
2. Lady Six Sky, IF you get a mountain start, she gets adjacency bonus for mountains
3. Pachacuti, same as Lady SS, plus gets huge growth from terrace farms

Hermetic Order can also give some civs huge adjacency bonus, but it can be very hit or miss whether you get enough Leylines near your cities to do this.Yellow, this mod needs a different strategy compared to base game. Population is king in GoldenAge, so you need to focus on food (and housing). Magnus as leader in your capital is a must to start, until about population 20-25 (+100% growth is HUGE). I tend to lag behind AI in science/culture until I can get to Medieval Faires civic, which is also about the time I switch capital to Pingala. Your main focus in early game is growth, don't let your growth slow down, ever - especially make sure you have enough housing. Be aware that Appeal has a huge affect on housing, too.

Also, don't worry about the straight numbers too much - there is a "slow down" mechanic, for instance if AI is in Classic Era but researching Medieval Era techs, those techs will cost extra, slowing down their progress. Sometimes AI gets a crazy good start location, they can be really strong early on, but you can catch up.

If you want a strong science civ to try, I recommend:
1. Seondeok, strong Campus (Seowon) bonus and also good growth
2. Lady Six Sky, IF you get a mountain start, she gets adjacency bonus for mountains
3. Pachacuti, same as Lady SS, plus gets huge growth from terrace farms

Hermetic Order can also give some civs huge adjacency bonus, but it can be very hit or miss whether you get enough Leylines near your cities to do this.Yellow, this mod needs a different strategy compared to base game. Population is king in GoldenAge, so you need to focus on food (and housing). Magnus as leader in your capital is a must to start, until about population 20-25 (+100% growth is HUGE). I tend to lag behind AI in science/culture until I can get to Medieval Faires civic, which is also about the time I switch capital to Pingala. Your main focus in early game is growth, don't let your growth slow down, ever - especially make sure you have enough housing. Be aware that Appeal has a huge affect on housing, too.

Also, don't worry about the straight numbers too much - there is a "slow down" mechanic, for instance if AI is in Classic Era but researching Medieval Era techs, those techs will cost extra, slowing down their progress. Sometimes AI gets a crazy good start location, they can be really strong early on, but you can catch up.

If you want a strong science civ to try, I recommend:
1. Seondeok, strong Campus (Seowon) bonus and also good growth
2. Lady Six Sky, IF you get a mountain start, she gets adjacency bonus for mountains
3. Pachacuti, same as Lady SS, plus gets huge growth from terrace farms

Hermetic Order can also give some civs huge adjacency bonus, but it can be very hit or miss whether you get enough Leylines near your cities to do this.

ezun069 发表于 2021-3-11 14:16


14714910307 发表于 2021-3-12 00:01


tangzhongyi23 发表于 2021-3-20 11:12


kk123456789 发表于 2021-4-4 01:22


bzpyq0513 发表于 2021-4-14 20:07


3dm_18331163 发表于 2021-4-16 00:40


kfgw0778 发表于 2021-4-21 16:07


749610436 发表于 2021-4-27 19:43


熏衣草 发表于 2021-4-30 03:15


f290632665 发表于 2021-5-8 13:13


biaoge2016 发表于 2021-5-8 22:02


lyj6634 发表于 2021-5-9 14:18


zhanzhanli 发表于 2021-5-9 17:19


wlj114477 发表于 2021-6-9 19:30


b_on_jour 发表于 2021-6-13 15:47


深白色的 发表于 2021-6-14 01:18


oopppxx 发表于 2021-6-18 16:00


iver3javiercc 发表于 2021-6-21 07:45


ylwq1657 发表于 2021-7-4 03:30

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