俄罗斯正版修改语言方法 可改英语后汉化 本人亲测成功
1) Copy en.sb and en.toc files from the international version to the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age Inquisition\Data\Win32\loctext" directory. You don't need to delete the "ru" files.2) Copy GDFBinary_en_US.dll from the international version to the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer" directory. You do not need to delete GDFBinary_ru_RU.dll.
3) Open the registry editor, go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BioWare\Dragon Age Inquisition", and change the following keys:
Locale: from "ru_RU" to "en_US".
GDFBinary: from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer\GDFBinary_ru_RU.dll" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer\GDFBinary_en_US.dll".
4) Now go to the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Origin Games" key. There will be a bunch of subkeys related to Dragon Age Inquisition. Change the "Locale" to "en_US" for all of them.
5) Download Outcome - free replacement for the Origin client: http://outcome.nofate.me/
6) CLOSE ORIGIN!!! (this was my mistake). Run Outcome, log in with your origin credentials, and let it patch the DragonAgeInquisition.par file.
7) Run the game directly (DragonAgeInquisition.exe) or using a desktop shortcut. Enjoy the full international version
Good. Now let's try to refine this method, and eliminate the unnecessary steps. What I've found out so far is:
- Everything related to GDFBinary_en_US.dll is unneeded. You can leaveGDFBinary_ru_RU.dll as it is both in the game directory and in the registry.
- Changing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BioWare\Dragon Age Inquisition\Locale to en_US can be skipped. If you leave it at ru_RU, the game will launch in Russian, but you'll be able to select English from the in-game menu.
- Files en.sb and en.toc are absolutely needed. You won't be able to activate English subtitles without them.
建议先看后面一段 可以避免一些不需要的操作 看不懂可以谷歌 总之就是回来给说不可能的人表示下 啪啪啪 我能叫你一声亲哥吗?用这个方法成功改成日文版了,我折腾了快一个礼拜终于靠你的方法成功了,拜服!!! 1)复制ja.sb和ja.toc到“Dragon Age Inquisition\Data\Win32\loctext”。
2)复制GDFBinary_ja_JP.dll到“Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer”。
3)打开运行,输入regedit打开注册表,定位到“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BioWare\Dragon Age Inquisition”,将
嗯,我这是改日语用的,本想发个新帖子的但是权限不够,借个楼 我去!回家试试看 楼上的亲哥:lol
不用那么麻烦。就把楼上发的那个压缩文件里的ja.tocja.sb两个文件考入相应的文件夹。然后在选项中的语音分项里,就可以选用日语了。。。。:lol:lol谢谢大伙儿 我要从头来过 好好品味剧情。对于做过日语教师的我来说。日语也算是半个母语啦。 感谢分享! shinja 发表于 2014-11-26 16:04 static/image/common/back.gif
我要从头来过 好好品味剧情。对于做过日语教师的我来说。日语也算是半个母语啦。 ...
游戏是日语配音吗? 不是。配音还是英语的。只是字幕可以换成日语字幕 用上之后真的变成日文了,但是无法联机啊? dokebi 发表于 2014-11-27 12:46 static/image/common/back.gif
我是买的俄版 所以才改注册表下OUTCOME 至于国际版估计就是直接放语言包就好 应该可以联机
shinja 发表于 2014-11-26 16:02 static/image/common/back.gif
不用那么麻烦。就把楼上发的那个压缩文件里的ja.tocja.sb两个文件考入相应的文件夹。 ...
根本不可能。ORIGIN是锁日文区的,除非买的全球版,不然你有语言文件放进去也没用,我各种方法实验了一个礼拜了。 顶楼的方法里唯一我没做到的就是使用outcome这个软件,而这个才是关键
感谢分享!!!!! 十分不错!!!