A startup company by the name of Soft Machines has just exited its “stealth” phase and gone public for the first time at the Linley Processor Conference. Which many startups go through to ensure that their ideas are protected and their principal goals are met before they go public.“The VISC architecture achieves 3-4 times more instructions per cycle (IPC), resulting in 2-4 times higher performance per watt on single- and multi-threaded applications. Moreover, VISC uses a light-weight “virtual software layer” that makes VISC architecture applicable to existing as well as new software ecosystems.” The company claimed in its press release.http://cdn2.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/VISC_Title.jpgSoft Machines is based in Santa Clara, California, USA with operations in India and Russia. It has over 250 employees and is in the business of licensing and co-developing VISC-architecture-based Core and SoC products. It’s been operating since 2006 to deliver a new type of CPU architecture the company calls VISC. Which is short for Virtual Instruction Set Computing.The CEO of the company Mahesh Lingareddy along with the President, CTO and co-founder Mohammad Abdallah both came from Intel to found Soft Machines. Their principal goal was to bring back single-threaded scaling at the pace of golden age Silicon Valley and they plan to do just that with the VISC architecture.机翻了下。按摩店你真是无敌了、。核心性能玩不也来 逆 超线程了。
当年英特尔的sandy bridge面世前也这么宣传来着 不信广告,信疗效 一个物理核心能虚拟四个线程?{:3_114:}
核心速度上不去也没啥大用吧?{:3_103:} 奸11 发表于 2014-10-28 06:34 static/image/common/back.gif
核心速度上不去也没啥大用吧? ...
Soft Machines 联合创始人、总裁兼首席技术官 Mohammad Abdallah 表示,“随着 VISC 构架的开发成功,我们已达成此目标。VISC 架构的问世象征着 CPU 设计新时代的开始。当耗能限制迫使基于 CISC 和 RISC 的设计趋向多核应用时,CPU 调整(scaling)的时代已彻底成为过去。多核应用要求实现串行应用程序异常复杂的多线程。VISC 架构通过在虚拟内核上运行虚拟硬件线程, 从’内部’ (under the hood) 解决了这一问题。这种虚拟硬件线程的效率远超过软件多线程的效率。”
VISC 架构的调整(scaling) 是通过更改虚拟内核和虚拟线程的数量来实现。这种方法提供的单一架构可以满足多种程序的应用,包括物联网 (IoT) 、手机软件和数据中心市场。
Linley Group 首席分析师 Linley Gwennap 对此评论说:“Soft Machines 研发的 VISC 架构代表解决现今 CPU 设计最关键问题方面的一大进步。通过将负荷转嫁给硬件,VISC 旨在将多线程技术的优势分配给各应用程序。”
:o已经成功了? leiren 发表于 2014-10-28 19:01 static/image/common/back.gif